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用所给词的适当形式填空【1】 She was one of

发布时间: 2022-12-27 15:28:42



【1】 She was one of the most ______ (inspire) people I've ever met.

【2】 Food is a subject of almost ______ (universe) interest.

【3】 There is a ______ (fundament) difference between the two points of view.

【4】 If society is to exist as a ______ (unite) ,its members must have shared values.

【5】 I prefer your ______ (origin) plan to this one.

【6】 Even with the ______ (pass) of time, nothing had happened to change his view.

【7】 You can't work ______ (continue) for six hours without a break !

【8】 We questioned the ______ (pure) of their motives.

【9】 My father expected ______ (perfect) from all of us.

【10】 Their ______ (harmony) relationship resulted in part from their similar goals.


【解析】【1】 inspiring

【2】 universal

【3】 fundamental

【4】 unity

【5】 original

【6】 passing

【7】 continually

【8】 purity

【9】 perfection

【10】 harmonious

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