联系电话: +86-592-258-0150
电子邮件: xuemin.hong (AT) xmu.edu.cn
Publicity chair:IEEE CMC’11,IEEE CMC’10
TPC:IEEE ICC’11,IEEE GlobeCom’11,etc.
Reviewer:IEEE Transaction on Signal Processing,IEEE Transaction on Wireless Communications,IEEE Communication Letters,IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology,IET Microwaves,Antennas Propagation,IET Communications,Wireless Communications Mob
X. Ge,K. Huang,C.-X. Wang,X. Hong,and X. Yang,Capacity analysis of a multi-cell multi-antenna cooperative cellular network with co-channel interference,IEEE Transaction on Wireless Commun.,accepted for publication.
Z. Chen,C.-X. Wang,X. Hong,J. S. Thompson,S. A. Vorobyov,X. Ge,H. Xiao,and F. Zhao,Aggregate interference modeling in cognitive radio networks with power and contention control,IEEE Transaction on Communications,accepted for publication.
X. Hong,C.-X. Wang,J. S. Thompson,B. Allen,W. Q. Malik,and X. Ge On space-frequency correlation of UWB MIMO channels,IEEE Transaction on Vehicular Technology,vol. 59,no. 9,pp. 4201-4213,Nov. 2010.
X. Hong,C.-X. Wang,M. Uysal,X. Ge,and S. Ouyang Capacity analysis of hybrid cognitive radio networks with distributed VAAs,IEEE Transaction on Vehicular Technology,vol. 59,no. 7,Sept. 2010.
C.-X. Wang,X. Hong,X. Ge,X. Cheng,G. Zhang,and J. S. Thompson,Cooperative MIMO channel models: a survey,IEEE Communications Magazine,vol. 48,no. 2,pp. 80-87,Feb. 2010.
X. Hong,Z. Chen,C.-X. Wang,S. Vorobroy,and J. S. Thompson,Cognitive radio networks: interference cancellation and management techniques,IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine,vol. 4,no. 4,pp. 76-84,Nov. 2009.
X. Hong,C.-X. Wang,H.-H. Chen,and Y. Zhang,Secondary spectrum access networks,IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine,vol. 4,no. 2,pp. 36–43,June 2009.
C.-X. Wang,X. Hong,H.-H. Chen,and J. S. Thompson,On capacity of cognitive radio networks under average interference power constraints,IEEE Transaction on Wireless Communications,vol. 8,no. 4,pp. 1620–1625,Apr. 2009.
C.-X. Wang,H.-H. Chen,X. Hong,and M. Guizani,Cognitive radio network management: tuning in to real time conditions,IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine,vol. 3,no. 1,pp. 28–35,Mar. 2008.
X. Hong,C-X. Wang,B. Allen,and W. Q. Malik,A correlation-based double-directional stochastic channel model for multiple-antenna UWB system,IET Microwave,Antennas and Propagation,vol. 1,no. 6,pp. 1182--1191,Dec. 2007.
C.-X. Wang,X. Hong,H. Wu,and W. Xu,Spatial temporal correlation properties of the 3GPP spatial channel model and the Kronecker MIMO channel model,EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communication and Networking,Special Issue on Space-Time Channel Mode