培训啦 留学 英语培训


发布时间: 2022-12-25 22:12:18


TOM: Why don't you watch where you're going?CARL: Me? You're the one who pulled out in front of me!TOM: There was plenty of room for me to pull out.You didn't have to stay in the lane you were in.CARL: Hey, listen. I had every right to stay in the lane I was in.You were supposed to wait until I passed to pull out.And anyhow, you didn't give me any time to change lanes.All of a sudden--BANG--there you are right in front of me.TOM: I think my arm is broken.CARL: Sorry about your arm, but it serves you right.You need to learn how to drive.You're lucky you didn't get killed. And I'm lucky to be alive too.TOM: Listen, let's just wait until the police get here.Then we can decide whose fault this accident was.CARL: Fine with me. I know the laws of the road. I'm not worried.TOM: I have a cell phone in my car. Now it's probably on the floor on the passenger side.Why don't you get it for me, and then I can call the police?CARL: Alright.TOM: It doesn't work. It looks like it's broken.I need to get to a hospital. You should drive me there.CARL: Oh, yeah?It's better if we make a police report first. Then you can go to the hospital.TOM: Damn it! I'm injured here. We could wait all day for the police.CARL: Well, you'll just have to wait.I'm not going to move my car until the police arrive.I'll go into one of those houses over there and use their phone.Don't worry. You'll get to the hospital in time.TOM: It really hurts.CARL: Yes, maybe it does.But if you're going to drive like you did just now,you will have to get used to a little physical pain. You know what I mean?TOM: To hell with you. The accident was your fault.CARL: I'm afraid it wasn't.And when the police get here, you will also see that it wasn't.But enough of this bickering. I'm going to go find a phone.Don't move that arm while I'm gone. Alright?TOM: To hell with you.汤姆:你干嘛不看路?卡尔:我?是你停在我前面的。汤姆:我还有很多空间可以停。你不该停留在车道上。卡尔:你听好,我有权利停留在车道上你应该等我通过再停进来。再说,你又没给我更换车道的托福时间。机构突然小马过河托福砰”一声,你就停在我前面了。汤姆:我的手臂断了。卡尔:我很抱歉,但是你活该。你需要学学开车。你没死很幸运,我还活着也很幸运。汤姆:听着,我们就等警察来这里。到时看看这场车祸是谁的错。卡尔:我没问题,我懂道路法规,我才不担小马过河托福培训心。汤姆:我的车上有手提电话,现在可能掉到人行道上了。你帮我拿来,我来打电话报警。卡尔:好。汤姆:不能用,好像坏了。我必须去医院,你应该开车送我过去。卡尔:是吗?我们先等警察来比较好,然后你再去医院。汤小马过河姆机构:培训该死!我受伤了,等警察来可能要等上一整天。卡尔:那你也只好等了。警察没来,我是不会把车开走的。我要到附近的人家去打电话。别担心,你会及时赶小马过河到医院的。汤姆:真的很痛。卡尔:或许吧。但是如果你再像刚刚那样开车你就要习惯皮肉托福之小马过河托福机构痛了。你知道我的意思吧。汤姆:去死吧你。这场车祸是你的错。卡尔:恐怕不是喔。等警察来你就会知道是谁的错了。不跟你吵了,我要去找电话。我离开时,别乱动你的手好吗?汤姆:去死吧你。以上就是听力课堂托福频道为大家整理的托福口语培训对话之Car Accident,希望对大家有帮助,更多资讯、资料请访问听力课堂托福口语频道

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