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发布时间: 2023-01-16 05:55:19




TPO 24-3 Moving into Pueblos中:

Some scholars expand on this idea by emphasizing a corresponding need for
arable land to feed growing numbers of people: construction of small dams,
reservoirs, terraces, and field houses indicates that farmers were intensifying
their efforts during the 1200s.

A. Some scholars even claim that the intensification of farmers' various
efforts during the 1200s led to further population growth and the consequent
need for more arable land.

B. Evidence of intensifying agriculture in the 1200s indicates a need to
feed a larger population and so extends the argument that a growing population
was the cause of the move to pueblos.

C. During the 1200s, farmers met the demand for more arable land, but they
also succeeded in cultivating existing land more intensively with the help of
agricultural construction projects.

D. Some scholars feel strongly that the construction of small dams,
reservoirs, terraces, and field houses in the thirteenth century is independent
evidence for growth in the number of people.


首先句子1为“Some scholars expand on this idea by emphasizing a corresponding
need for arable land to feed growing numbers of people”句子2为“construction of
small dams, reservoirs, terraces, and field houses indicates that farmers were
intensifying their efforts during the
1200s”,两句之间由一个标点“:”连接,表示解释说明,实则句子2可以同意转换成“(To feed growing numbers of people)
accounts for the intensifying agricultural efforts in the 1200s”,
对等B选项中的“Evidence of intensifying agriculture in the 1200s indicates a need to
feed a larger population”,句子1中expand on这个词意为“进一步阐述”,实则是一个隐形因果逻辑,“指示代词+名词this
idea” 指的是前文的“domestic architecture became larger, culminating in crowded
pueblos”,也就是“people moved into the pueblos”, 因此整合句子1就可以得到“the growing number of
people expands on the fact that people moved into the pueblos.” 对等B选项中的“a
growing population was the cause of the move to pueblos”, 本题题干中出现的expand
lead to, result in, produce, give rise to, support, render, account
for等词语,还有诸如表示由……产生,反映(果←因):result from, derive from, attribute to, ascribe to,
reflect, suggest等词语。

至于evidence这个词,我们很容易想到一道经典句子简化题TPO1-3 Timberline Vegetation on

Wind velocity also increases with altitude and may cause serious stress for
trees, as is made evident by the deformed shapes at high altitudes.

A. Because of their deformed shapes at high altitudes, trees are not likely
to be seriously harmed by the strong winds typical of those altitudes.

B. As altitude increases, the velocity of winds increase, leading to a
serious decrease in the number of trees found at high altitudes.

C. The deformed shapes of trees at high altitudes show that wind velocity,
which increase with altitude, can cause serious hardship for trees.

D. Increased wind velocity at high altitudes deforms the shapes of trees,
and this may cause serious stress for trees.

此题题干中 “as is made evident by” 也体现了隐形的因果关系,后面的“the deformed shapes at high
altitudes”为结果reflect the wind velocity increasing with altitude, 对应C选项中的“the
deformed shapes of trees at high altitudes show that wind velocity, which
increase with altitude”。

Westward Migration中有这样一道推理题:

Two other developments presaged the end of the era of turnpikes and started
a transportation revolution that resulted in increased regional specialization
and the growth of a national market economy. First came the steamboat; although
flatboats and keelboats continued to be important until the 1850’s steamboats
eventually superseded all other craft in the carrying of passengers and freight.
Steamboats were not only faster but also transported upriver freight for about
one tenth of what it had previously cost on hand-propelled keelboats. Next came
the Erie Canal, an enormous project in its day, spanning about 350 miles. After
the canal went into operation, the cost per mile of transporting a ton of
freight from Buffalo to New York City declined from nearly 20 cents to less than
1 cent. Eventually, the western states diverted much of their produce from the
rivers to the Erie Canal, a shorter route to eastern markets.

Which of the following can be inferred from the paragraph about flatboats
and keelboats?

A. They ceased to be used as soon as the first turnpikes were built.

B. They were slower and more expensive to operate than steamboats.

C. They were used for long-distance but not for regional

D. They were used primarily on the Erie Canal.

根据题干信息flatboats and keelboats,我们很容易首先定位至原文中句子“although flatboats and
keelboats continued to be important until the 1850s, steamboats eventually
superseded all other craft in the carrying of passengers and
were not only faster but also transported upriver freight for about one tenth of
what it had previously cost on hand-propelled keelboats.”中由比较级形式faster, 分数one
tenth of…,

在托福阅读比较的逻辑关系中,我们能够比较轻易地识别出compare, compare
to这类显性的比较关系词,同时也应该注意表示比较级-er,表示变化的词,例如change, increase, enhance, continue,
supersede, surpass等,以及表示分数和倍数诸如此类的表示隐含的比较关系词。



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