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发布时间: 2023-04-11 09:25:03




Think as a Hacker Does

At the brand-new Hacker Academy in Chicago,US,students learn about phishing schemes1,firewall breaches,and advanced tricks for breaking into confidential documents and revealing passwords2.

But it’s not nearly as illegal as it sounds.The academy doesn’t teach people to be__1__. but to “think like hackers”—and hopefully to stay one step ahead of__2__.

The students are __3__ computer security professionals.They attend a course that teaches them the tools and techniques that hackers could use to get __4__ systems they’re trying to protect.They __5__ a certificate in “ethical hacking3”if they graduate.

The academy is one of the growing number of organizations that teach IT4 security experts to think like their enemies and to find holes ill their systems __6__ the hackers do.

“If you can think like a hacker,you’re able to __7__ some of the attacks that are happening,”said Aaron Cohen,the academy’s founder.

Those attacks Can range from indiscriminate viruses to corporate spying and efforts to gain sensitive data __8__ banks,credit card companies,or individuals.

Computer Economics,a US IT research firm,estimates the __9__ caused by viruses and other attacks in 2006 to be somewhere around US$ l4 billion.

“While the massive viruses seem to be __10__ in number, there are more targeted

attacks,”said Mark McManus of Computer Economics.

With ransom attacks,for instance,hackers will break into a company’s network, and threaten to destroy it or give information to a competitor __11__ they’re not paid.

Given all the threats,many companies are sending IT professionals to courses like those Cohen offers.So the “ethical hacker” certification,Offered by the New York-based International Council of Electronic Commerce Consultants(the EC-Council),__12__ about.

The EC—Council says it has trained about 20,000 people in 60 countries over the past three years,with 8,000 of them passing a __13__ and earning the “ethical hacker” certification.

Cohen’s list of interested people includes an FBI5 agent,NASA6 employees,independent consultants, and company IT security directors.Some want the five-day on-site certification course.Others want a quick overview,like the US$695“midnight hacking” course,given online and late at __14__.

Cohen doesn’t __15__ much about students using their courses for evil purposes. “Hackers don’t need our help,”says Cohen.

1. A) professors B) hackers C) scientists D) technicians

2. A) her B) him C) us D) them

3. A) actually B) hardly C) scarcely D) rarely

4. A) over B) onto C) for D) into

5. A) give B) award C) get D) take

6. A) before B) after C) when D) while

7. A) protect B) defend C) safeguard D) prevent

8. A) at B) in C) from D) on

9. A) money B) damage C) cash D) interest

10. A) rising B) soaring C) reducing D) flying

11. A) if B) unless C) since D) because

12 A) went B) came C) appeared D) happened

13 A) exam B) check C) test D) investigation

14 A) noon B) dusk C) dawn D) night

15 A) think B) worry C) doubt D) consider


8. A) at B) in C) from D) on

Those(那些) attacks(攻击,疾病突然发作) can range from (在...到...的范围中变化)indiscriminate(不加选择的俸,不加区级别的) viruses(病毒) to corporate(公司的,社团的) spying(秘密窥探) and efforts(努力) to gain(获得,增加,到达,获利) sensitive(敏感的) data (数据)__8__ banks(银行),credit card(信用卡) companies(公司),or individuals(个人).

8.C over:上;above:上;from:从;on:上。根据空格所在的局部搭配结构“gain sensitive data ... banks, credit card companies, or individuals/...银行、信用卡公司或个伯人获得培训敏感的数据”判断C是答案。

9. A) money(钱,货币) B) damage(损坏,破坏)

C) cash(现金,兑现) D) interest(兴趣,利息,使发生兴趣)

Computer(计算机) Economics(经济学),a US IT(信息技术) research(研究) firm(公司,坚定的),estimates(估计) the __9__ caused by (由...造成的)viruses(病毒) and other(其他的) attacks(袭击) in 2006 to be somewhere around (大约)US$ l4 billion(十亿).

9. B 空格后的结构作定语修饰空格处的名词,根据空格所在的局部搭配结构“...caused by viruses and other attacks/由病毒和其他攻击造成的...”,因此判断B(破坏)是答案。

10. A) rising(上升的,增加的) B) soaring(高飞的,突然增加的)

C) reducing (减少培训的) D) flying(飞扬的,飞行的)

“While(虽然) the massive(大块的,巨大的)viruses seem to(似乎) be __10__ in number(在数量上) , there are more(更多的) targeted(有目标的,针对性的) attacks,”said Mark McManus of Computer Economics(经济学).

10.C 空格所在的结构说“有巨哪家好大攻击力的病毒在数量上...”,由此排除A和B(词义相近)和D(搭配不通顺),因此答案时C(减少)。

11. A) if(如果,是否) B) unless(除非)

C) since(自从,既然) D) because(因为)

With(至于)ransom(勒索,敲诈)attacks,for instance(例如),hackers(黑客) will break into (闯入) a company’s network(网络), and threaten to (威胁)destroy(破坏,毁灭) it or give(给) information(信息) to a competitor(竞争对手) __11__ they’re not paid(不被支付).

11.A. 句子说“在勒索性的攻击中,黑客会闯入公司的网络,威胁...他们(黑客)得不到钱的话,他们将破坏公司的网络并且把公司的信息透露给他们的竞争对手”,因此判断A(如果) 是答案。

Given(假如) all the threats(威胁),many(许多的) companies(公司) are sending(派遣,发送) IT professionals(专业人员) to courses(课程) like those Cohen offers(提供的)./假如出现了各种形式的黑客威胁,许多公司都会派信息技术的专业人员去学习像Cohen提供的那种课程。

12 A) went (去,走,变成,达到 ) B) came (来,到达俸,开始)

C) appeared (出现,看起来) D) happened(发生,碰巧)

So(因此) the “ethical(合乎道德规范的) hacker” certification(证书),Offered by (被...提供的)the New York-based(位于纽约的) International(国际的)Council (委员会)of Electronic Commerce (电子商务)Consultants(顾问)(the EC-Council),__12__ about.

12. B come about是“发生,出现”的意思,是固定搭配结构,出伯现在句子级中句哪个好意通顺。go about是“开始做...,从事...”

appear和happen 不与about搭配使用。

13 A) exam(考试,测验) B) check(阻止,检英机构语四查,核对)

C) test(测试,试验) D) investigation(调查,研究)

The EC—Council(电子商务委员会) says(说) it has trained (已经培训了)about(大约) 20,000 people in 60 countries over(在...期间) the past(过去的,过去) three years,with 8,000 of them passing(通过) a __13__ and earning(获得,赚得) the “ethical(合乎道德的) hacker” certification(证书).

13. C 该题讲的是有8,000人通过了考试。这里有两个词是“考试”的意思:exam;test。但是不定冠词a要求用 test。

Cohen’s list(名单,列表,列出) of interested(感性确的) people includes(包括) an FBI(美国联邦调查局) agent(代理),NASA (美国航空和宇宙航天局) employees(雇员),independent(独立的) consultants(顾问), and company IT security directors(主任).Some want(想要) the five-day(五天的) on-site(现场)certification(证书) course.

14 A) noon(中午) B) dusk(黄昏)

C) dawn(黎明) D) night(夜晚)

Others(其他人) want a quick(快的,迅速的) overview(总的看法),like(例如) the US $695“midnight(午夜) hacking” course,given(被给) online(在线) and late at __14__.

14. D 空格所在的结构充当midnight hacking course的定语,该结构说“在英语四...很晚的时候在线讲授的午夜黑客机构课程哪家好”

15 A) think(想,思考,认为) B) worry(担心,忧虑)

C) doubt(怀疑) D) consider(考俸伯英语四级培训机构哪个好虑,认为)

Cohen doesn’t __15__ much about students using their courses for evil(邪恶的) purposes(课程). “Hackers don’t need(需要) our help(帮助),”says Cohen.

15.B 这个句子的部分意义我们已经知道,即学生也可以用班上获得的知识干坏事。问题问的是:Cohen怎么样?应该是不怕。因哪个好俸伯英语四级培训机构哪家好此worry是对的。

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