培训啦 考研专硕 > 翻译硕士


发布时间: 2023-03-05 06:55:04



1. Low-carbon economy is of significant importance to the development of economy.


高分表达:be of significant importance to= be vital to=be crucial to= be essential to

=matters more than anything to: 表示对……而言是重要的;

2. Environment pollution and resources shortage have caused great harm to the sustainable development,and even future generation might find themselves in a desperate situation.


相关环境污染的词语: global warming: 全球变暖; greenhouse gas: 温室气体; water and soil loss: 水土流失; deforestation: 森林砍伐;

对……造成损害:cause great harm to=cause significant damage to= is likely to destroy=might probably devastate;

3. We are supposed to place environmental-friendly economy at the core of development scheme,thus preserving the balance of the earth and providing a guaranteed future for our descendants,instead of leaving them vulnerable to the revenge of the environment.


相关表达:at the core of= at the center of: 处于……的核心; provide sth for sb= provide sb with sth= offer sb sth: 提供某人某物; instead of= rather than: 而不是;

Be vulnerable to = be susceptible to= be subject to:容易遭受……;


Therefore,as a result,consequently,thus.


1. People regard jogging,basketball,Yoga,swimming and football as great way of keeping fit,since they could keep people energetic and refresh the mind.


相关表达: 体育运动: badminton:羽毛球;rock climbing:攀岩;Taichi:太极;

Regard A as B=see A as B: 将A视为B;

运动的好处: shape a great body figure: 塑造非常好的体型; develop a regular life routine: 培养规律的生活节奏;feel connected with others: 感到与别人有所联系; extend life expectation:延长寿命; enhance memory and immune system: 加强记忆以及免疫系统;

表示原因的词汇总:because,since,for,as; 也可以用介词表达: because of,thanks to,owing to,given,considering.

2. Balanced diet and adequate sleep is necessary to mental and physical health.


相关表达:be necessary to= be indispensable to= be of great necessity to= be critical to: 对..而言是必要的; adequate=sufficient=enough:足够的;

3. Besides,we should take mental health into serious consideration.


相关表达: take...into consideration= take...into account= take account of:将……考虑进去; take sth seriously: 认真对待某物;

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