培训啦 留学 英语培训


发布时间: 2022-12-25 22:12:20




Mr. President, ladies and gentlemen:
My name is David Tung and I and I am the General Manager of the import Division of the High Style Sportswear Company.
A few years ago, we stared importing your tennis and golf wear and I am happy to say that your products are doing very well. During this visit, I had the chance to get a firsthand view of view of your operation here, and now I realize the reasons for our
Good sale figures. Your facilities are modern and, moreover, your quality control system is excellent.
I am convinced that business will expand in the coming years and I look forward to meeting you in Taiwan. I would like to thank the president, and all of you for your kindness and courtesy. If there are any questions, I’ll be glad to answer them to the best of my ability.
Mr. President. Members of the board:
My name is Lu Chi-Huei. am I am a board member of the pro Milk Company. I am here in
Your beautiful city of Wellington as a guest of the president.
A joint venture between our two firms was started some five years ago, in which we sold your dairy products in Taiwan. I am delighted to report that sales to date have been outstanding. In fact, they have been so good that we have proposed to establish dairy farms in New Zealand together with your company in order to sell even more of your excellent products.
In the short time I have been here, I have Seen a number of your farms and I have been impressed with the modern methods you use in dairy farming.
May I take this opportunity to wish both our companies continued success and, once again, thank you for your kindness.
我们两家公司的合作投资企业大约是五年前成立的,用以将 贵公司的乳制品销到台湾。我很高兴向各位报告,到目前为止业绩非常好。事实上,因为产品销售这么好,所以我已建议与贵公司共同在纽西兰设立酪农场,以销售更多贵公司优异的产品。
Mr. President, ladies and gentlemen:
Shieh Hua-Tung is my name and I am a computer salesman for Top Industries. I have just spent a few days visiting your plant here in Kowloon and have been asked by your president to give you my impressions. I have particularly noted the high level of skills shown by your employees, which makes me feel that your firm and mine stand to gain a grin a great deal from each other in developing new production techniques. We would be most happy to welcome any of your staff interested in seeing our facilities back in Taiwan. I do appreciate your hospitality and may I wish you every success in the future. If I can be of any help, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
President Escudero, fellow engineers:
My name is Lee Tsun-Tao. I’m an engineer with Thunderbird Motors and I have just had the Privilege of visiting your plant in this fascinating city of Manila, home of the world-renowned San Miguel beer.
In the last few days, I have met many of your people, who have impressed me with their energy and enthusiasm, so typical in your country. Yours is still a relatively new operation, but already it is making a name for itself. Your competitors will certainly have to work very hard to keep up with you.
Upon my return to Taiwan, I will make a full report on your factory and it is my hope that one of these days we can do business together.
I thank you for letting me give you these brief comments.
我名叫李宗道,我是雷鸟汽车的工程师,获得特许刚参观过贵公司在迷人的马尼拉市的工厂,马尼拉是世界闻名的San Miguel啤酒的故乡。
Mr. President, members of the stock exchange:
My name is Lee Shin and I represent the General Securities Company of Taiwan. I have been asked to make a few remarks to you at this time.
Eleven months ago, we established a small branch here in Bangkok,
And during my visit, I have had the pleasure of observing your activities
Here on the stock exchange floor. In spite of the fact that your exchange
Was only excellent reputation for efficiency and smoothness operation.
My colleagues at this Bangkok branch have also praised this efficiency,
As well as your knowledge of the international securities market.
Thank you for your kind attention, and may I wish you a prosperous future.
Mr. President, staff members:
Let me introduce myself. I work for the Fushan Electric Company and my name is Lee Chiang. Since the time our two firms decided to join forces here in the cleanest city in Asia, I am happy to be able to report that our joint venture has been doing very well.
It is true that we are a small company, but with your kind cooperation, sales of electrical goods imported from us have steadily risen, and likewise, so have your exports to us.
This visit has been most helpful in giving me a chance to see with my own eyes your employees’ dedication to their work and your advanced warehouse setup.
I feel confident that our business will continue to grow even more. Thank you for allowing me the chance to be with you.
此行对我助益很大,我有此机会亲眼目睹 贵公司员工卖力工作以及先进的仓库管理设备。
Mr. President, members of the ant council:
My name is Shieh Hung-kwo and I am a painter. Last year I was asked to exhibit some of my paintings in New Delhi and recently I was invited to come to your fair city and talk about them. Since I must leave for Taiwan in a few days, I wanted to express my thanks to you for the opportunity of showing my pictures and letting me speak about them in detail.
I feel privileged to have met you and to have been able to discuss my work. Many countries, and that includes mine, have learned and benefited so much from India’s long history and great culture.
I hope we have further exchanges such as these, and I hope your artists and painters will be able to visit Shanghai and exhibit their art there. Art there. Thank you again for everything.
五、接受当地人邀请的聚会上 (对象:大学生。地点:旧金山)
Harry, it was really nice of you to invite us to San Francisco. This is the dream of most Chinese, to visit America.
But if you don’t know anyone in a big city, it’s easy to fool hesitant about going there. Some around their hotels, for fear of getting attacked or lost. Even if you can overcome these worries, it’s not always easy to think of interesting places to go. So we’ll feel much more at ease just knowing that there is a friend nearby.
You know how much we really enjoy your company, but we don’t want to interfere with your studies. So just let us know your schedule, and we can get together to go sightseeing at your convenience. And when you have school work to do, maybe you can recommend some places for us to go alone.
Let’s talk it over during dinner, shall we? So as our first step, where can we have a dinner?
五、接受当地人邀请的聚会上 (对象:中年商店主人。地点:伦敦)
Hello, Mrs. Williams. We do appreciate your kind invitation to visit London. In Shanghai we al-ways read so many things, and see so much on television, about England. So we feel most fortunate to actually be able to come here.
It’s a lovely city and there doesn’t seem to be all the rain that we’ve heard so much about. Do you think the weather will stay so nice all the time we’re here? We’d like to be able to go see some of famous sights on days like today.
One of these evenings, we’d love to see the London Philharmonic, or a similar orchestra. Can you recommend any performances in the next few days?
Incidentally, we have a little souvenir from Taiwan for you. It’s a Chine silk knot. It can bring in busing in business and good luck. Our best wishes for your prosperity come with it.
五、接受当地人邀请的聚会上 (对象:年长的务农者。地点:雪梨)
Hello, Mr. Clarke. It’s so nice to be able to come “down under’’ to Sydney, thanks to your kind invitation. Since our houses are so small in Shanghai, we could hardly believe that all of us would be able to stay at your farmhouse. But we insist on giving you a hand with the chores. It it’s like Shanghai, a farmer’s work is never done, and a few extra bodies might make it go a little faster.
Say, we brought you a souvenir. It’s a Kirin model. It’s for good luck. We hope it will help to bring you good luck.
Sometime during our stay, we would like to be able to see some of the things which can be found only in Australia, like kangaroos and koala bears.
Now, how about if we go to a pub where we might buy you a drink?
你好,克拉克先生。你好意邀请,才使我们能够“南下”雪梨。我们在上海的房子都很小,所以我们几乎无法相信我们竟能到你的农场小任。但我们坚持要帮你打打亭 。如果上海湾一样,农人的工作永远是做不完的,那么多几个人手或许能够快一点。
五、接受当地人邀请的聚会上 (对象:资深护士。地点:基督院)
Good morning, Sister Florence. It’s so nice to see you again. You’re looking very well. We want to express our appreciation to you for inviting us here. None of us would have even considered coming to Christchurch otherwise, since it is a bit off the beaten path. But we know now how lucky we are to have bee able to come. New Zealand is one of the most beautiful places we’ve ever visited. We are looking forward to seeing the Cathedral Square, and any other places you might recommend.
Oh, by the way, we brought you a small souvenir from Taiwan as a gesture of our gratitude. It’s a Chinese doll.
There are so many things for us to talk about. We’re wondering if you still working those long, tiresome hours. How about going to get a cup of tea, and we can have a nice chat.
My dear friends, good evening, and welcome to the Seventh Annual International Nature Lovers’ Symposium.
As I look out into the audience, I am happy to see many of last year’s participants who have returned to continue their support. And may I extend a warm welcome to those who are here for the first time.
I feel especially good about having the meeting here in Hsitou, Taiwan this year. As you all know, we Chinese really love and respect nature, even to the extent that it is probably the basis of our deepest religious roots. The atmosphere of this natural setting can help us to awaken our inner feelings, and inspire us to seek a proper relationship between ourselves and the natural environment.
Let me encourage each of you to visit the pond here when our meeting finishes this afternoon. Perhaps we can begin tomorrow’s activities by sharing impressions of the here and now.
Please enjoy yourselves and I’ll see you tomorrow.
Ladies and gentlemen: Tonight marks the opening meeting of the World Social Welfare Activities Steering Committee. It is our responsibility and privilege to ascertain the direction of our methods and types of assistance to the needy and underprivileged peoples of the world.
Starting off the program will be Mr. ho and Mr. Garcia reporting on the recent disastrous hurricanes in the Pacific. Also of immediate concern is Mr. Quai’s information regarding the current African famine. Our research and analysis of these current problems, and proposed long-term solutions will undoubtedly have a considerable influence upon the kinds and amounts of relief that will immediately be distributed to the victims.
Of less critical concern, but requiring a high priority for our attention, is the deforestation of the tropics.
But these topics will just start the ball rolling. All of you have been asked to submit prospective topics for our meetings, and any relevant research. Each person’s insight and hard work is appreciated. And now, may I present Mr. ho and Mr. Garcia.
Good evening, ladies and gentlemen:
My name is Wang Chi-Chung, of Great Bay Electronics. It is my pleasure to be able to come to the inauguration party of Wizard, Inc. I am glad to see some of my friends from American Business Machines are also in attendance tonight.
It s no secret! We are also in all optimistic about our with major project: the Wizard Word Processor with a spellcheck- dictionary built in, and a daisy wheel for letter- perfect printing. Also, there is an input for an optional floppy-disk or computer.
We’ll let the other companies fiddle around with dots and grimmicks, which still will not give letter- perfect quality for some time to come. Meanwhile, marketing suggests that within months of its release this inexpensive unit should capture a considerable share of the world market of people using Romanized letters.
So all of you wizards out there, do your stuff and create your magic!
Good morning, gentlemen. It is my pleasure to be here as a representative of the Japan Fisheries Commission. In case you don’t remember, my name is Masayuki Chigusa.
I am glad to see that we were able to get together in this manner for private talks. Often in Japan matters are discussed at informal talks, just like here, until a consensus of opinion is reached. Then it is presented by the spokesman of the group. So, often commitments cannot be made without discussing matters democratically regardless of the merits of a proposal.
Another thing I hope that you’ll pear with is the Japanese tendencies of stoicism, reserved opinions, and the desire to see all sides of the picture before making a decision. So don’t get the feeling that I’m a wet blanket if I don’t react enthusiasm, especially if all viewpoints have not been considered. And, on my side, I’ll try to communicate my feelings as honestly as possible, to everyone’s benefit.
Let’s hope for fruitful talks that will help to shape improved relations.
Hello, Tom, Jerry, Duffy and Lucy.
It’s nice to see all of you again. Now, if you still find my name difficult to pronounce, it’s Wei Yu-Ju. I am representing women in the Asian Countries Delegation of the World Women’s Rights Council.
Although many people in the West feel that all Orientals seem very much alike, we all find our own particular nationalities and cultures unique. Of course, we share a common background and history in many respects. But our present-day languages, styles of dress, and daily lifestyles vary considerably. The current economic and political systems in each of the Asian countries are important in influencing each of us in different ways.
But if there is an underlying connection among Asian women, it must be in the unfair treatment we receive from chauvinistic men. Simply by our gender, we are judged to be second-class citizens. only by organizing and finding external support can we hope to ever break out of our inferior status.
Ladies, let’s talk about what we’re going to do about it!
哈???滥罚?苋穑?欧桑?褂新段鳌?br />再看到你们大家,真是高兴。现在,如果你们还是觉得我的名字很难念,那是魏妤如。我是世界女权协会的西洲国家代表团妇女的代表。
Good morning, gentlemen. My name is Chen Dah-han. I really didn’t intend to talk today, since my primary role is to provide assistance to Ms. Garfield, who is handling the Food circus at the event.
However, since the point has come up regarding the division of space in the pavilion, I will give you the information I have on it. There are twenty-seven countries which have expressed an interest in serving their own countries’ special foods. We have set a size limit on each stall of 20 feet by 25 feet, which includes preparation and sales areas. Centrally located, there will be a common lunch area with seating for five hundred people, although it will probably be used as a rest area as much as a place for eating.
I’ll be happy to answer any other questions regarding the plan for the Food Circus. If there is nothing else, I’ll just sit down now and let you get on with your business.
然而,因为展示馆的空间配置有了问题,我就将我所知道的告诉各位。有二十七个国家表示愿提供自己国家特有的食品。我们对每个摊位限定在20乘25?盏牡胤剑?獍??嗽け赣胂?矍?T谥醒氲奈恢茫?灿幸桓龃笾诘奈绮颓??腥莸孟挛灏俑鋈说淖?唬?淙槐坏弊餍菹⑶?褂煤捅挥美唇?偷那樾魏芸赡苁且谎?嗟摹?br />关于食品广场计划的任何其它问题,我都很乐意回答。如果没别的事,我现在就坐下来,让你们的会议继续进行。
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. My name is Wang Ruei-Shian, and I the leader of this group of students from Shanghai. We are very grateful for your kind invitation to stay at your homes for the next week. Being given the opportunity to meet people and to stay with them allows far more rewarding experiences than staying at a dormitory or hotel with other Chinese. And we hope that we can also find pleasure and become more culturally knowledgeable from your hospitality. Host family members, please realize that we Chinese are a little more reserved at times than some of your other friends, so be sure not to mistake this for displeasure on our part. Anyway, if you’d like to contact me at any time, I’ll be staying with our old friends, Randy and Sarah Walter. Their phone number is 307-5146. Now, I’ll ask each Chinese student to state his or her name, and then you’ll be able meet your new families.
Hello, Mr. And Mrs. Doyle. I’m Ching-Shia. It’s nice to meet you at last. I’m afraid I’m not very good at getting around in airports, so it’s such a relief to see your smiling faces and your shin with “Ching-Shia” on it. I’m sure that I’m the only person here today with that name!
You may remember from our correspondence that I gave my occupation as “English teacher in junior high school. “ But this doesn’t necessarily mean that I can speak English fluently. Just like music composers who aren’t particularly fine performers, many English teachers in Taiwan are more well-versed in the grammatical aspects of the language than in actually speaking it.
But part of what I hope for on this trip is to be able to brush up on my English. I would like to go to the language lab about an hour a day, and then just spend the rest of my time doing the usual daily activities.
So please, don’t do anything special because I’m here. And meanwhile, if I can assist you in any way, don’t hesitate to ask.
哈???酪宥?壬?⑻???沂乔嘞肌U娓咝酥沼诩?侥忝橇恕N液艿P奈叶曰?〔蝗龋??钥吹侥忝俏⑿Φ牧晨缀托从小扒嘞肌钡呐谱樱?也欧畔滦闹械氖?贰N胰沸沤裉煸谡舛?姓飧雒?值模?沂俏ㄒ坏囊桓觯?br />你们也许还记得在我们通信中,我说过我的职业是“国中英语教师”。但这不一定表示我的英语讲得很流利。就像演奏不是特别优秀的作曲家,台湾很多英语老师在英文文法方面精通的程度,胜过实际基础上培训的说讲英语。
Good morning, Mr. And Mrs. Dean, and you must be Jamie, Jr.
It’s nice to meet you. If I look a little nervous, don’t worry. It’s not because of you. Meeting people and making conversation just don’t come easy to me. There are two things I dread in this world: one is the dentist, and the other is speaking in public. (All laughs.)
In Shanghai there are always tremendous crowds commuting to work and going to major events. It is said that Chinese enjoy crowds. But not me! I really become uncomfortable around too many people. So, it feels good here in Oregon, where a person has plenty of elbowroom.
Also, just talking to someone requires a mustering of courage. And when I am asked to give a speech in front of the class, sometimes, I really feel sick.
Anyway, you are all so nice, and I do want to be able to communicate with you. So please, bear with me and help me to improve my confidence in speaking English.
Good evening, everybody. once again we’re all together here. I can’t believe that it’s been two weeks already. But, as the saying goes, ‘Time flies when you’re having fun.’’
All of the members of the host families have been just wonderful. Every day the Chinese students have been telling me how kind you have all been, and about the interesting places that they have been taken. If we can come again next year, perhaps we can all go to the rodeo together. It seemed to be especially worthwhile to everyone who went.
Of course all of you will become celebrities back in Shanghai, with students telling their friends and showing photographs of their lovely time here. As a small token of our appreciation, each student has a small wrapping cloth in traditional Chinese design, on which he or she has written the host’s name in Chinese characters.
Please let us know if you can visit us sometime Until then, you again, or as we say in Chinese, ‘Zaijian !’

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