培训啦 问答 留学


发布时间: 2022-07-26 21:21:01
没找道所谓的排名:这些都是岩土厉害的,University of California - Berkeley - Virginia Tech - Imperial College Geotechnics - Cambridge University's Geotechnical Research Group - CWRU Geotechnical Centrifuge Stanford University of Wisconsin - Iowa State University - Michigan Technological University - University of California - Department of : Civil and Environmental Engineering - Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering - Texas A&M University - Department of Civil Engineering - The University of Strathclyde - Civil Engineering Department - Provide undergraduate and post graduate courses. Research areas include geotechnical engineering, water and environmental management, fluid mechanics and hydraulic engineering and coastal hydraulics. United Kingdom.Johns Hopkins University - Department of Civil Engineering -Provides a range of information on undergraduate and graduate programs. Research areas include geomechanics and geotechnical engineering, probalistic methods and hazard management, and structural engineering.Queen's University - Faculty of Civil Engineering - Provide undergraduate and advanced graduate studies. Subject areas include geotechnical, geoenvironmental, structures, water quality and coastal engineering. Canada.University of South Wales - School of Civil and Environmental Engineering - Runs a range of programs at both undergraduate and postgraduate level. Subject areas include geotechnical, water, structural, transport, and construction and management. United Kingdom.McGill University - Department of Civil Engineering and Applied Mechanics - Offers programs at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Broad programs of study are available that offer specialized courses in all areas of civil engineering. Canada.Brigham Young University - Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering - Resources for professors, students, prospective students and alumni. Features news and events, and research.Centre for Timber Engineering - Napier University - Provides education, research and consultancy in the various uses of timber in construction. Features courses, staff and research, and events.
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