培训啦 留学 留学资讯


发布时间: 2023-02-09 04:55:02






Ⅰ. 例题(2016年天津卷书面表达)


(1) 回顾双方的交流活动(如学习、生活、体育、文艺等方面);

(2) 谈谈收获或感想;

(3) 表达祝愿与期望。


(1) 词数不少于100;

(2) 可适当加入细节,使内容充实、行文连贯;

(3) 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

Dear friends,

How time flies!


Thank you.

Ⅱ. 点拨

1. 试题分析



2. 审题要素

(1) 明确人称和时态。本文写作时主要使用第一人称。在叙述具体活动时用一般过去时,谈感想、表达祝愿时可用一般现在时。

(2) 仔细审题,确定写作要点:

① 回顾交流活动:时光飞逝,你们来我校已经两周了;我们在一起的学习和生活非常愉快;体育活动和比赛给我们留下了深刻的印象;晚会上的文艺活动和节目记忆犹新;

② 谈收获和感想:相处融洽,收获颇丰;口语的提高和对双方文化的进一步理解会让我们受益终生;

③ 表明身份,话别并祝愿:作为学生会主席,代表晨光中学的学生,道别并祝旅途愉快,期待再来我校参观等。

(3) 写作时注意使用恰当的衔接和过渡词语,以确保行文连贯。细节的添加要自然,以确保叙事完整、情节生动。

3. 谋篇布局






Dear friends,

How time flies!It has been two weeks since you came to our school. During this period, we lived a happy life and studied very well. The activities and matches we had in our PE lessons leave a deep impression on us. Moreover, we still remember the wonderful programs we performed together in the party.

We are getting along so well that we have learned a lot from each other, and the improvement of our spoken language and the further understanding of our cultures will benefit us forever.

As chairman of the Students’ Union, I will say goodbye to you on behalf of all the students from Chenguang Middle School, and wish you a good journey and another visit to our school.

Thank you.


文章根据题目的提示,巧妙地运用It has been two weeks since ...进行了“时间和事件”的衔接,然后分类回顾了两周来的活动,总结了收获和感想,最后自我介绍,代表学校学生道别并祝愿。


文章运用了It is/has…since…句型、定语从句、so...that...结构以及结构稍复杂的长句等,这些都为文章增光添彩,成为本文的亮点。




Ⅰ. 相关词汇

campus, school yard, canteen, dining hall, dormitory, competition, reward, teaching building, the Students’ Union, the College Entrance Examinations, in one’s spare time, prepare for, at weekends, on holidays, study effectively, take part in, get along well with, get the chance to do sth., amusing party, social practice, part-time jobs, work hard at, put one’s heart into, concentrate on, after-school activities, physical activities, have a picnic, have a party, learn...by heart, keep...in mind, make progress in, have a good command of, cheat in the exam, win first prize in, finish one’s homework, be busy with, answer one’s questions, praise sb. for sth., say sorry to, promise to do sth.

Ⅱ. 相关句型

1. I’m now studying in Class…

2. I prefer to fail rather than cheat in the exam.

3. A child poor at… may be talented for…

4. It is of great help for us to study effectively.

5. The extracurricular activity is a necessary part of the school life.

6. I don’t want to be too busy with my school study all day long.

7. I’ll say sorry again and I promise I would work hard at my lesson from now on.

8. I didn’t finish my homework for I had been busy with other things.

9. I’d like to get the chance to take part in some amusing parties held by our class or school.

10. We need some free time to relax, especially at weekends and on holidays.

11. We will become busier with our study, preparing for the coming College Entrance Examinations.

12. You didn’t notice my behavior, so you praised me for the good answer instead of blaming me.

13. I want to live a busy but interesting life, getting along well with my study and life in the coming year.

14. I’d like to take part in some sports and games in my spare time at school, which can help me to keep fit and healthy.

15. I felt very guilty now and I know that I should have finished my homework on time, and I shouldn’t have lied to you in your class.

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