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发布时间: 2022-12-25 21:50:03


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    Three hours of TV a day 'doubles early death risk'

    Watching TV for three hours a day can be deadly – doubling your risk of dying early, warn researchers。研究人员警示大家:每天看排名电培训视外三小时是有致命伤害的——让早死的风险提高一倍。

    A new study from Spain adds to evidence that time spent in front of the box is potentially life-threatening。来自西班牙的一项新的研究发现也符合这一论点:看电视的时间是有潜在生命威胁的。

    Researchers believe too much sitting – as opposed to insufficient activity – may be a new risk factor for premature death and illness such as diabetes and heart disease。研究人员认为久坐——和运动不足不同——可能会是早死和诸如糖尿病、心脏病等疾病的风险因素。

    Professor Miguel Martinez-Gonzalez, chair of the Department of Public Health at the University of Navarra in Pamplona, who led the study, said ‘Television viewing is a major sedentary behaviour and there is an increasing trend toward all types of sedentary behaviours. 米格尔·马丁内斯-冈萨雷斯教授,现任位于西班牙潘普洛纳市的纳瓦拉大学公共健康学院主席,领导了这项研究。他讲道,“看电视是项主要的久坐行为,且现在各种形式的久坐行为都开始增加了。”

    ‘Our findings are consistent with a range of previous studies where time spent watching television was linked to mortality.’“我们的发现和一系列之前的研究发现相符,看电视和死亡率有关。”

    Researchers assessed 13,284 young and healthy Spanish university graduates, average age 37, to investigate possible links between three types of sedentary behaviour and risk of death: television viewing time, computer time and driving time。研究小组调研了13284名健康年东机构直成人门轻西班牙大学毕业生,平均年龄为37岁,以此研究三种久坐行为:看电视时间、用电脑时间和开车时间与死亡风险的关系。

    The participants were followed for around eight years, when there were 97 deaths, including 19 deaths from cardiovascular causes, 46 from cancer and 32 from other causes。调研对象被追踪了大约8年,期间97人死亡,其中19人死于心血管排行榜病46人死于癌症,32人因其他原因死亡。

    The risk of premature death was twofold higher for those watching three or more hours of TV a day compared to those watching one hour or less。每天看电视3小时及以上的人,其早死风险比看电视不超过1小时者东直门外成人英语培训机构排名高出一倍。

    This twofold higher risk was also apparent after accounting for many other variables related to a higher risk of death, says a report published in the Journal of the American Heart Association。《美国心脏学会期刊》发表的一篇报告显示,在考虑了很多其他增加死亡风险的因素后,看电视3小时及以上加倍早死风险这一论点仍然显而易见。

    Researchers found no significant association between the time spent using a computer or driving and higher risk of premature death from all causes. 研究人员发现,用电脑和开车的时间与早死风险之间未见明显关联。

    Researchers said further studies are needed to determine the biological mechanisms that may be involved。研究人员表明,尚需更多研究以确认用电脑和开车背后的生物学东直门外成人英语培训机构排行榜机制。

    Prof Martinez-Gonzalez said ‘As the population ages, sedentary behaviours will become more prevalent, especially watching television, and this poses an additional burden on the increased health problems related to aging。马丁内斯-冈萨雷斯教授讲道,随着人口老龄化,久坐行为日益普遍,尤东直门其是看电视。人日渐衰老后健康问题会增多,而看电视造成了“额外的健康负担”。

    ‘Our findings suggest adults may consider increasing their physical activity, avoid long sedentary periods, and reduce television watching to no longer than one to two hours each day’ he added。“根据研究发现,建议成年人多运动,少久坐,每天看电视的时间控制英排行榜机构语在一到两小时内。”他补充道。

    In the UK, the average amount of time spent watching TV is four hours a day compared with five hours in the US。在英国,人们每天看电视的平均时间是4小时,美国是5小时。

    Previous research found people who watch six hours of TV a day cut short their lifespan by five years compared with someone who watches no TV。先前研究发现,和不看电视的人相比,每天看6小时电视的人寿命会减少5年。

    People who sit for longer have bigger waist sizes, and higher levels of cholesterol, blood sugar and triglycerides。久坐的人,腰围更大,胆固醇、血糖和甘油三酯的含量也更高。

    The average adult spends 90 per cent of their leisure time sitting down and less than half of adults meet World Health Organisation physical activity recommendations。成人平均90%的空闲时间都是坐着的,且做到“世界健康组织”身体运动推荐的不到一半。

    In the UK, adults are urged to do 150 minutes of activity a week to promote health。英国鼓励成人每星期做150分钟的运动以增进健康。

    Other work suggests sedentary behaviour is linked to obesity, high levels of bad blood fats and other heart disease risk factors, and more opportunities for grazing on junk foods。其他研究显示久坐会导致肥胖,坏血脂指数提高,罹患其他心脏疾病的风险增加,还会让人摄入更多垃圾食品。

    US research earlier this year found young men who watch TV for just three hours a day have half the sperm count of men who rarely watch TV。美国今年初的研究显示,年轻男子每天看电视超过3小时的,和很少看电视的相比,精子数量会少一半成人培训。


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