培训啦 留学 留学资讯


发布时间: 2023-01-18 22:25:00

1、学生会编委会(Student Union Editorial Board)
2、学生会(Student Union)
3、Accountancy Soccer Association (ASA)
4、Students UnionThe Riddlebusters
5、划艇会(Rowing Club)
6、学生会泰拳及拳击学会(Student Union Society of Muay Thai and Boxing)
7、运动康乐大联盟(Student Union The United Association of Sports and Entertainments)
8、摄影学会(Photographic Association)
9、游戏研究学会(Game Theory Society)
10、魔术学会(Magic Club)
11、学生会投资学会(Students Union The Investment Society)
13、舞蹈学会(Dance Association)
14、空手道会(Krate Club)
15、跆拳道(Taekwon-do Club)
16、学生会精武武术学会咏春(Student Union Chinese Traditional Martial Art Association)
17、内地香港青年联合会(Association of Mainland and Hong Kong Youths,AMHKY)
18、基督教徒团契(Christian Student Union),基督教徒诗班(Christian Choir),基督教徒乐队(Christian Band)
19、社会服务团(Social Service Association)
20、学生会橄榄球学会(Student Union Society of Rugby Club)
21、扶轮青年服务团(Rotaract Club)
22、天主教同学会(Catholic Society)
23、动漫艺术研究学会(Student Union Animation and Comic Arts Society)
24、学生会剑道学会(Student Union Kendo Club)
25、学生会居合道学会(Student Union Iaido Club)
26、剧社(Dramatics Club)
27、大学青年会(University YMCA)
28、心理效能学会(Psychological Competence Association)
29、青年启蒙基地(base of Youth Enlightenment)
30、学生会法国德国文化兴趣学会(Student Union French-German Club)
31、咏春会(Wing Tsun Society)
32、香港青年奖励计划执行处支部(User Unit of the HongKong Award for Young people)
33、乐社(Band Society)
34、商和学会(Business United Society)
35、学生会日文化研究学会(Student Union Japanese Culture Club)
36、中文辩论会队(Chinese Debating Team)
37、学生会创行学会(Student Union ENACTUS)
38、学生会山艺历奇学会(Student Union Hiking Explorer Association)
40、Dental Health
41、学生会登山协会(Student Union Mountaineering Association)

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