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1. 推荐新托福写作书








2. 新托福写作经典作文模板是怎样的


3. 托福写作考试有什么范文

From Boston to Los Angeles, from New York City to Chicago to Dallas, museums are either planning, building, or wrapping up wholesale expansion programs。

These programs already have radically altered facades and floor plans or are expected to do so in the not-too-distant future。In New York City alone, six major institutions have spread up and out into the air space and neighborhoods around them or are preparing to do so。

The reasons for this confluence of activity are plex, but one factor is a consideration everywhere - space。With collections expanding, with the needs and functions of museums changing, empty space has bee a very precious modity。

Probably nowhere in the country is this more true than at the Philadelphia Museum of Art, which has needed additional space for decades and which received its last significant facelift ten years ago。Because of the space crunch, the Art Museum has bee increasingly cautious in considering acquisitions and donations of art, in some cases passing up opportunities to strengthen its collections。

Deaccessing - or selling off - works of art has taken on new importance because of the museum's space problems。And increasingly, curators have been forced to juggle gallery space, rotating one masterpiece into public view while another is sent to storage。

Despite the clear need for additional gallery and storage space, however," the museum has no plan, no plan to break out of its envelope in the next fifteen years," according to Philadelphia Museum of Art's president。

4. 新托福写作怎么写呢

北美真题及范文:/toefl/writing/p286306/ 北美真题及范文:/toefl/writing/p286301/ 北美真题及范文:/toefl/writing/p286298/ 北美真题再现:/toefl/writing/p286290/ 北美真题及范文:/toefl/writing/p286286/ 北美真题再现:/toefl/writing/p286280/ 新托福综合写作的高分策略(3):/toefl/writing/p286274/ 新托福综合写作的高分策略(2):/toefl/writing/p286271/ 新托福综合写作的高分策略(1):/toefl/writing/p286267/ /toefl/writing/p286264/。

5. 备考新托福考试写作有哪些方法









目前正在美国展开密集advertising campaign的是哪家公司呢?是Toyota.在faulty brake和sticky accelerator被一连串曝光后,Toyota却并没有像大家预期那样暂时保持低调等事情过去,反而咬着牙同时推出了至少7个不同版本的TV commercials(这在美国广告史上也属罕见)。其中最搞笑的一个广告是一位老先生很深沉地对年轻人们讲:“Good companies fix their mistakes but great companies learn from their mistakes!”

但是,美国公众却并没有忘记已经导致19人丧生的“丰田门”事件。Pat身边的电视上NBC就正在现场直播一位叫Rhonda Smith的女士在国会山参加congressional hearing的实况。Mrs.Smith的Lexus曾突然加速到100英里(160公里),而且在完全失控的状态下连续狂奔6英里。

Six Miles of Interstate Terror 为新托福作文题:

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Advertising makes consumers buy things that they do not need.



Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Serious movies are better than entertaining movies.


上周末获得6项奥斯卡大奖,特别是Best Picture(最佳电影)和Best Director(最佳导演)两个重量级奖项的Hurt Locker其实就是写这篇作文最新的例子。作为一个资深影迷,Pat体验过美国1-3线城市几乎所有的大电影院,而且无论大片还是票房毒药几乎场场必到,但老实说,这部Hurt Locker我还是真的没看过。而且不仅本人,我身边的所有骨灰级影迷在奥斯卡之夜后的早晨互问的第一个问题全都是,“Hey, did you watch Hurt Locker before?"

根本原因,就是这部Hurt Locker的战争题材过于严肃,导致它远离了美国大众,所以虽然它早在2008年就已经首映,而且专业人士一再叫好(critically acclaimed),甚至被一些影评人说成“the best war movie ever made", 但票房却一直十分惨淡。而且更关键的是在它一口气拿了这么多奥斯卡奖之后,我身边的朋友们还是没有一个想去看这部电影的。

相比之下,2009年夏天在美国和加拿大火得不行的Inglourious Basterds,虽然也是war movie, 但因为娱乐性极强,反倒净赚了4亿多美金。

当然,票房并不是衡量一部电影的唯一指标。但James Cameron虽然并没有拿到最佳导演,这实在让美国公众大跌眼镜,但在美国民众心目中,他的Avatar才是当之无愧的2009-2010年北美最成功的电影。

篇三: 是否应该通过不同媒体获得真相

To what extent do you agree or disagree: There are so many sources of information today. People should get information from different sources in order to know the facts.是一道比较抽象的题目,用“经典例子”很难论证。也许唯一靠谱的例子是Watergate Scandal, 但这未免也太恶俗了吧?

如果您听说过美国著名的摄影师Charles Moore,那么这道题的例子就将变得非常“美国”。Moore是黑人民权运动时代最著名的白人摄影师,他不顾个人安危拍摄了大量美国南方黑人被迫害的真实照片,包括Martin Luther King,Jr.被警察强行抓捕的照片。Moore的报导与当时美国白人主流媒体对大量事件的报导直接冲突,引发了很多主张平权的`北方民众南下去寻找事实真相。


上周四,Charles Moore在他的家中去世,导致在美国的主流媒体再次引发了Charles Moore热。但这一次,却没有一个人反对他。大家一致公认:Moore拍的照片才是真正的"facts"。

America definitely has come a long way ...


The Obama Health Bill Rally in Virginia

本周日,美国将面临一个重大抉择:Congress将对Barack Obama的Health Bill进行投票。如果能够获得通过那么至少3000万目前还没有医保的美国人将从中受益。虽然美国民调一再显示越来越多的公众认为小奥是一个socialist, 但白发日渐增加的小奥却似乎已经对讨论“姓社还是姓资”的问题失去了兴趣。今天电视上每个台都在不停播放他在Virginia向着数千Health Bill的支持者高喊,“I know this will be a difficult journey. I know this will be a tough vote..."

可是,统计分析却清晰表明:即使Health (Care) Bill真的获得通过,仍将有大量美国人无法获得免费的family physicians(家庭医生)的定期检查。因为与专科医生相比family physicians收入偏低,所以医学院毕业生多数并不愿意选择作family physicians,而且家庭医生短缺的状况很可能还将随着新增的3000万免费医保享受者加入而进一步被恶化。


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:

It is better to get fully prepared and avoid mistakes than to do something first and then accept mistakes.本周末很可能将在美国真实上演。


2010年大陆机考的第三道题:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: As individuals, we cannot make contributions to solving environmental problems. 是一道经常出现的考题。能不能举出有时代感的崭新北美例子呢?The answer must be a resounding YES!今晚,在北美将会有近1亿人为保护环境而turn off our lights for Earth Hour,这充分说明每个人作为an individual都可以为环保做贡献。Pat作为一个从小就不乱扔香蕉皮的好孩子今晚也会坚定地加入到这一行动中。而且只要再看看下面的事实:在短短的三年前(2007年),Earth Hour还只是澳洲The Sydney Morning Herald 报社的几个“我”的设想,而今天它却已经成为the biggest climate awareness campaign in the world,我们就会更感叹individuals其实可以为改善环境做出多么巨大的贡献了!


曾在很长时间内被认为是“美国历史上最伟大的棒球手之一”的Mark McGuire终于承认了自己长期服用兴奋.剂的事实,成为2010年美国第一个爆出丑闻的体育明星。

很久以来一直有传闻说Mark McGuire服用过performance-enhancing drugs(用来提高比赛表现的违禁药品,在美语中也常用doping或者steroid use表示类似的意思)。但这个马克很会通过媒体进行表演,每次被采访到关于这个话题的时候,他都一脸委屈,甚至还经常带着自己的儿子一起上各种媒体访谈,刻意塑造“新好男人”形象。美国媒体替马克圆谎达20年之久,可信度实在未能起到其作为 the conscience of society 应该起的作用。


熟悉TOEFL iBT写作机经的朋友们应该都听说过这道题(已在大陆和北美多次出现):

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:

Scientists should be responsible for the negative impact of their research.写这道题国内的“小盆友”们举得最多的例子就是克隆人(human cloning)。但是最近在美国,被人们谈论得最多的有争议科学研究却已经不再是human cloning, 而是Dr. Craig Venter和人类历史上第一个人工生命 Synthia(严格来说Synthia并不是一个人造儿童,只是the first cell with a synthetic genome, 但从理论上讲这种cell已经完全具有“长大成人”的潜力了)。

美语里有一个很地道的俗语叫play God,就是指那种对他人的命运指手画脚的行为,而这一次Dr. Craig Venter是实实在在的扮演了一次上帝造物的角色,在美国甚至已经有人提出他应该被授予明年的诺贝尔生物学奖。全人类都将密切关注the first cell with a synthetic genome将带来的革命或灾难。



Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:

Governments should focus on the preservation of the environment than on the economic development.


其实目前正在美国引起轩然大波(is causing quite a stir)的墨西哥湾漏油事件(the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill / BP Oil Spill)就是最新也最扣题的好例子。

小奥不仅在和Larry King的访谈中高喊“我已经出离愤怒(I'm furious!)",而且昨天第三次亲赴漏油地点视察,超过了他访问民主党支持者们最关心的阿富汗战区的次数。

更重要的是,由于漏油还在不断漂浮并且已经影响到渔业(fishing industry)和旅游业(tourism)等多个产业,最终给美国经济带来的损失很可能将超过500亿美元。如果大家觉得500亿对美国来说没什么,请想想美国经济目前并未企稳(remain highly volatile),再想想500亿USD可就是3000多亿RMB。

解决环境问题对于发展经济的重要性,在墨西哥湾漏油事件中得到了最残酷但也是最真实(harsh but factual)的证明。


第二阶段:冲刺阶段 时间:考前2个多月


Do we need “Never, never give up”?
Near the end of the Second World War, Churchill delivered his mast famous and the shortest speech: Never, Never Give Up. The British and people in many other countries were tremendously encouraged, and finally went through the hardest period in human history.
“Never give up” represent a strong and positive life altitude. Some people are ready to quit when they feel they cannot endure the difficulties of some work or they think they cannot find a way to finish the required task. Such people usually become upset and disappointed and lose their self-confidence, although they virtually can do every thing well simply by trying once more. In cases such as acquiring second language, most people failed simply because they had given up. Acquiring second language might be the easiest task among diverse academic curriculums, because one can be successful only by plain repetition, through it is painstaking and time consuming.
Never give up. Such strong belief often gives us the second chance. The fact that we failed somewhere does mot mean we are going to fail everywhere, and especially it does not necessarily mean that we are deprived the opportunities to win there. There probably is a second chance. Many successful people did fail before. Yu Minhong, the founder of New Oriental School, was able to study in Peking University only after three attempts. He was not reckoned as successful after graduation, among many signs is the fact that almost all his classmates went abroad while he was each and every time refused by officials in visa-granting office for unexplained reasons. Yet he never give up, which makes his later success inevitable.
Psychology teaches us that we do get what we want, if we know exactly what we want and want the right thing. First of all, we must make sure that our clearly defined goals are achievable, and that our carefully designed means are practicable. A superficial claim like I wanna be a millionaire brings nothing. And an unrealistic goal like inventing a perpetual motion machine is absolutely meaningless. But if we planning, and relevant persistence we have no reason to fail. And numerous examples tell us that even if the methods are problematic, many still finally attain great achievements. Therefore, in most cases, the belief “Never, never give up” is really something that we should always bear in mind.

新托福写作部分与GRE,GMAT, IRLTS的写作部分有哪些本质不同?

A)与GRE,GMAT, IRLTS作文相比,新托福作文题目理解难度看来是偏低的。举一个例子:【新托福考题】Do you agree or disagree the following statement:Schools should not pay much attention to general subjects. Instead, they should help prepare for future jobs and careers,【IELTS考题】Some people thin that schools and universities should provide graduates with the knowledge and skills needed in the workplace. Others think that the true function of a school or a university should be to give access to knowledge for its own sake, regardless of whether the course is useful to an employer. What, in your opinion, should be the main function of schools and universities?看,两个完全相同的话题,新托福作文题目仍然比IELTS作文题的用词更加直白。B)不仅考题理解难度存在本质诧异,这四种留学考试对思维深度的要求同样存在本质差别。美囯本土的学生在申请graduate school的时候也必须交GRE成绩。它除了语言测试功能,更重要的是思维能力测试。GRE issue对素材和写作形式都更有严密的要求。幸运的是:与GRE作文这种“我宁愿冷酷到底”、“吃脚指头不吐脚趾甲”的“杀手型”作文相比,新托福作文则明显带有“拉家常”性质,它考察更多的是common sense以及把这种common sense用并不是很艰深但是比较准确的英文表达出来的能力。如果说GRE对素材要求是profound(深刻的),那么新托福对ideas的要求则是reasonable(合理的)。(但是简单≠语言干涸)与GRE作文接近,IELTS作文也明显带有学术性作文的倾向,对ideas的要求虽然还没有GRE那么高,但是明显比TOEFL IBT写作更篇学术性。C)有多少爱可以胡来?——新托福作文允许我们做的囧事新托福的independent writing task并不是严格意义上的academic writing,即使在ETS提供的TPO—level sample essays中也经常出现不符合学术写作要求的“违规”行为。这些写法如果在正式research papers中出现的poorly-educated甚至illiterate。但在新托福写作中,它们却显得如此理直气壮,尽显新托福作文“我是流氓我怕怕谁”的坦白与率真:即使是满分官方范文与偶尔出现一些打字错误或者标点错误。满分托付作文中也允许I’m,don’t,shouldn’t这类常用缩写形式(这点和GRE及IELTS完全不同。但请注意不要用OMG,LOL,BRB这样的非正式首字缩写词,更不要因为一时紧张就把SF, RP, BT, 这些汉语拼音缩写带入你的作文高分作文中允许使用疑问句、反问句甚至感叹句(前提是确实有真情实感时才用,不要让人家觉得你实在无病呻吟)允许使用与题目相关的proverbs(谚语)、idioms(成语)或者quotations/citations(直接引用/简洁引用)官方满分作文也经常在意义表达正确的前提之下使用I, we,甚至you这些比较主观的人称代词可以用一些口语化的表达,比如What really counts us…(真正重要的是),come in handy(派上用场)或者make or break(决定成败)都成出现在ETS的满分范文中——但是!!不要使用wanna,drag,bender,wicked这类在美国年轻人空中经常能听到的相当不正式的俚语(但是如果你对在口语考试中使用地道的美国俚语有兴趣,可以登录 www.urbandictionay.com,一个极酷的美国俚语网站。而且每一个单词后面的for/against打分可以让你精确地把握自己是否应该使用它)虽然,被动语态在学术论文中是否适宜使用,在北美的“叫兽”们那里并没有达成一致,往往是各执一词,但是对于新托福作文这种比较生活化的作文考试,被动语态只要看起来自然,就尽管放心用。事实上,不仅仅是新托福,SAT、一部分GRE Issue官方满分作文也都是一生活实践为主要分析对象。与欧洲相比,完全撇开事实去抽象说理的写作方式,在美国这个一直都高度重视生活实的社会中从没有成为the mainstream practice。申请读本科的同学应该集中准备新托福真题病认真深入研究新托福写作。如果不是确实精力过剩,就没有必要非逼着自己跟风熬夜读GRE或者GMAT范文了。计划靠G的筒子们可以从GRE的作文里搬一些好的词汇和句子过来,但是同时务必牢记:新托福作文的论证更加偏重生活实际 查看原帖>>



toefl ibt 还有固定的作文题库吗?



为了帮助大家写好托福 作文 的结尾段,不断提高自己的托福分数,下面我给大家带来托福写作结尾模板,来参考学习一下!


在之前的 文章 中我们探讨过如何快速准确地开头,如何避免一些常见的错误,包括语法错误和标点错误,那一篇好的作文肯定也离开一个漂亮的结尾,那么这里我们再来探讨一下如何做好托福独立写作的收尾工作。不



2 以不同的措辞复述文章的主题

3 总结 本文的主要论点

4 还可以包含轶事,引语,统计数字或者建议


After pondering this question on many occasions, I have finally reached the conclusion that…

Given the factors I have just outlined, I believe that

All the reasons above have led to the conclusion that …

Finally, I want to reinforce my standpoint that….

In a word/in summary/to conclude, it is more valuable to…

In light/view of the above arguments, I would like to restate my point that

From what I mentioned above, we can draw a conclusion that

based on that, we can safely assume that

With all factors being considered, it’s reasonable to believe that

In a word/in summary/to conclude, it is more valuable that




简而言之,此 方法 就是再陈述一下对于文章的看法,然后分别列出支持你的观点理由,这些理由全完可以是主体段落的主题句的改写

题目:More and more people are spending money on their pets, even though there can be other good ways to spend money.

From what I mentioned above, we can draw a conclusion that even though the sharp expense on pets may seem puzzling, when all things are considered, it is worth spending money on their pets. Since the emotional gratification people receive from their pets immensely far outweighs what they can get by spending in other aspects.



题目:Good communication skill is the most important characters for a person who wants to become successful.

Admittedly, a silver tongue makes it easier to feed ourselves. (让步)However, we should also take into consideration the importance of our aspiration, practical capabilities, as well as commitment due to diverse requirements of different jobs.



题目:We should never be impolite in the modern society.

Being polite to others is a virtue, but sometimes being polite is only a twisted virtue. We should be gentle and polite to others in most cases, but if we still remain polite when treated intolerantly or even threatened rudely by bad people, it maybe brings about some bad consequences.



题目:. In order for a business to succeed, it must put more money in advertising.

In view of the above arguments, there are other aspects like investment, management, and services, that are of equal or more significance in a business’s success under different circumstances. That’s what enables me to come to the conclusion that putting more money in advertising isn’t always the ultimate solution to a business’s success. Given the fact that business thrives on high-quality products and services, it’s highly suggested a business maintain the quality of it’s products and services while focusing on the primary issues.



题目:In order for a business to succeed, it must put more money in advertising.

To sum up, I agree that it is necessary for businessman to invest money and energy in advertising. From the perspective of business, how can one possibly deny that the advertisement make the products recognizable and trustworthy to buyers?

托福写作 范文 :现在比以前更容易接受 教育


Nowadays it is easier to be an educated person than it was in the past.


It is easier to become a educated person today than it was in the past.




As is known to all, receiving education has always been the main way for us to acquire knowledge throughout the human civilization history. Recently there has been a hot debate whether education today is more accessible to the public than in the past. As far as I am concerned, there is no doubt that people nowadays have much easier access to education with the following reasons.

To begin with, the advent of various high-tech products has enriched the ways and approaches to receive education. Obviously, with the introduction of advanced means of education, educational resources take on multiple forms such as distant education and online study, which make knowledge more accessible to us. However, in the past, the only way to get educated was to attend classess in traditional schools, which definitely increases the difficulty of gaining education. For example, in the process of making preparations for TOEFL test, I want to take class in Beijing New Oriental School. But I am an undergraduate student of a university far away from Beijing. Meanwhile, due to the academic pressure from my college study, it is impossible for me to take a month off and to have an intensive course in Beijing. Thanks to the online courses, I can take these classes in my college while handling the tasks and assignment from my field of study. The online courses make possible the in-time response to my questions and online submission of assignments.

Secondly, since more and more importance is being attached to education, it is much easier and essential to get educated than in the past. Under the society full of intense competition, acquiring formal education has become the essenital precondition for anyone to make a living. As a result, the public awareness of receiving education is much stronger than before, leading to a common phenomenon that an increasing number of parents send their kids to study abroad. However, in the bygone days/in the old days, the requirement for a person was not as strict as it is today, with the result that less attention was paid to education. According to a survey conducted by the National Educational Department in China, the number of students who take the national college entrance examination has risen from 88.3% in 2008 to 92.5% in 2013. Meanwhile, another research shows that the literacy rate in China has increased by 23.6% in 2013 compared with 61.50% in 1993. The above data has shown that the number of educated people has gone through a dramatic rise, which indirectly indicates that education now is more available to the public.

Admittedly, some areas in the world may be cited as an exception. For instance, people in the war-stricken areas including Iraq and Syria do not have easier access to education and some of them are even on the verge of starvation. In these areas, the current educational situation is not better than that in the past. However, such cases only occupy such a tiny percentage of the global population that they can be neglected.

In conclusion, I believe that it is much easier for the public to receive education than in the past with the aid of technology and the awakening sense of education.(By Zhaobo, 534 words)(新东方 赵波)


Access to education is an indispensable part of one’s privilege regardless of one’s gender, culture, and family background. When it comes to the availability of educational resources, some believe that it is more difficult for kids from common household to get decent education due to the wide gap between rich and poor and the ever-increasing tuitions, while others claim that it is much easier for people to have access to different educational resources than ever before. I, personally, tend to argue that multiple educational resources are more accessible to modern people based on the following reasons.

First off, the advent of technological gadgets makes it possible for people from common family backgrounds to gain access to education. To be more specific, with the appearance of smart phones, tablets and computer laptops, it is easier for people of all age groups, including adolescents and teenagers, to get access to all kinds of education resources. For example, with internet access and a laptop, which is basically a necessity for everyone, people of all age groups can get proper education especially with the establishment of massive on-line open course like courser, Edx, etc. These massive on-line courses covers a wide range of topics ranging from computer science, coding, to language learning and soft skill development. In sharp contrast, a few decades ago, people from poverty-stricken areas had never dreamed of attending the lectures offered by world-renowned professors, however, with the above-mentioned resources, it is absolutely possible for those people to realize their dreams. Thus, state-of-the-art technology makes if possible for people to have full access to high quality educational resources.

Additionally, governments have put so much financial and human resources to provide education at different levels so that people enjoy a better chance to be educated. For instance, Chinese government spared no effort in this regard since education from kindergarten to twelfth grade is fully subsidized and such educational experience is accessible to children from both rural and urban areas. Besides, institutions of higher learning and various research centers receive state fund, and the figure is so phenomenal that it is not exaggerated to claim that it is in billions of U.S. dollars. Such foundations can be for multiple purpose, like purchasing advanced science equipment, attracting bring young researchers and scientists, funding cutting-edge research to improve people’s livelihood, directly and indirectly. All of these institutions and universities are in a better position to provide education resources to people.

In conclusion, it is much easier for people to get education of all level ranging from kindergarten to tertiary education since education comes in handy with advanced technological tools like these massive on-line courses and governments’ effort to improve people’s educational experience. (By Meng, Yan ;565 words)(新东方 孟炎)















Advanced (24-30) CEFR level C1

High-Intermediate (18-23) CEFR level B2

Low-Intermediate (4-17) CEFR level B1

Below (0-3)

Advanced等级阅读能力描述变为5个维度,比之前的4个维度多了一个维度,其中一条“Follow a paragraph-length argument involving speculation, qualification, counter-evidence, and subtle rhetorical shifts.能够把握段落长度的包含推测,限定,反面证据以及微妙修辞变化的论证。”是之前描述中所没有的。这似乎给了我们未来托福阅读题型变化的一点遐想。












Below Low-Intermediate(0-8)


1 能够完整理解在学术环境中进行的对话和讲座。

2 对话和讲座可能包括难懂的词汇、抽象或复杂的想法、复杂的句子结构、语调。

3 以及大量的、可能以复杂的方式组织的信息。【High- Intermediate】

1 基本了解在学术环境中进行的对话和讲座的主要想法和重要细节。

2 对话和讲座可能包括难懂的词汇、抽象或复杂的想法、复杂的句子结构、语调,以及必须跨语段序列跟踪的信息。

3 但是,如果不会记笔记,信息得不到强化(记不住),信息密集的讲座和对话低分。【Low- Intermediate】

1 大概了解在学术环境中进行的对话和讲座的主要想法和一些重要细节。

2 这些对话和讲座可以包括基本的学术语言、明显被强调过的摘要或复杂思想、复杂的句子结构、语调的某些用途以及大量重复或显著增强的信息。【Below Low- Intermediate】






【High- Intermediate】


【Low- Intermediate】








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