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学习历史对我们有用吗?5月5日雅思A类Task 2 高分范文,新鲜出炉!

发布时间: 2022-12-25 22:39:47



Divorce is more common.


解析:这句话感觉上还OK,但是它缺少一个跟谁比的问题,也就是说,离婚这个现象更加常见,如果你有一个more这个词的话,往往后面就有一个more than跟它连用。


Divorce is more common than it was one generation ago.

解析:离婚这个现象是更加常见了,比曾经一代人之前。用的是过去式It was,所以在这句话中,我们表达得很准确了。

所以同学们一定要记住,当你想用比较级的时候,一定是more than这两个词一起来用,这样比较级才能是正确的。


Academic Task 2 Sample Essay

Some people consider that history is of little or no use to us. Others believe that studying history helps us to know the present. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

It is believed by some people thathistoryserveslittle or no purpose,while othersopinethatstudying history aids in knowing the present.Although theformerbeliefmay hold some merit,I agree with thelatterviewpointas understanding of the present stems from knowing the past that resulted in the current scenario.

serve little or no purpose : 没有什么用,无用


former & latter :前者,和后者。注意这两词在使用时,一定是刚刚提到2样东西,或者观点等等,在紧接着的表述中,为了避免重复,用former指代先提到的,latter指代后提到的。

stem from 起源于

On the one hand,history is merely about the events of the past and studying it does notbuild any skills for future prospects. History can provide very limited career opportunities and may be completely useless for people in various careers.For example,mathematicians, scientists, doctors and many other professionalsrequire substantial skills inmathematics and science, and there is no need for historical knowledge for them.Similarly, historical knowledge will notaid in any career growthfor accountants, policemen or social workers, andin essence, knowledge about the past will not make these people acquire any essential professional skills.

in essence


However,studying history allows individuals to learn about their past that defines the present. History symbolizestraditional values, cultural heritageand historical events that definecurrent scenario and national identity. In other words, studying history is ameansto understanding the present situation of a country and its people.For example, many developing countries, such as India, face several hardshipsin terms offood, social and economic security which can be understood and solved by learning from their colonial past.

means(n. 手段,方法)是一个可数名词,它的单数形式就是means,所以文章里是…. is a means to ….

means做复数形式时,意思就改变了,a person of means 指一个富有的人。

In conclusion,althoughhistory can beof mere useto many people in terms of their careers,I agree withthe view that some historical knowledge is essential for a holistic understanding of the present circumstances of any country and its people.



v. 以为;想

e.g.: He opined that they navy would have to start again from the beginning.


adj. 殖民的

e.g.: The writers among them recorded their experiences in letters, journals, poems and books, from early colonial days to the present.


adj. 仅仅的

e.g.: But the container itself is a mere container.


adj. 整体的;全盘的

e.g.: From the holistic perspective, you see yourself as an integral part of the universe as a whole.


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