培训啦 留学 美国留学


发布时间: 2022-05-08 14:50:01

请季又拉开了大幕,美国大学的申请在一片迷雾中开启。不少同学仍坚定的刷托福,SAT 等标化成绩,期待可以拿到名校的录取。相比综合大学,文理学院虽然申请人数不算多,但却培育了非常多优秀的人才,包括联合国前秘书长安楠,乔布斯,王力宏,希拉里等。那今年的申请会有怎么样的变化?下面跟着小编一起来看一下今年的五大变化:



位于马萨诸塞州历年USNEWS文理学院排名第1的威廉姆斯学院Williams College说明针对2021年入学的学生,目前申请阶段SAT可选择性提交,另外如果提交可以通过官网送分,通过邮件发送成绩报告,或者写在你的申请系统里,原文如下:

Students applying during the 2020-2021 admission cycle have the option of applying under a test-optional policy. This change has been instituted in response to the extraordinary challenges facing all of us during the Covid-19 pandemic.

If you decide to submit an SAT or ACT score, you can can do so in any of three ways:

Enter them in the testing section of your application.

Email a screenshot of your score report to applicationmaterials@williams.edu.

Have them sent to Williams directly from the testing agency. The Williams SAT code is 3965 and ACT code is 1936.

位于佛蒙特州的明德学院Middlebury College 也提及针对入学2021年的学生实行可以选择性提交标准化考试成绩,原文如下:

Students who apply as first-years or transfers, beginning with those entering in Fall 2021, have the option of applying under a test-optional policy. Middlebury recognizes the impact that the disruption of the timing of standardized testing due to the COVID-19 crisis will have on our applicants, and we seek to diminish anxiety about this testing requirement.

位于纽约州的汉密尔顿学院Hamilton College说受疫情影响,很多学生SAT 和ACT 无法考成,所以今年暂停这一要求,原文如下:

We have a generous policy for waiving application fees, are test flexible in our standardized testing requirements, and allow applicants to self-report test scores.

Additionally, given the cancellation of spring 2020 SAT and ACT exams, the uncertainty of future test dates, and the extraordinary circumstances many of our prospective families face, Hamilton has temporarily suspended its testing requirement.


截止时间进行了调整,不少常规阶段截止时间1月1的改成1月8日或者1月15。下面是学美老师整理的文理学院TOP 15的文理学院2021年申请入学的截止时间:



以往很少发奖学金和助学金的不少学校还是一样,如Havey Mudd College学校明确说国际学生不合适申请助学金,但是能提供非常有限的奖学金。具体原文如下:

As an international student, you are not eligible to apply for federal or state financial aid (except under the California Dream Act of 2011). However, Harvey Mudd College does provide financial support for a limited number of full-time enrolled (at least 12 units) international students each year. We offer need-based financial aid in the form of the International Student Scholarship. International students are also eligible to apply for some of Harvey Mudd College’s merit-based awards。

具体费用我们以Oberlin College为例:基本的学费在57654美元,总共在75888美元一年。原文如下:


Macalester College 对国际生奖学金非常慷慨,除了助学金之外,还可以有奖学金,根据学生优秀情况授予12500-15000每年。原文如下:

While the majority of financial aid awarded to international students is based on financial need, Macalester does offer a merit scholarship for international students. The Charles J. Turck Presidential Honor Scholarship is awarded to a limited number of international students who demonstrate special potential to excel academically. The scholarships range from $12,500 to $15,000 per year. Every international applicant is automatically considered for the Turck Scholarship — no special application is required.



威廉姆斯学院改成线上模式:With our campus closed as a result of COVID-19, we are in uncharted territory. While this is not how any of us envisioned your introduction to Williams, we are excited to offer online experiences to help you get to know Williams from afar.

Take a deep pe into the campus experience with our virtual tour, hosted by current Williams students.

另外每年文理学院面试展都在中国有线下的见面活动,而今年受疫情影响,直接改成了线上。第十二届美国顶尖文理学院中国巡展 2020 China Liberal Arts College Tour 也宣布“受疫情影响,今年我们将所有与会的文理学院相关宣传信息迁至线上,通过BenchPrep平台,将22所顶尖文理学院的介绍视频呈现给大家!相关报名链接即将开放。”



位于马萨诸塞州Amherst College对于语言的要求,对于家考托福和TOEFL ITP for China都接受。

Acceptance of additional English proficiency tests. For the 2020-21 admission cycle, Amherst will also accept the TOEFL Special Home Edition, the TOEFL ITP for China, and the IELTS Indicator.

位于宾夕法尼亚州的Haverford college 可以接受Duolingo:

The TOEFL, Duolingo English Test (DET), or IELTS is required if English is not your first language or you have not attended a school where English is the primary language of instruction.

位于北卡的Davidson college也接受Duolingo,并且最低分120分:

If you take the DET, IELTS, or TOEFL we require these results sent to us from either the testing agency or your high school counselor; we will not accept scores submitted directly from students or self-reported on the application.

DET: 120


TOEFL: 100 iBT or 600 PBT

位于纽约州的Colgate University接受Duolingo并且还建议学生参与Initial View 第三方面试,根据申请的批次,如果是提前批建议11月15之前,如果是常规申请建议1月15之前。

TOEFL, IELTS, or Duolingo English Test (DET) scores are required for non-native English speaking students who do not study at a secondary school where English is the primary language of instruction. These scores must be sent from the official testing agency.

In addition, our most successful applicants from China submit interviews via the online platform InitialView. Please ensure your submission is sent prior to the January 15 deadline, or prior to November 15 for Early Decision.

看了上面这些,你了解今年文理学院申请的变化了吧,不过学美老师提醒即将申请的同学们:无论怎么样变化,核心还是要提高自己的竞争力,规划好自己的活动和成绩,那么名校offer 一定在不远处等着你,当然了,目前专业的事情交给专业的人办理,有关留学的问题,欢迎咨询我们学美老师。

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