2022考研英语备考复习库 词汇 语法 翻译 新题型 完型 写作
A more direct finding is that people who scored high for negative emotions like anxiety looked at others for shorter periods of time and reported more comfortable feelings when others did not look directly at them. 2020英语一新题型
主句: A more direct finding is that
表语从句:that people+定语从句+looked others for shorter periods of time and reported more comfortable feelings +状语从句
定语从句(先行词people):who scored high for negative emotions like anxiety
状语从句(修饰reported more comfortable feelings):when others did not look directly at them.
A more direct finding is that
主干:a finding主,is系动词,that引导表从
that people+定语从句+looked others for shorter periods of time and reported more comfortable feelings +状语从句
主干:people主语,looked谓语1,others宾语1,and reported 并列连词+谓语2,feelings宾语2
修饰:for shorter periods状语修饰looked,of time定语修饰periods,morecomfortable前置定语修饰feelings
who scored high for negative emotions like anxiety
修饰:high状语修饰scored,for negative emotions 状语修饰high,like anxiety同位语修饰emotions
when others did not look directly at them.
主干:others主语,did not look at谓语,them宾语