培训啦 留学 雅思考试 > 雅思口语


发布时间: 2022-12-25 22:40:53


我们先看五分的情况,第一点,通常能够保持语流。就是你的语流是平缓的,自然的。但是通过需要偶尔的重复,还是需要比如说,What about your education,and education,education一直在重复education,这是有五分的一些特点以及降低语速来维持表达。也就是说,你在想一个问题,必须得通过降低某个单词的语速,把它说得很慢来体现出你思考的这个痕迹,但是这样的痕迹是最好要杜绝,要避免的。




Part 1

1. Dictionary

Do you like paper dictionariesor electronic dictionaries?


Well, it depends. I wouldprobably use a paper dictionary when I need some further explanation for oneparticular English word or expression. However, an electronic one seems muchmore convenient if I come across some new words while reading an Englisharticle.


①particular 形容词;特别的,专属的

Eg: There is one particular word I do not know in this article, so Ineed to look it up in my dictionary.

②convenient 形容词;方便的,便捷的

Eg: Could you please bring some beer on your way back home if it isconvenient?

③come across 及物动词短语;碰到遇到

Eg:Please feel free to contact me when you come across anydifficulties in this new place.

How will dictionaries change inthe future?


Well, I don’t think they’regonna change so much in the future because the current ones we are using arealready multi-functional. Take a common English electronic dictionary as anexample, people can not only use it to look up words for work and study, butalso they can find some interesting articles to read for pleasure.


①multi-functional: 形容词;多功能的,功能齐全的

Eg: With a multi-functional room, not only can you sleep in it, butalso you can even swim inside.

②read sth for pleasure: 动词短语;出于娱乐的目的阅读

Eg:Peter is quite different from others. He never reads for aparticular purpose. Instead, he likes to read for pleasure.

How often do you use yourdictionary?


Well, I don't think I use itquite often because most of my textbooks are in Chinese. However, I would usemy electronic dictionary occasionally when I read some English news online.


①however: 连词;但是(表转折)

Eg: Mike did an excellent job overall. However, there is still someroom for improvement.

②would: 情态动词;愿意,情愿(做…)

Eg: He would tell jokes to make her laugh when Mary feels down.

③occasionally: 副词;有时候,偶尔

Eg: I have to be away from my family occasionally when I travel onbusiness.

What kinds of dictionaries didyou use before?


I remember that I used to havetwo different kinds of dictionaries during middle school. One was a paperdictionary which our teacher required all of us to buy for English study, andthe other one was an electronic one which I asked my parents to buy for me as Iwas too lazy to carry it around that time.


①used to do sth:单词短语;过去经常做某事

Eg:Lily used to like American food a lot, but now she really prefersIndian food.

②require sb. to do sth: 动词短语;要求某人做某事

Eg:Our school requires all of us to wear the school uniform fromMonday to Friday.

③carry sth around: 动词短语;把某物带着…

Eg: Lucy loves her new doll so much that she carries it around allthe time.

2. Handwriting

What impression does a person’shandwriting have on other people?


In Chinese culture, it usuallygives other people the impression that you are a decent person who pays muchattention to details if your handwriting looks pretty neat.


①decent: 形容词;得体的,体面的

Eg: Nancy has a decent job in Beijing but she does not seem to bevery happy with it.

②pay attention to details: 动词短语;关注细节

Eg:My boss is a guy who pays attention to details a lot so everyonewho works with him has to be extra careful at work.

③neat: 形容词;干净的整洁的

Eg: Whenever you visit her bedroom, you will be surprised by how neateverything looks.

How did you learn to write whenyou were little?


My parents told me that theyused to send me to a nearby school where there was a nice teacher of Chinesewhose job was to teach young kids how to write before they were admitted tokindergarten.


①nearby: 形容词,副词;附件的周围的

Eg: We should have a time to catch up at one of the nearby cafés.

②be admitted to: 常用表达;被….录取

Eg:Kate’s parents feel really proud of her as she is admitted to aprestigious university in US.

Do you prefer to write by handor email?


I personally prefer to write byemail as my handwriting doesn’t look so neat. On top of that, most peoplenowadays tend to communicate through emails.


①on top of: 介词短语;除此之外,还有…

Eg: He travelled to many cities in China last year. On top of that,he also went to a couple of cities in Europe.

Do you think people would stopwriting by hand in the future?


No, I don’t think so becausepeople would still need to write by hand on certain occasions. For instance, asignature is a must when people close a deal on a formal contract.


①signature: 名词;签名签字

Eg: Being the boss of the Sales Department, his signature is oftenneeded for many documents.

②close a deal: 动词短语;成交,做成一笔生意

Eg: Both parties were thrilled as they closed a deal which is worth 3billion dollars.

③contract: 名词;合同

Eg:Your legal rights may not be properly protected as you did notsign the contract with your employer.

3. Outdoor Activities

Do you like outdoor activities?


Yes, absolutely. I basicallyenjoy all sorts of outdoor sports, and my favorite outdoor activity is playingbasketball with my friends as it is a great way for me to feel relaxed bothmentally and physically.


①absolutely 副词;确定的绝对的

Eg: He was absolutely right when he made the decision to quit thatjob.

②basically 副词;基础的本质的

Eg:Basically speaking, he is a polite man, although he might lose histemper sometimes.

③mentally 副词;精神上的意识上的

Eg:He is mentally ill at the moment so he has to rest for a while athome.

④physically 副词;物质上的;身体上的

Eg:She has been working out for almost 2 years so she is nowphysically fit.

How often do you do outdooractivities?


Well, I want to stick to oneparticular activity on a regular basis. For instance, I try to play basketballwith my friends once a week, but when my job keeps me too busy, I may not havetime for that.


①stick to: 动词短语;坚持做某事或坚持某种想法等

Eg: Nick sticks to his idea that solar energy will become more andmore popular in the near future.

②on a regular basis: 副词短语;有规律的

Eg: They take business trips to Beijing on a regular basis as theyneed to attend conferences there.

What is the most popularoutdoor activity in your country?


From my perspective, I believethe most popular outdoor activity in my country is picnic. I mean you caneasily see friends or families having fun over a picnic in a public park orgarden under great weather.


①from one’s perspective:介词短语;在某人看来

Eg:From my perspective, he should take the job so that he could beclose to his family.

②have fun over sth.: 动词短语;在某方面玩得开心

Eg: Many young kids seem to have fun over swimming, especially insummer.

What is the outdoor activitythat elder people enjoy doing in your country?


Well, my guess is that mostelder people seem to enjoy doing outdoor activities in the mornings as theydon’t sleep in like most young people, and what they tend to do the most iseither jogging or practicing Taiji.


①sleep in: 动词短语;睡懒觉

Eg: Mary’s favorite activity is to sleep in on weekends as her workskeep her so tired during weekdays.

②tend to: 动词短语;倾向做某事

Eg: We tend to believe in what he suggested so we would take hissuggestion in the end.

③either…or…: 代词短语;两者之间取其一

Eg:You could either choose to stay at home or go to the movies withyour friends tonight.

4. Meals

What kinds of meals do you like?


Well, I would say I am notpicky about meals at all. I mean I eat all kinds of meals, but generally Iprefer to eat more vegetables rather than meat as it is healthier.


①be picky about: 形容词短语;对某事或某人挑剔

Eg: He is quite picky about what he eats so you’d better not shareany food with him.

②rather than: 常用表达;而不是

Eg: Rather than working on his vocabulary, he spends so much timelearning grammar as he believes grammar is the most important part to learn aforeign language.

Are there any fruits orvegetables you dislike?


I have to admit that I don’treally fancy bananas although I eat almost all sorts of fruits, and Iunderstand that many people think it is a delicious fruit to eat as it smellsso fragrant but I simply dislike it, and speaking of vegetables, the one I amnot interested

in is cucumber because theflavor is so boring to me.


①fancy: 动词;喜欢喜爱

Eg: I personally fancy that Italian restaurant a lot so I go there atleast once a month.

②fragrant: 形容词;芬芳的芳香的

Eg: He enjoys eating all sorts of fruits with a fragrant flavor, suchas pineapples, bananas as well as strawberries.

Do you often eat out with yourfriends or family?


Yes, that is for sure. I try todo that at least once a month because it is a relaxing way to hang out withthem. Plus, it is such a pleasant change after eating so much home-made food.


①hang out with: 动词短语;和朋友等玩

Eg: He is quite a social person so he hangs out with friends wheneverhe has time.

When do you usually eat dinner?


I normally eat dinner at around6:30 in the afternoon, but my dinner might also be delayed when I am stuck withmy work sometimes.


①normally: 副词;通常的;正常的

Eg: I normally get up 9:00every day as I live near my company.

②delay: 动词/名词; 推迟拖延

Eg: He will probably be latefor the conference as his flight has been delayed.

Part 2 & 3

Part 2 题目1

Describe a popular person.

You should say:

Who the person is

What kind of person he or she is

Why the person is popular

And explain how the personinfluences the public


此话题属于“People”类话题;其次,我们使用的主要时态应该是“Present Tense”;接着,我们看前三个“basic information”:这个人是谁?他是怎么样的一个人?为什么这个人如此受欢迎?这里我们需要思考:这三个基础信息之间是否存在某种 logical connection?还有,如何针对每个基础信息进行有效的拓展?比如,因为“他是这样的一种人”,因此“他很受大家的欢迎”;再比如,在介绍“这个人是谁”时,我们可以拓展一下这个人和你的relationship,或者how did you get to know this person? 等等;

到最后解释,说明的部分,我们需要思考这个人是如何影响到周围的人的,这里大家注意,这里指的影响应该是积极的,正面的;另外,大家关注一下结构:先给出statement/topic sentence +supporting details.


Well, speaking of a popularperson, I have to talk about one of my close friends whose name is Mike. I gotto know him since I entered college in 2010 as we happened to share the samedorm. And I believe the major reason we soon became good friends is that he hasquite a few qualities that I really admire. Therefore, we still keep in touchalthough we already left college years ago and are now working in differentcities.

With those qualities hepossesses, not only is he popular with a couple of his good friends, but alsowith people who have spent time with him as they all speak highly of him and wantto hang out with him more.

The first quality that he hasis good manners, meaning he is such a polite person. For instance, when hisfriends are talking to him, he never interrupts. Instead, he would listenattentively and then respond properly, and from time to time, he would offersome constructive suggestions as well.

What’s more, he is also aconsiderate man. I still remember there was once we planned to take a shorttrip during one summer at college. Before the trip officially started, he hadalready begun purchasing some necessities for the trip such as tissues, water,snacks and so on.

Obviously, all his qualitieshave positively influenced the people around him because we have all witnessedthat those qualities made all of us feel relaxed, respected as well as caredabout whenever we are in a group. Therefore, we have all gradually learned thatwe should try to be good listeners when we are with friends and family, andalso we shall try to stop being so self-centered, and instead we ought to serveothers more when we spend time together.


①speak highly of:动词短语;高度评价某人或某事

Eg:As all the students speak highly of Professor Lee, his lectureeven attracts many students from some nearby universities.

②attentively: 副词;认真的,投入的, 专心的

Eg:Everyone listens to the coach attentively to make sure that theydo not miss any important tips.

③constructive: 形容词;有建设意义的,有益的

Eg: He seems to be so good at putting forward constructivesuggestions in our weekly meeting.

④tissues: 名词;纸巾

Eg:Compared with others, she obviously consumes a lot more tissues.

⑤witness: 动词/名词;见证,目击;目击者

Eg:You would also have been shocked if you had witnessed what he didlast night.

Part 3 题目

What are the qualities of beingpopular?


Well, there might be quite afew qualities for someone to become popular. However, I believe the mostimportant quality is honesty. What I mean by that is you never lie no matterwhat people you meet and no matter what circumstance you are in, and that alsomeans what you say is in consistence with what you do.

What influences do popularstars have on teenagers?


The influence can be positiveor negative. For instance, teenagers could learn to make better use of theiryouth to do something more meaningful such as spending time in a libraryreading when a star posts a photo of herself reading in a library through hermicroblog. However, some teenagers might also ask their parents for luxurieswhen they see their favorite stars showing those on some social network, whichis undoubtedly a negative impact on teenagers.

Do you think children shouldimitate their idols?


Well, it really depends. I meanchildren could imitate their idols if it brings positive changes in their life.For example, if seeing their idols donating money to those poor kids for bettereducation makes them follow this behavior by donating their pocket money,children could imitate their idols. However, if their idols are accused ofdrunk driving, children should never imitate that, as it is absolutely aterrible action.

Do you think popular stars havemore freedom or less freedom?


From my perspective, I thinkthey generally have less freedom. You know, they are so different from ordinarypeople like us, because what they do, what they say or even what they wearevery day may have a great impact on society, naturally everything about them becomesthe spotlight of media, which means their privacy cannot be fully protected andrespected. In other words, they do have less freedom.

Part 2 题目2

Describe a recent change inyour life

You should say:

what the change was

when it happened

how you felt about it

and explain if it was apositive or negative change for you


此话题属于“个人经历”类话题;其次,我们使用的主要时态应该是“Past Tense”;接着,我们看前三个“basic information”:这个变化是什么?是什么时候发生的?你对这个变化的感受如何?这里我们需要思考:我们是否需要按照信息的罗列顺序依次交代这些信息点?还有,如何针对每个基础信息进行有效的拓展?比如,我们是不是可以先给出一些相关的背景信息,然后在引出“这个变化”的具体信息?再比如,在交代“How you felt about it” 时,我们是不是可以同时给出积极和消极的感受?

到最后解释,说明的部分,我们需要思考这个变化对你自己是积极的还是消极的,这里建议大家尽量谈一些积极的影响(A positive change may indicatethat you are a positive person.);另外,大家关注一下结构:先给出statement/topic sentence +supporting details.


Not long ago, I made a sportsplan for myself to get up early and go jogging in the morning for about 20minutes before I go to work. And I made such a decision because one doctorwarned me that I sat too long in front of a computer and also suggested mestart doing some sports just to stay healthy after I went through the annualphysical check-up organized by my company.

Admittedly, this is a hugechange for me as I have not been working out for a really long time. Therefore,I could assume it would be terribly difficult at the very beginning. However, Ifelt so proud of myself as I could finally start doing one particular sport tokeep a healthy life.

There is no doubt that it is apositive change in my life because it can first of all help me stay healthy.Instead of sleeping late in the morning in the past, I can now get up a bitearlier when the alarm goes off so that I could breathe the fresh air in thegarden near my community while jogging, and I am certain that jogging helps meexercise both my body and heart.

Second of all, getting up alittle earlier can also leave me some time to read news and check someimportant emails related to my work before I reach my company so that my timein the morning can be better utilized, which means I could be more productiveat work.


①physical check-up: 名词短语;体检

Eg: The physical check-up hasalready become a must for candidates selected for any full-time positions atmost companies.

②admittedly: 副词;公认的;承认的

Eg:He is admittedly one of the top students in his class despite thefact that he might have some negative impact on his classmates.

③utilize: 动词;利用,使用

Eg: In art classes, teachers often encourage students to utilizetheir imagination to draw whatever in their mind and share their work with thewhole class.

Part 3 题目

What are some of the typicalchanges that people go through in your country?


In my country, there are anumber of major changes in people life, such as going to schools, getting ajob, getting married and starting a family. Going to schools means you receiveeducation so that you can be prepared for the future job.

Which group of people likechanges, young people or elder people?


Generally speaking, I supposeit is young people who are fond of changes, as most of them are creative andeager to meet challenges. Therefore, changes can probably bring them joy. Incontrast, elder people do not fancy changes much, as most of them are prettytraditional and changes may make them feel upset or uneasy.

Have there been any changes infamily life in your country over the past decade?


Yes, I think the most dramaticchange that has happened in Chinese families is that a lot more husbandsstarted taking the responsibilities for housework. In the past, most husbandsdid not share much housework at home, which means it is the wives who did mostof the housework at home. However, women’s role in society changed in variousforms over the past 10 years as their economic status has experienced anincreasing growth. Therefore, husbands started to show more care and respect bysharing more housework at home.

What kind of change do you wishto have in your life?


I would like a change at myworkplace if I could. I mean I really want my company to have the policy thatall staff could enjoy a more flexible work schedule, which means that we areallowed to work at home from time to time when the work can be completedindependently. Therefore, I believe our work efficiency can be greatlyimproved. Meanwhile, the resources of our company can also be better utilized.

@瞅瞅: 为什么IELTS口语课大多数都由中教老师上?
老师回答: 前两天我还碰上有打算要挑个外教老师学习IELTS口语课的小伙伴或家长朋友,他们的目的非常好理解,就是觉得外教老师口音正宗。但当前来看,IELTS培训学校的全职外教老师少之又少(熟悉的就学为贵有前IELTS考官、中英双语外教老师Bobby),顶多会在课下给学生配口语外教陪练,纠正发音。我认为,主要原因还是在于外教老师很难把应试技巧给你讲解得那么详细,并且又让你理解。
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