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发布时间: 2024年12月23日 06:47

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Education System
Myanmar’s Education Department reportedly had aimed at giving basic education to all citizens of Myanmar in the year 2000 and to reduce by half the adult illiteracy rate in the year 2000. Myanmar aimed at providing basic education to all school going age children and hopes that 80% of these children would complete primary level education, for formal education. The Education Department aimed at reducing the adult illiteracy rate from 22% to 11%. Under the guidance of the Myanmar Education committee, the "Education for All" project was commenced in 1996-97 in 30 townships and extended to 80 townships in 1997-98. In 1998-99 the plan implement to all104 townships by 1999-2000.
The estimated population is 43 million. Myanmar is ethnically diverse. The dominant ethnic group is the Bamar who speak Burmese. 10% of the populations are Shan, who speak Shan dialects, related to Lao and Thai. The Karen (Kayin) make up 7% of the population, and speak languages distantly related to Burmese. The remainder are Rakhine (Arakanese), Kachin, Chin, Chinese, Mon, and Indian. There is a small Eurasian community consisting of Anglo-Burmese and Anglo-Indians (collectively known as ka-bya), but it has largely assimilated to the Bamar and Indian communities.
Capital Yangon
Burmese is the official language of Myanmar. Minorities often speak Burmese as a second language, while the Bamar commonly speak English as a second language.
Buddism, particularly Theravada Buddhism, is practised by 89% of the population, mostly among the Bamar (and Rakhine), Shan, Mon, and Chinese. Christianity practiced by 4% of the population, and is dominant among the Chin and Karen. 4% of the population practise Islam; these Muslims are divided amongst long-established persons of Indian descent, persons of mixed Indo-Burmese descent, persons of Persian, Arab and Chinese descent, as well as the native Rohingya Muslims of Arakan. The Muslim population is often persecuted, and is socially quite marginalized. Small segments of the population practise Hinduism or animism.

人口大约成人有4300万。缅甸是个多民族国家。主要的民族是说缅甸语的缅甸族。10%的人口是膻族,他们说膻的地方方言,与老挝语和泰国语有关。克伦邦(Kayin)有7%的人口,说的语言与缅基地甸语相关。剩下的是若开邦 (Rakhine 或 Arakanese),克钦邦(Kachin), 钦邦(Chin), 华族, 孟英语邦 (Mon) 和印度族等。曾经有一个由英缅人和英印人组成的欧亚部落组织,但是现在几乎同化为缅甸和印度人。
首都 仰光
佛教,尤其是小乘佛教,是89%的人口信仰佛总部教,其中很多是巴玛人(Bamar) 和若开邦(Rakhine), 膻族(Shan), 孟邦(Mon), 和华族等族人。4%的人口信仰基督教,钦邦(Chin) 和克伦邦(Kayin)族人居多。4%的人口信仰伊斯兰教,英语总部主要血统有长期居住的印度血统,印缅混合血统,波斯、阿拉伯和中国血统,也有土著罗兴加派(Rohingya)穆斯林。穆斯林人口经常受到迫害,在社会中处于隔离。人口中还有一小部分信仰印度教和万物教总部基地成人英语培训。

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