发布时间: 2024年11月23日 01:57
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Describe a popular comic actor / actress in your country
Describe someone who is talkative
Describe a childhood friend of yours
Describe a visitor in your home
Describe a sports person you admire
Describe a popular person
Describe a famous person in your country
Describe a city or a country that you would like to live in
Describe a quiet place your found
Describe a place where you often visit with your friends
Describe a building you like / dislike
Describe a public facility that you think needs improvements
Describe a leisure facility you would like to have in your hometown
Describe a good decision someone made
Describe a holiday / vacation you would like to take in the future
Describe a trip that you went on by public transportation
Describe a competition you want to take part in
Describe an occasion when you helped a person
Describe the time you received your first mobile phone
Describe a time you spent with your friend in childhood
Describe a time you wore a type of clothes for a special occasion
Describe a party that you joined
Describe a time that you were shopping in a street market
Describe a trip that you plan to go on in the near future
Describe something you enjoy doing with someone old in your family.
Describe an occasion where you received a good service
Describe a special day out
Describe something interesting that your friend has done but you haven’t
Describe something you do to keep yourself concentrated in work/study
Describe a happy experience you had before
Describe a historical era you are interested in
Describe an unforgettable dinner
Describe an impressive story you heard from someone
Describe an important event that you celebrated
Describe a situation that you had to be polite
Describe a toy you had
Describe a good photo you have taken
Describe an important river / lake in your country
Describe a recent development in your city
Describe a sport that you have watched on TV
Describe something you own that you want to replace
Describe your favorite season
Describe an interesting animal
Describe an interesting subject that you learned at school
Describe something important that you lost in the past
Describe something special that you saved money to buy
Describe a piece of furniture
Describe a piece of technology you like using except computers
Describe an interesting job that you want to have in the future
Describe a useful skill you learned in a math class in your primary school
Describe a favorite song of yours
Describe a website you like to visit
Describe your favorite TV drama series
Describe a magazine that you like
Part 1:
第二场考试,题库基本和第一场没有太大的变化。其实,不管题目怎么变,回答的宗旨都是一致的,那就是观点+展开,即所谓的RED原则(reason,example,detail)。外国人不喜欢弯弯绕绕,他们就爱开门见山直截了当。所以大大方方说出自己的观点,然后辅助以一些数字来增强说服力、讲讲我的一个朋友的经历,我小时候的遭遇,或是利用列举法叙述,都是不错的应对方式。比如,这季度的题目feeling bored,有一题是what kinds of things are boring to you,很多同学来来回回就是boring,not interesting,却忘了用具体的细节去让自己的回答更有说服力。比如,说某老师的化学课让我特别无聊,你可以说, 她从来不让学生发言,就知道填鸭式教学:My chemistry teacher is so talkative, I mean, she never allows students to have a say, instead, she loves standing there, cramming knowledge into our heads.
每个季度的新题库出来,先别着急一个个对应写素材,应该把机经通篇读一遍,brainstorming一下看看有哪些问题可以合并串联,之后再下笔。对于时间不太充裕的学生,我们推荐利用“拼贴法”,也就是说,可以把同样几段话灵活运用在不同的素材中,比如不管Part1,2还是3,讲到人物,总是形容他he/ she’s about average height, with sparkling eyes and curly hair. I mean, I can’t say that he/she is good-looking, but I do find him/her pretty attractive. 同样,讲到风景,准备两三句不那么low的句子,讲到自己的心情,高兴准备两三句不开心准备两三句等等。多说几次,对于这些片段描写就会掌握得更加熟练,也能够做到在回答的时候不会卡壳啦~
新题季的第二场考试,题目已经趋于稳定。从目前的趋势来看,Part1话题与之前考过的Part3话题有小部分类似已经是不可避免的了,所以不一定在Part1就只会遇到一些特别好答的喜好类或是频率类话题哦。在备考的时候,不需要每一题都过一遍,毕竟时间有限,有些类似的话题完全可以跳过。但是,对于自己平时不太会去接触或是不太擅长表达的题目,还是需要多开口训练。找同样备考雅思的同学或是朋友当自己的language partner是一个很不错的选择!只死记硬背而不多说多交流的话,口语很难取得理想的成绩。总之,住各位5.19日参加考试的烤鸭一切顺利。