培训啦 留学 托福考试 > 北京托福培训


发布时间: 2024年12月22日 21:07

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北京津桥托福暑假班怎么样|多少钱。北京津桥托福暑假,课前一对一学习规划一一课中定期测评一课后学习效果跟踪一阶段性模,确保成结稳步提升!811位高级资深老,35%名校海归、53%国内211. 985名校英语高材生、12%国际资格认证外教!津桥国际学院为您提供北京托福暑假,可以免费预约试,随时报,更多北京托福暑假班等相关培训信息请关注精英家教英语培训频道。托福Toefl 免费试听 快速北京托福暑假班哪个好由托福(Toefl)考试网发,并提供托福(Toefl)考试报名、托福(Toefl)考试成绩查询、托福(Toefl)准考证打印、考试试题、考试时间、考试科目、考试大纲、托福培训全国3,中国最权威的托福培训机,托福报名官,托福报名考试时,北京最好的托福学,精英计划托福保分培,北京托福培训辅导班/托福基础班/高分班/暑假班/寒北京托福培训网为您提供托福英语培训、北京托福培训班、toefl培训、托福词汇、托福听力资料、北京托福口语老师,权威北京托福老师授。

When Kayleigh Renwick visited the doctors with agonising back ache, she assumed she had developed a kidney infection. But just six hours later she was giving birth in hospital.


Unbeknown to the 24-year-old nursery nurse, from Stanley, County Durham, already a mum to daughter Grace, she was five weeks overdue.


Ms Renwick said she had not realised she was pregnant because she continued to have periods throughout her pregnancy and bizarrely had actually lost weight.


She said: 'You read about women not realising they were pregnant and think ‘how did you not know?’. I had no pram, no cot, nothing.


At first she thought her back ache was caused by a kidney infection and visited an out-of-hours medical centre for medication. But as she awaited the results of a routine urine test, a doctor asked her 'how far into your pregnancy are you?'


She said she wasn’t pregnant, but was sent to the University Hospital of North Durham for a scan. She said: 'Just after 6pm I was seeing a doctor and by 7.30pm I was at the maternity ward having a scan.


'I couldn’t believe it. My body went into shock and I started throwing up. I had periods throughout the pregnancy and in February was sick a couple of times so did a pregnancy test and it came back negative. There were just no further symptoms.'


Kayleigh said: 'They didn’t know what Lucy had been surviving on and thought she was up to five weeks overdue. She was back-to-back and they think tucked behind my pelvis which is why I was getting the back ache.'


Now six-months-old Lucy has been diagnosed with severe Brachycephaly and Plagiocephaly, commonly known as Flat Head Syndrome (FHS), causing her head to misshapen.


While a baby’s sleeping position is the main cause of mild FHS other causes include factors in the womb such as a lack of amniotic fluid and the position of the baby.


Kayleigh said: 'You could see straight away her head was misshapen and we didn’t want Lucy to have to grow up with this. Children can be so cruel and I didn’t want that for my little girl.”


Lucy will have to wear the helmet 23 hours a day with the possibility of blisters on her head during the first seven weeks. Kayleigh will need to travel to Leeds every week at a cost of £116 a time for six weeks and then every fortnight after that so Lucy’s progress can be monitored.



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