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发布时间: 2024年11月26日 09:28

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Of course, many factors influence 诚然,制约录取结果的因素较多,包括申请admissions decisions, including essays, 文书、推荐信及面试。但成绩单是这些因素letters of recommendation and 的重中之重,因为它能让考官对你迄今为止interviews. But the transcript is one of 学术研究经历以及你的潜力有一定的了解。the most vital. It gives admissionsofficers an understanding of youracademic experience to date, as well asyour potential to succeed in university.The specific process used to evaluate 对于成绩单的评估,不同的大学之间略有差transcripts may differ slightly from one 异。同其他录取条件严格的高校一样,哥伦university to another. At Columbia, 比亚大学有着高度个性化的录取模式。我们like many other selective universities, 每一位员工都会对您的成绩记录一课一课、we have a highly individualized 一年一年地精心审查。process. Everyone on our staffcarefully examines your academicrecord, year by year and class by class.We make note of trends (upward and 我们会对您在学术方面的表现的趋势做downward) in your academic 记录(上升或下滑),并会注意您选择的所performance and look to see whether 选择的课题是否具有一定难度。我们会了解you’re choosing challenging courses. 您学校的概况并查明其所提供的学术计划。We examine your school’s profile to 我们会回顾历史档案,弄清贵校曾经有哪些see the kind of academic program it 学生成功申请到哥伦比亚就读并查看他们的offers. We look back on historical data 成绩如何。有时我们甚至会向你的学校致电to see who else from your school 咨询我们所遇到的问题。has applied to Columbia and what theirtranscripts looked like. Sometimes weeven call guidance counselors toclarify our questions.What follows are a few insider tips on 以下内容是关于成绩评估的内部秘诀以及transcript evaluation, and how to 如何使你看起来更有竞争力。present yourself as a competitivecandidate.•Avoid being a “GPA protector.” 别成为GPA的奴隶Don’t play it safe by enrolling in easy 不要为了保险起见而选一些简单的课程classes. An effortless “A” is not as 不费力气得一个“A”远不如煞费苦心而impressive as a hard-earned “B” or 得一个“B”甚至是“C”。选一“C.” Taking challenging classes shows 些有挑战性的课程会让审理你材料的人觉得你认真对待学业并做好了常驻大学潜心研究the people reading your application that 的准备。that you’re serious about your educationand that you’re ready to thrive inuniversity.•Plan ahead.Working with your 提早准备advisor, come up with a 与导师共事并制定出一个长远的计划有助long-term plan to help you meet your 于您在大学中实现目标。早做university goals. Choices you make 选择有助于选课,并会使您在今后的进修申early may 时变得实力强劲。affect your ability to enroll in classeslater on that could make you a strongercandidate for college admissions.•Don’t be deterred by one bad 别为一次成绩不好而灰心grade.Universities understand if you 一次成绩不好不能完全反映您的真实水平,have one grade that’s not reflective of 这一观点很多高校都完全理解。别灰your usual ability. Don’t stress. 心,从头再来,因为最重要的是要证明自己Refocus and work hard. What’s 在经历挫折后可以重返正轨。important is that you’re able todemonstrate that you’re getting backon track.•Ask questions.As soon as you have 要问的问题(针对高中)decided where you want to apply, get 一旦确定自己要申请的学校后,要与该校的in touch with the admissions offices 招生办公室取得联系并弄清哪类课程是该and find out exactly what types of 校最重视的。多数大学(包括哥伦比亚大courses they value most. For most 学)会比较重视英语、数学、科学、语言(including Columbia) it will be English, 以及历史。但也有一些大学,例如音乐类大math, science, language and history, 学会重视您在艺术课程中的表现。but some — particularly those with aspecialized focus like music — mayplace greater emphasis on high schoolperforming arts classes.•Remember, every high school is 切记,高中各不相同different.They may seem similar, but 所有高中看似一致,但却各有千秋。有些the curricula of high schools vary 高中有着森严的课程结构制度,更有甚者widely. Some have a very rigid class 不予提供任何奖项和专利。不用担心,您structure, while others may not even 还不至于会受处罚。负责录取的工作人员offer honors or A.P. classes. Not to 会花时间去了解您所在学校的课程。worry. You won’t be penalized.University admissions officers willtake the time to understand thecurriculum of your school.•Beware of “urban legends.”As 警惕“都市传说”alluded to above, it’s dangerous to 这句话的意思是,拿与自己有近似平均compare yourself to others in different 分或排名的学生录取经历与自己相比进schools who have a similar G.P.A. 而判断自己是否会被录取可不是什么好or class rank and assume you’ll get 事。大学评估学生包括学校背景,并会将accepted or rejected based on their 年级量、班型大小、所提供的课程以及experiences. Universities evaluate 历史记录一并考虑在内。students within the context of theirschool, taking into accountdifferences in grading scales, class size,course offerings and historical data.So remember that your high school 记住,成绩单不是你参加了什么课得了transcript isn’t simply a listing of 多少分那么简单。它详细的阐述了你的courses taken and grades received. It 学习生涯和你所做的决定。成绩单是录tells a detailed story about your 取委员会必读的关于你的故事。school career and the choices you’vemade. It’s a story that’s requiredreading for admissions officers.

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