培训啦 考试问答 > 考研英语


发布时间: 2023-03-07 14:25:03


例1:Trying to maintain eye contact may backfire if you’ re trying to convince someone who has a different set of beliefs than you.

1. 第一步:断长句;

(1) 根据从属连词可以将句子分成三个部分:

结构1:Trying to maintain eye contact may backfire

结构2:if you’ re trying to convince someone

结构3:who has a different set of beliefs than you

2. 第二步:抓主句,识从句;

(1) 根据找谓语动词,然后匹配从属连词,得出主句谓语进而确定主句;

主句:Trying to maintain eye contact may backfire


If条件状语从句:if you’ re trying to convince someone

Who定语从句:who has a different set of beliefs than you


3. 第三步:解决单词问题

eye contact 眼神交流;backfire 适得其反;convince 使信服;belief 信仰;

4. 第四步:调语序,定句意

(1) 条件状语从句和定语从句放在主句前面翻译


例2:Before each of their revelations,many thinkers at the time had sustained more ancient ways of thinking,including the geocentric view that the Earth was at the centre of our universe.

1. 第一步:断长句;

(2) 根据标点符号可以将句子分成三个部分:

结构1:Before each of their revelations

结构2:many thinkers at the time had sustained more ancient ways of thinking

结构3:including the geocentric view that the Earth was at the centre of our universe

2. 第二步:抓主句,识从句;

(3) 根据找谓语动词,然后匹配从属连词,得出主句谓语进而确定主句;

主句:many thinkers at the time had sustained more ancient ways of thinking

主语:many thinkers;谓语:had sustained;宾语:more ancient ways

状语1:at the time; 定语2:of thinking


that同位语从句:the Earth was at the centre of our universe

其他:时间状语:Before each of their revelations;

同位语:including the geocentric view (对ways of thinking进行解释说明)

3. 第三步:解决单词问题

revelations:启示;sustained维持; geocentric地心说; universe宇宙

4. 第四步:调语序,定句意

(4) 时间状语+定语1+主语+谓语+定语2+宾语+同位语+同位语从句


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