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发布时间: 2023-02-21 06:25:04


Fat shaming” and weight discrimination, be it from your company or your university professor, are not the ways to help people shape up physically, socially, or academically according to a report published this week in the journal PLoS ONE.根据PLoS ONE 期刊本周发布的报告,肥胖羞辱” 和体重歧视,无论它是来自公司还是你的大学教授,从身体、社交、学术的角度看都不是帮助雅思人减肥的好方法。Weight discrimination, in addition to being hurtful and demeaning, has real consequences for the individual’s physical health,” says study author Angelina Sutin, a psychologist and assistant professor at the Florida State University College of Medicine in Tallahassee, Fla..体重歧视,除了伤机构哪家好人自尊、有辱人格外,对个人的身体健康也有不利的影响,” 研究报告的作者安吉丽娜-苏丁说,她是一名心理学家,也是位于弗罗里达州塔拉哈西的弗罗里达州立大学的助理教授。Weight shaming, the study found, can send people to the Twinkie Zone faster than you can say binge.”研究发现培训巷,肥胖羞辱比起你说大吃大喝”能更快把人送往蛋糕区。Rebecca Puhl, deputy director of the Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity at Yale University, told NBC:丽贝卡是吕德食品政策与肥南雅思胖中心的副主任,她对NBC的记者表示:Stigma and discrimination are really stressors, and, unfortunately, for many people, they’re chronic stressors. And we know that eating is a common reaction to stress and anxiety -- that people often engage in more food consumption or more binge eating in response to stressors, so there is a logical connection here in terms of some of the maladaptive coping strategies to try to deal with the stress of being stigmatized.”羞辱和歧视实际上能造成压力,不幸的是,对很多人来说,它们是慢性的压力源。我们知道,吃是应对压力和焦虑的一种常见反应机构——人们应对压力时,经常会吃更多的食物或更容易暴饮暴食,所以适应不良情况的应对策略,和尝试处理受到南锣鼓巷雅思培训机构哪家好歧视产生的压力之间有一定的逻辑关系。”How is it that we didn’t know this by now?为什么我们现在才发现这个锣鼓事实呢?I say this from the perspective of a life-long, diet yo-yo fat girl. Telling me I need to lose weight has never worked for me, or any obese person I have ever met.我会这么说,是因为我也是一个长期节食但体重还是飘忽不定的胖姑娘。如果你跟我说,我需要节食,对我来说从不管用,对我认识的任何肥胖的人来说也都不管用。What worked for me was my son, age nine, saying a few months ago, Can we go to the beach this summer? I think you look fine. Nobody cares how you look and when we’re in the water it totally doesn’t matter.”培哪个好训真正管用的是我九岁的儿子几个月之前说的话:今年暑假我们能去海滩吗?我觉得你看上去不错。没人介意你的体型,而且当我们在水里时,根本就不要紧。”That acceptance inspired me to begin Weight Watchers two months and 16 pounds ago and keeps me moving down the weight chart. Love, compassion, and telling me my size is irrelevant made all the difference.这种接纳的态度,激励我开始去减肥中心,两个月的时间我减哪个南锣鼓巷雅思培训机构哪个好好轻了16磅,这让我的体重继续减轻。爱、同情以及告诉我我的体型没关系,是这些让我发生了变化。This study should also be a lesson to people who feel no guilt when they weight shame because they say they’re just being honest” or trying to help.”这项研究也给那些耻笑别人胖而无内疚感的人上了一课。他们觉得说别人胖是锣鼓只是说实话”或想要帮忙。”University of New Mexico evolutionary psychologist Geoffrey Miller recently tweeted: Dear obese PhD applicants: if you didn’t have the willpower to stop eating carbs, you won’t have the willpower to do a dissertation #truth.”。新墨西哥大学进化心理学家杰弗里-米勒最近发表了一条推文:亲爱的过胖博士申请人:如果你没有足够的意志停止进食碳水化合物,那么你也不会有毅力完成博士哪家好论文。#实话。”For those students Miller was addressing I would give a better tweet from Eleanor Roosevelt to put out today in response, No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. #Truth.”对米勒说的那些学生,我想用美国前总统罗斯福的夫人埃莉诺-罗斯福说的一句话写个更好的推文来回应,未经您的同意,没人可以让您感到自卑。#实话”以上就是听力课堂雅思频道为大家整理的雅思阅读之叫人"胖子"对方会变更胖,希望对大家有帮助,南巷更多资讯、资料请访问听力课堂雅思阅读频道
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