我也曾经和英国一位朋友讨论过英国大学的排名问题。引用他的原话:You are absolutely right to be sceptical of 'league'perforance' tables as these can be and I suspect, frequently are, manipulated to 'produce the desired results'. They can be very misleading as, apart from anything else, universities, more and more, are specialising and therefore, either don't offer a particular course or don't offer a course of a high standard but then, how can an appropriate choice be made, especially from a distant country, with, quite possible, a different academic culture? There is an old saying which sums up both of the problems you have raised and it say that, nowadays, " We know the cost of everything but the value of nothing"! We have to change but at the moment, I cannot see the will to be honest and to face the facts!一句话不可信,但是对完全英国大学一无所知的人也的确能起到点引导作用,能上排行榜的都基本是一些古老又有名声的大学。但是对这些大学进行排名,那完全是一个笑话。这样可以么?
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