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发布时间: 2023-02-27 14:15:02


小标题考查的为段落与标题的匹配,其实质是已知信息(段落)与未知信息(标题)的相似处,通过原词与同义表达来体现。该题特征明显,一般首段不命题且有自己的大标题,所以可以先观察文段的一个中心内容,再逐个解题。建议的解题顺序为:1. 阅读首段,确定文章主题;2. 读小标题,做到心中有数; 3. 读段落,匹配标题(反复出现的原词以及同义表达)


[A] Be present

[B] Just say it

[C] Ask for an opinion

[D] Name,places,things

[E] Find the me toos

[F] Pay a unique compliment

[G] Skip the small talk

Five Ways to Make Conversation with Anyone

(Para 1)Conversations are links,which means when you have a conversation with a new person a link gets formed and every conversation you have after that moment will strengthen the link.

(Para 2)You meet new people every day: the grocery worker,the cab driver,new people at work or the security guard at the door. Simply starting a conversation with them will form a link.

(Para 3)Here are five simple ways that you can make the first move and start a conversation with strangers.

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(Para 4)Suppose you are in a room with someone you don’t know and something within you says I want to talk with this person—this is something that mostly happens with all of us. You wanted to say something—the first word—but it just won’t come out,it feels like it is stuck somewhere. I know the feeling and here is my advice: just get it out.

(Para 5)Just think: what is the worst that could happen? They won’t talk with you? Well,they are not talking with you now!

(Para 6)I truly believe that once you get that first word out everything else will just flow. So keep it simple: Hi,Hey or Hello—do the best you can to gather all of the enthusiasm and energy you can,put on a big smile and say Hi.

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(Para 7)It’s a problem all of us face; you have limited time with the person that you want to talk with and you want to make this talk memorable.

(Para 8)Honestly,if we got stuck in the rut of hi,hello,how are you? and what’s going on?,you will fail to give the initial jolt to the conversation that can make it so memorable .

(Para 9)So don’t be afraid to ask more personal questions. Trust me,you’ll be surprised to see how much people are willing to share if you just ask.

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(Para 10)When you meet a person for the first time,make an effort to find the things which you and that person have in common so that you can build the

conversation from that point. When you start conversation from there and then move outwards,you’ll find all of a sudden that the conversation becomes a lot easier.

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(Para 11)Imagine you are pouring your heart out to someone and they are just busy on their phone,and if you ask for their attention you get the response I can multitask.

(Para 12)So when someone tries to communicate with you,just be in that communication wholeheartedly. Make eye contact. Trust me,eye contact is where all the magic happens. When you make eye contact,you can feel the conversation.

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(Para 13)You all came into a conversation where you first met the person,but after some time you may have met again and have forgotten their name. Isn’t that awkward!

(Para 14)So,remember the little details of the people you met or you talked with; perhaps the places they have been to ,the places they want to go,the things they like,the things they hate—whatever you talk about.

(Para 15)When you remember such things you can automatically become investor in their wellbeing. So they feel a responsibility to you to keep that relationship going.

(Para 16)That’s it. Five amazing ways that you can make conversation with almost anyone. Every person is a really good book to read,or to have a conversation with!

信息匹配题的考查本质其实就是找到未知信息与已知信息的最大相似性,而相似性则是由原词或者同义表达来体现的。因此,做题时建议的解题步骤为:1. 浏览文章,划出所有题干中的专有名词(人名,书名)以及相关指代;2. 浏览选项,匹配信息,重点找与文中描述人名书名相关信息的一些原词复现或者同义表达。


(Para 1)Emerging in the late Sixties and reaching a peak in the Seventies,Land Art was one of a range of new forms,including Body Art,Performance Art,Action Art and Installation Art,which pushed art beyond the traditional confines of the studio and gallery. Rather than portraying landscape,land artists used the physical substance of the land itself as their medium.

(Para 2)The British land art,typified by Richard Long’s piece,was not only more domestically scaled,but a lot quirkier than its American counterpart. Indeed,while you might assume that an exhibition of Land Art would consist only of records of works rather than the works themselves,Long’s photograph of his work is the work. Since his action is in the past,the photograph is its sole embodiment.

(Para 3)That might seem rather an obscure point,but it sets the tone for an exhibition that contains a lot of black-and-white photographs and relatively few natural objects.

(Para 4)Long is Britain’s best-known Land Artist and his Stone Circle,a perfect ring of purplish rocks from Portishead beach laid out on the gallery floor,represents the elegant,rarefied side of the form. The Boyle Family,on the other hand,stands for its dirty,urban aspect. Comprising artists Mark Boyle and Joan Hills and their children,they recreated random sections of the British landscape on gallery walls. Their Olaf Street Study,a square of brick-strewn waste ground,is one of the few works here to embrace the commonplaceness that characterizes most of our experience of the landscape most of the time.

(Para 5)Parks feature,particularly in the earlier works,such as John Hilliard’s very funny Across the Park,in which a long-haired stroller is variously smiled at by a pretty girl and unwittingly assaulted in a sequence of images that turn out to be different parts of the same photograph.

(Para 6)Generally however British land artists preferred to get away from towns,gravitating towards landscapes that are traditionally considered beautiful such as the Lake District or the Wiltshire Downs. While it probably wasn’t apparent at the time,much of this work is permeated by a spirit of romantic escapism that the likes of Wordsworth would have readily understood. Derek Jarman’s yellow-tinted film Towards Avebury,a collection of long,mostly still shots of the Wiltshire landscape evokes a tradition of English landscape painting stretching from Samuel Palmer to Pant Nash.

(Para 7)In the case of Hamish Fulton,you can’t help feeling that the Scottish artist has simply found a way of making his love of walking pay. A typical work,such as Seven Days,consists of a single beautiful black-and-white photograph taken on an epic walk,with the mileage and number of days taken listed beneath. British Land Art as shown in this well selected,but relatively modestly scaled exhibition wasn’t about imposing on the landscape,more a kind of landscape-orientated light conceptual art created passing through. It had its origins in the great outdoors,but the results were as gallery-bound as the paintings of Turner and Constable.

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