培训啦 问答 留学


发布时间: 2024年11月27日 09:32

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这篇应该很适合 ~~e799bee5baa6e997aee7ad94e78988e69d8331333238636662~~~~~~ The spirit of Korean Buddhism Since being brought to Korea in the late fourth century, Buddhism has evolved under the influence of the Korean spirit. based on Buddha's enlightenment and teachings of wisdom and compassion, 'Korean Buddhism' was created on the Korean soil by the Korean people. It has three unique characteristics compared to Indian and Chinese Buddhism. Firstly, Korean Buddhism is universal and liberal, especially in solving cultural problems. When Buddhism first encountered Korean culture, the relationship was reciprocal and peaceful. On the one hand, Korean Buddhists accepted the traditional Korean culture; but on the other hand, they developed new meaning and value from the culture. Accordingly, Korean Buddhism has adjusted to the spirit of the Korean people and has become one with them. Secondly, Korean Buddhism protects the nation and the people. From the beginning, it has played a vital role in times of turmoil. While searching for its religious goals and ideologies, it has always been concerned with national glory and peace. Throughout its long history, Korean Buddhism has helped to protect the nation on many occasions. For example, during the fifteenth century, Buddhist monks became soldiers and rose up to protect the nation against the Japanese invasion. As a result, Korean Buddhism was called 'protector of the nation.' Thirdly, Korean Buddhism symbolizes harmony. It has not only reconciled conflicting religious ideas and schools, but also harmonized religious disagreements between theory and practice. Overcoming philosophical conflicts, Korean Buddhism has developed through the deeds of a long line of eminent Korean practitioners. This harmonious character was started by Master Wonhyo (617-686). With a philosophy of reconciliation, he harmonized various doctrines at a higher stage. Later, Master Daegak Uichon (1055-1101) and Master Bojo Jinul (1158-1210) continued in the same manner. Uichon recognized the logic and value of Wonhyo's conciliatory philosophy and tried to unite Korean Buddhism by combining theory and practice. Jinul also combined theory and practice in his creative movement of practicing meditation and wisdom together.

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