你这个预科是不是叫IFP?我没有请过中介 不知道中介一般都是怎么走程序的多伦多大学是有一个叫international foundation programThe International Foundation Program (IFP) is a unique offering that combines conditional acceptance to the University of Toronto with intensive English language instruction and for-credit courses. The IFP is available to academically qualified international students whose English fluency scores do not meet the University of Toronto’s direct entrance requirements. Successful completion of the IFP guarantees admission to the Faculty of Arts & Science or the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering with one full credit.这是官方主页介绍意思就是如果你被学校录取了但是语言不够要求 可以去读IFP 边学语言边读大一的课程语言过关了就可以转正了多伦多就这一个可以算是预科的东西 其他没有 这个是正规的 但是你要确定你被录的是这个..而不是中介忽悠的别的东西你可以主动发邮件问问学校的招生办嘛..
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