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发布时间: 2023-01-31 12:24:19


adjacent n. That which is near or bordering upon.
adjudge v. To award or bestow by formal decision.
adjunct n. Something joined to or connected with another thing, but holding a subordinate place.
adjuration n. A vehement appeal.
adjutant adj. Auxiliary.
administrator n. One who manages affairs of any kind.
admissible adj. Having the right or privilege of entry.
admittance n. Entrance, or the right or permission to enter.
admonish v. To warn of a fault.
admonition n. Gentle reproof.
ado n. unnecessary activity or ceremony.
adoration n. Profound devotion.
adroit adj. Having skill in the use of the bodily or mental powers.
adulterant n. An adulterating substance.
adulterate v. To make impure by the admixture of other or baser ingredients.
adumbrate v. To represent beforehand in outline or by emblem.
advent n. The coming or arrival, as of any important change, event, state, or personage.
adverse adj. Opposing or opposed.
adversity n. Misfortune.
advert v. To refer incidentally.
advertiser n. One who advertises, especially in newspapers.
advisory adj. Not mandatory.
advocacy n. The act of pleading a cause.
advocate n. One who pleads the cause of another, as in a legal or ecclesiastical court.
aerial adj. Of, pertaining to, or like the air.
aeronaut n. One who navigates the air, a balloonist.
aeronautics n. the art or practice of flying aircraft
aerostat n. A balloon or other apparatus floating in or sustained by the air.
aerostatics n. The branch of pneumatics that treats of the equilibrium, pressure, and mechanical properties.
affable adj. Easy to approach.
affect v. To act upon
affectation n. A studied or ostentatious pretense or attempt.
affiliate n. Some auxiliary person or thing.
affirmative adj. Answering yes; to a question at issue.
affix v. To fasten.
affluence n. A profuse or abundant supply of riches.
affront n. An open insult or indignity.
afire adv. & adj. On fire, literally or figuratively.
afoot adv. In progress.
aforesaid adj. Said in a preceding part or before.
afresh adv. once more, after rest or interval.
adjacent n. That which is near or bordering upon.
adjudge v. To award or bestow by formal decision.
adjunct n. Something joined to or connected with another thing, but holding a subordinate place.
adjuration n. A vehement appeal.
adjutant adj. Auxiliary.
administrator n. One who manages affairs of any kind.
admissible adj. Having the right or privilege of entry.
admittance n. Entrance, or the right or permission to enter.
admonish v. To warn of a fault.
admonition n. Gentle reproof.
ado n. unnecessary activity or ceremony.
adoration n. Profound devotion.
adroit adj. Having skill in the use of the bodily or mental powers.
adulterant n. An adulterating substance.
adulterate v. To make impure by the admixture of other or baser ingredients.
adumbrate v. To represent beforehand in outline or by emblem.
advent n. The coming or arrival, as of any important change, event, state, or personage.
adverse adj. Opposing or opposed.
adversity n. Misfortune.
advert v. To refer incidentally.
advertiser n. One who advertises, especially in newspapers.
advisory adj. Not mandatory.
advocacy n. The act of pleading a cause.
advocate n. One who pleads the cause of another, as in a legal or ecclesiastical court.
aerial adj. Of, pertaining to, or like the air.
aeronaut n. One who navigates the air, a balloonist.
aeronautics n. the art or practice of flying aircraft
aerostat n. A balloon or other apparatus floating in or sustained by the air.
aerostatics n. The branch of pneumatics that treats of the equilibrium, pressure, and mechanical properties.
affable adj. Easy to approach.
affect v. To act upon
affectation n. A studied or ostentatious pretense or attempt.
affiliate n. Some auxiliary person or thing.
affirmative adj. Answering yes; to a question at issue.
affix v. To fasten.
affluence n. A profuse or abundant supply of riches.
affront n. An open insult or indignity.
afire adv. & adj. On fire, literally or figuratively.
afoot adv. In progress.
aforesaid adj. Said in a preceding part or before.
afresh adv. once more, after rest or interval.




2.如果是考取出国本科单词5000或者考取研究生8000 。都是最低要求。




(1)C. K. Ogden 和I. A. Rechards曾列出学习英语最常用的850个单词 (Basic English Word List ),并成功地运用这些单词简写过一些英国文学名著,这些词可作为英语初学者第一步需要掌握的。(2)我国中学英语教学大纲明文规定中学生到毕业时需掌握2500个单词,伴随我国教育事业的发展,这个数字将不断增加。(3)英国郎曼公司出版的《郎曼当代英语词典》( Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English ) 后附有一个2000单词的词表,该词典就是使用这些词汇给所有词条下定义的,可见这些词汇是学习英语时最基础的词汇,这也是我们每个学习者都应掌握的词汇。{此文摘自《赢在单词》一书} (4)我国高等院校非英语专业的本科生所参加全国英语四级考试,这考试大纲列出了约5000单词。根据词频调查表明,这5000单词的覆盖率约为97%,即每一百单词中仅有3个单词不在大纲中。这样我们掌握了大纲要求的词汇后,再掌握几百个专业词汇,就可基本满足我们阅读英语专业文章的需求。(5)我国公派出国留学人员需要通过EPT考试,才可以出国,这种考试要求掌握的词汇约7000个。(6)赴美留学需通过TOEFL 考试,这种考试要求掌握的词汇约7000 ~ 8000个。(7)赴美攻读博士学位的留学生需通过GRE考试,要求掌握10000个单词。这也是我国英语专业本科生所需要掌握的词汇数量。只要你的词汇量达到这个水平,那么你就可以顺利地阅读英语文学作品、报刊等原著。{此文摘自《赢在单词》一书} (8)享誉世界的英国文学大师莎士比亚一生写了许多作品,据有关人士统计调查所用词汇量大约为20000个。(9)作为以英语为母语的英美国家而言,他们一般需要掌握20000 ~ 30000个单词,如受过高等教育或从事语言研究方面的英美人可掌握40000 ~ 50000个单词。{此文摘自《赢在单词》一书} (10)说了这么多,那么英语到底有多少单词呢?我们可以从许多资料中找到答案,当然这答案也不会一样了。例如:1993年出版的13卷本的牛津英语词典(the 13-volume Oxford English Dictionary)共收编各类词汇达414825个;1961 年出版的威布斯特国际第三版词典( Webster’s Third New International Dictionary )共收编各类词汇达450000个;1979年出版的柯林斯英语词典( Collins Dictionary of English Language )共收编各类词汇达3000000个。社会在进步,语言也在不停的发展,有语言学家预测英语词汇数量在未来50年将会超过5000000 个。那对于我们个人而言到底应该掌握多少单词呢?假如你仅仅想阅读一些英语文章,那么有6000左右即可;假如你想出国留学,还想读一些自己所学专业的英语文章,那么你需要掌握8000左右;假如你想顺利阅读关于英文的外国原著,那么你需要掌握10000个单词左右。所以,读者朋友可以根据你个人的需求,来选择你要掌握词汇量的程度。{此文摘自《赢在单词》一书} 在我们所掌握的词汇中,我们可以把它大致分为两大类:积极词汇和消极词汇。积极词汇是指那些自己能够会说会写,能正确使用的词汇不仅知道它们的音、形、义,还应知道它们的语法功能、搭配用法、文化含义等,这样的词汇大约需要2500 ~ 3000个。而其他的大部分都是消极词汇了,这些词汇你只要能够听懂、读懂就行。

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