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发布时间: 2023-03-13 12:40:04

姓 名: 曾 嵘
出生年月: 1971年11月
技术职务: 教授,博士生导师
办公电话: 010-62789626,010-62788811
Email地址: zengrong@tsinghua.edu.cn
清华大学电机系教授,系主任,国家杰出青年基金获得者,IET Fellow。
1995年7月于清华大学电机系本科毕业,获工学学士学位;1999年7月博士毕业,清华大学优秀博士毕业生,后留校任教。2005年教育部新世纪优秀人才,2006年清华大学副教授博导,2007年清华大学电机系教授,2012年获评IET Fellow、茅以升北京青年科技奖,2013年获国家杰出青年科学基金。期间多次赴斯坦福大学材料系、新加坡大学数学系、香港大学电机系开展访问与合作研究。目前主要从事超特高压交直流输电中的电磁暂态及其防护、电磁环境与电磁测量、直流电网及其关键装备等教学和研究工作。
☆ 全国高压直流输电设备标准化技术委员会委员
☆ 中国电机工程学会变电站电磁环境学组副主任委员
☆ 《高电压技术》编委
☆ IET Fellow
☆CIGRE SC C3中国代表
☆ IEEE Senior Member
☆ CIGRE WG C 4.26 Workgroup秘书长,C4.410,C4.23工作组委员
☆IEC TC 22/ MT 15、TC 22 / WG 16委员
☆ APL2015,TPC Co-Chair
☆ ICLP2014,TPC Chair
☆ ISPLC2012,TPC Co-Chair
☆ APL2011 Plenary report
☆APEMC2012,Session Chair
☆APEMC2010,Session Chair
☆PIERS2009,Session Chair
☆Gas Discharges 2013 国际会议 Local Organizing Committee member
☆ 北京市教学成果一等奖
☆2004、2009、2012年度 清华大学研究生良师益友
☆ Zhizhao Li,Rong Zeng,etc. Research on the Characteristics of Upward Leader Emerging From the Transmission Lines Influenced by AC Operation Voltage Asia-Pacific Lightning Protection,2013(APL2013)Best Paper Award.
☆ She Chen,Rong Zeng,etc.The Observation and 3D Modeling of Long Positive Streamers in Air,2013 International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering (ISH2013),Young Researcher Award.
☆Xuan Zhou,Rong Zeng etc. Upward Leader Inception Criterion Considering Gas Kinetic Process and Heat Conduction,International Conference on Lightning Protection (ICLP2014),Diploma for Young Scientists.
☆ 2012,曾 嵘,973课题 特高压长空气间隙放电机理研究
☆ 2013,曾 嵘,国家杰出青年基金长空气间隙放电机理及雷击防护
☆ 2014,耿屹楠,国家自然科学基金流注先导转化过程的实验观测与机理研究
☆ 2014,余占清,国家自然科学基金基于MEMS技术的直流合成电场传感器研究
☆ 2013,曾 嵘,国家自然科学基金放电先导发展速度测量及其影响规律研究
☆ 2012,张 波,国家自然科学基金土壤参数频变时变特性研究
☆ 2011,庄池杰,国家自然科学基金流注放电数值仿真方法及其验证
☆ 2010,牛 犇,国家自然科学基金光电集成时域强电场传感器研究
☆ 2009,余占清,国家自然科学基金特快速瞬态过电压测量及其传播特性研究
☆ 2007,曾 嵘,国家自然科学基金长间隙放电起始阶段空间电荷分布研究
☆ 茅以升北京青年科技奖;
☆ 电力系统接地基础理论、关键技术及其工程应用,中国电力科技进步一等奖;
☆ 电网雷击防护关键技术与工程应用,中国电力科技进步一等奖;
☆ HVDC系统地中回流对交流系统影响的机理分析及防范措施研究,教育部科技进步二等奖;
☆ 光电集成强电场测量系统的研究开发及应用,中国电力科技进步二等奖;
☆ 改善变电所接地系统安全性能的研究,中国电力科技进步二等奖;
☆ 高海拔特高压直流线路电磁环境特性及抑制措施研究,中国电力科技进步二等奖;
☆ 500kV/220kV 同塔四回输电线路设计及应用,中国电力科技进步二等奖;
☆ 特高压工程技术(昆明)国家工程实验室建设关键技术研究,国家能源科技进步二等奖;
☆ 750kV输电关键技术研究,国家电网科技进步特等奖;
Journal papers
[1] Rong Zeng,Junjie Yu,Bo Wang,Ben Niu,Yong Hua. Study of an integrated optical sensor with mono-shielding electrode for intense transient E-field measurement. Measurement 50 (2014) 356–362
[2] Zhizhao Li and Rong Zeng. Comparison of the Characteristics of Upward Leader Emerging From the Ground Wire and Conductor. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery,2014,29(2),708-715.
[3] Rong Zeng and She Chen. The dynamic velocity of long positive streamers observed using a multi-frame ICCD camera in a 57 cm air gap. J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 46 (2013) 485201 (10pp)
[4] She Chen,Rong Zeng and Chijie Zhuang. The diameters of long positive streamers in atmospheric air under lightning impulse voltage. J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 46 (2013) 375203 (10pp)
[5] She Chen,Rong Zeng,Chijie Zhuang,Zhanqing Yu and Jinliang He. Switching Impulse Breakdown Characteristics of Large Sphere-plane Air Gaps compared with Rod-plane Air Gap. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation,20(3): 839-844.
[6] Zeng,R.,Li,Z. ; Yu,Z. ; Zhuang,C. Study on the Influence of the DC Voltage on the Upward Leader Emerging From a Transmission Line. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery,2013,28 (3): 1674-1681
[7] Rong Zeng,Chijie Zhuang,Ben Niu,The Measurement of Transient Electric Fields in Air Gap Discharge by Integrated Electro-Optic Sensor,IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science,2013,vol 41,no 4,pp. 955-960
[8] Zhizhao Li,Rong Zeng,Zhanqing Yu,etc. Research on the upward leader emerging from transmission line by laboratory Experiments. Electric Power Systems Research,2013,94 (1):64-70
[9] Wang,B; Zeng,R; Niu,B; Shen,XL; Shen,XK; Cao,SC; Zhang,ZM. E-field measurement of a pulse line ion accelerator. CHINESE PHYSICS C,2013,37: 1674-1137
[10] Chijie Zhuang,Rong Zeng. A local discontinuous Galerkin method for 1.5-dimensional streamer discharge simulations. Applied Mathematics and Computation ,2013,219(19):9925-9934
[11] Chijie Zhuang,Rong Zeng,Bo Zhang,et al. 2-D discontinuous Galerkin method for streamer discharge simulations in nitrogen. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics,2013,49(5):1929-1932
[12] Zhanqing Yu,Qian Li,Rong Zeng,Calculation of Surface electric field on UHV transmission lines under lightning stroke. Electric Power System Research,2013,94:79-85
[13] Zhizhao Li,Rong Zeng,Zhanqing Yu,She Chen,Yongli Liao,Ruihai Li,Research on the upward leader emerging from transmission line by laboratory Experiments. Electric Power Systems Research,2013,94,64-70
[14] Rong Zeng,Chijie Zhuang,Zhanqing Yu,Yinan Geng,Ben Niu. Electric field step in air gap streamer discharges. Applied Physics Letters,2011,99 (22)
[15] Rong Zeng,Bo Wang,Zhanqing Yu and Weiyuan Chen. Design and Application of an Integrated Electro-optic Sensor for Intensive Electric Field Measurement. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation,2011,vol. 18,no 1,pp. 312-319
[16] Rong Zeng,Bo Wang,Zhanqing Yu,Ben Niu,Yong Hua. Integrated optical E-field sensor based on balanced Mach–Zehnder interferometer. Optical Engineering,2011,50 (11)
[17] Rong Zeng,Zhanqing Yu,Jinliang He,Bo Zhang,Ben Niu. Study on RestrainingDCneutral current of Transformer during HVDC monopolar operation. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery,vol.26,no.4,pp.2785-2791,Oct.2011
[18] Chijie Zhuang,Rong Zeng,Bo Zhang,Shuiming Chen,Jinliang He. Accelerating the Convergence of Algebraic Multigrid for Quadratic Finite Element Method by Using Grid Information and p-Multigrid. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics,vol.47,no.5,pp.1198-1201,May 2011
[19] Jinliang He,Shanqiang Gu,Rong Zeng,Zhanqing Yu,Bo Zhang. Simulation Models for Motion Processes of Long AC Arcs on Overhead Lines. Electric Power Systems Research,vol.81,no.12,pp.2066-2073,Dec. 2011
[20] Chijie Zhuang,Rong Zeng,Bo Zhang,Puxuan Zhu,Jinliang HE. The Optimization of Entering Route for Live Working on 750kVTransmissionTowersby Space Electric Field Analysis. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery,vol.52,no.2,April,2010,pp.987-994
[21] Rong Zeng,Xuehai Gong,Jinliang He,et al. Lightning Impulse Performances of Grounding Grids for Substations Considering Soil Ionization. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. 2008,23(2): 667-675
[22] Bo Zhang,Rong Zeng,Jinliang He,et al. Numerical Analysis of Potential Distribution Between Ground Electrodes of HVDC System Considering the Effect of Deep Earth Layers. IET Generation,Transmission Distribution. 2008,2(2): 185-191
[23] Rong Zeng,Yun Zhang and Weiyuan Chen,et al. Measurement of electric field distribution along composite insulators by integrated optical electric field sensor. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation. 2008,15(1): 302-310
[24] Shanqiang Gu,Jinliang He and Rong Zeng,et al. Motion Characteristics of Long AC Arcs in Atmospheric Air. Applied Physics Letters. 2007,90(5): Art. No. 051501
[25] Jian Tang,Rong Zeng and Hongbin Ma,et al. Analysis of Electromagnetic Interference on DC Line from Parallel AC Line in Close Proximity. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. 2007,22(4): 2401-2408
[26] Rong Zeng,Jinliang He and Bo Zhang,et al. Lightning Electromagnetic Field Generated by Grounding Electrode Considering Soil Ionization. Progress in Natural Science. 2006,16(9): 1002-1006
[27] Rong Zeng,Jinliang He and Zhicheng Guan. Novel Measurement System for Grounding Impedance of Substation. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. 2006,21(2): 719-725
[28] Youping Tu,Jinliang He and Rong Zeng. Lightning Impulse Performances of Grounding Devices Covered with Low-Resistivity-Materials. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. 2006,21(3): 1706-1713
[29] Rong Zeng,Peng Kang and Jinliang He,et al. Lightning Transient Performances Analysis of Substation based on Complete Transmission Line Model of Power Network and Grounding Systems. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. 2006,42(4): 875-878
[30] Rong Zeng,Jinliang He and Jaebok Lee,et al. Influence of Overhead Transmission Line on Grounding Impedance Measurement of Substation. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. 2005,20(2): 1226-1234




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