发布时间: 2024年12月23日 06:38
北京暑假雅思培训,雅思暑假冲刺班课程特点:提高1分左右。雅思重难点突破,冲刺高分。听力主要突出雅思听力高频词汇和点听方法,帮助学员突破听力高分;写作根据学员的基础,采纳“雅思考官模版改编作文”和“7分作文论据”为学员获得雅思作文高分打下基础;阅读部分突出雅思定位方法,帮助学员在4分钟内定位到雅思所有的试题,配合考点串联帮助学员获得标题题和句子配段落题的高分;口语部分是学生最薄弱的环节,教师在课上充分调动学员的积极性克服心理障碍实现“开口说话”;配有雅思机经及雅思口语考官一对一测试。提前一个月报名的学员可优惠300元 班级人数:25人左右 课时总计:50课时 课程体系:全方位雅思听、说、读、写技巧训练。更多北京暑假雅思培训,雅思暑假冲刺班可在线咨询课程顾问,在线免费预约试听课程获取知名机构报价对比后选择适合自己的机构。
Have a happy Chinese New Year!by Claire PowellIn the west, we celebrate New Year on the 31st December and 1st January. Resolutions are made – I will go to the gym twice a week, I will help my wife with the housework - and probably forgotten! Does that sound like you? Well, there is another chance, as Chinese New Year is celebrated on January 22nd.Why do the Chinese celebrate New Year at a different time? The traditional Chinese calendar, like many Asian calendars, follows the lunar cycle. So the New Year starts with the New Moon on the first day of the new year and the celebrations end on the full moon fifteen days later. A month is a ‘Moon’ and the cycle lasts about twenty nine or thirty days. In order to catch up with the solar calendar, the Chinese insert an extra month once every seven years out of a nineteen year cycle. This is the same as adding an extra day for a leap year. This is why, according to the solar calendar, the Chinese New Year falls on a different date each year.The origins of the event are so ancient that they cannot be traced. However, the event is an exciting one, swathed in traditions and rituals.Preparations begin a month before the date of the Chinese New Year. People buy presents and clothes, decorate their homes and cook traditional food. Homes are cleaned from top to bottom, as any traces of dirt from the previous year could bring bad luck. Doors and windows are repainted, usually in red to ward off evil spirits, and then decorated with sayings to bring happiness, wealth and longevity. Fortune cookies are also baked, containing similar hopeful messages.Traditionally, each of the fifteen days has a special significance. The first day of the preparations welcomes the gods from the heavens and earth. Many people avoid eating meat on this day because they believe this will ensure a long and happy life.On the second day, the Chinese pray to their ancestors. They are also especially kind to dogs and feed them well, as this is believed to be the birthday of all dogs.The third and fourth days are for the sons-in-laws to pay respect to their parents-in-law. The fifth day is called Po Woo. On that day people stay home to welcome the God of Wealth. No one visits families or friends on the fifth day because it will bring bad luck.Visiting families and friends is resumed between the sixth and the tenth days, and people also visit temples to pray for good fortune and health.The seventh day is the day for farmers to present their produce. Farmers make a drink from seven types of vegetables to celebrate their work. The seventh day is also considered the birthday of human beings. Noodles and raw fish are eaten to promote long life and success.People typically have a family reunion dinner on the eighth day and on the ninth day they make offerings to the Jade Emperor. Jade comes in many shades of green and is thought to bring good luck.During the tenth and twelfth days, families invite friends and relatives for dinner. Probably more food is eaten then than at any other time in the year! Traditional food made at this time has special characteristics, all supposed to enhance the hosts and guests success and good health. Black moss seaweed and dried bean curd are symbols of wealth and happiness. A whole fish represents togetherness and abundance, while a chicken symbolises prosperity. Anything white, such as uncooked tofu is not served, as white is thought to bring bad luck. After all this rich food, on the thirteenth day, people eat simple rice soup and mustard greens to cleanse their system!The fourteenth day sees people preparing for the Lantern Festival held on the fifteenth night, when traditional Chinese lanterns are displayed and fireworks light the sky in a blaze of colour. Parents give children money in lucky red envelopes and families visit their neighbours to offer greetings.The message from the Chinese New Year celebrations is one of peace and happiness for family members and friends. It is a time for family and friends to unite and give thanks for their good fortune, as well as a chance to wish that their good luck continues!Do you celebrate the Chinese New Year? If so, tell us more about it. Do you celebrate New Year in a different way? If so, tell us more about it.以上就是听力和平里课堂机构雅思频道为培训大和平里雅思培训机构推荐家整理的雅推荐思雅思口语素材机构之中国农名单历新Ⅰ,希望对推荐大家和平里雅思培训机构推荐名单有帮和平里助,培训名单更多资讯、资料请访问听力雅思课堂雅思口语频道