发布时间: 2024年11月22日 10:35
雅思口语part1出现了一个很萌萌哒的问题:Do you like animals?这个题型的应对思路可以是yes,然后八一八自己最爱的宠萌。老师为大家举例说明~
E.g. absolutely yes, especially, i'm a big fan of shepherd dog which looks elegant and obedient. Actually, i keep a shepherd as a pet who I call handsome. It's not only a pet, an animal, but also a loyal companion.
actually, not really. I mean i like to watch animals like tigers or lions in a zoo or appreciate a leopard moving elegantly on TV programs like wildlife documentaries. But it seems that it's the last thing for me to raise a dog or a cat as a pet as i have an issue of hair phobia. I even daren't touch the fur of animals,not even a cute bunny. I don't know why but i just can't make it....在这里省略吐槽一万字。
比如,当说到交通(transport)类话题,如果我不太喜欢坐飞机的一个原因是恐高症,那就能说I hardly travel by air as i have aerophobia.
如果说到了insects类的话题,也可以说害怕bees因为有密集恐惧症:trypophobia. 除此之外,part1还有很多社会交往类的话题(socialization)。
如果我就是那不爱说话的风一样的女子,那就可以对着考官露出无辜哀怨的眼神,娓娓道来:I have problems socializing with people, especially with strangers probably coz i'm a person who suffers from social phobia...此地应该有泪光盈盈的眼神。