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为了帮助大家高效备考托福,熟悉托福写作 范文,下面我给大家带来托福写作话题解析及范文:关于20年后,希望对大家托福备考有所帮助。


首先,综合写作改套路了,听力不再去反驳阅读了,而是去回答阅读中的问题。而独立写作的题目里竟然出现了一行小字: Be sure to use your own words. Do not use memorized example. 哦买尴!这简直就是继 乒乓球 由小改大后专为沦陷亚洲人而设计的规则变更嘛!帝国主义亡我之心不死啊!

宝宝们别慌。今天,我们就来给各位献上高分 作文 剖析。


TPO 35

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

In twenty years there will be fewer cars in use than there are today.

Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

大神 文章 :

The Earth today faces many problems. Among these problems, the top three, in some people's perspective, are probably global warming, pollution and energy crisis. All three, if we really look into them, can be connected with the pervasive use of private cars. It is because of this, I agree with the statement that there will be fewer cars in twenty years comparing with today.

First of all, people will definitely use fewer cars. If we look at the global media, we are seeing an increasing consciousness on environmental problems. Be it the famous documentay by Al Gore, An Inconvenient Truth, or the "Earth One Hour" movement. They all indicate a global consensus: "We need to help the environment". So what's the easiest way to help? Using fewer cars. According to a survey conducted by the Ministry of Environmental Conservation in China, more than 40 percent of carbon dioxide produced by individuals are from private cars. If the trend of eco-friendly consciousness continues to grow in the next 20 years, people will, without a doubt, use fewer and fewer cars. So, in a nutshell, the first reason why people will drive less in twenty years is because they will be more environmentally-concerned.

Another key aspect is that, in twenty years, there will be fewer people in the world. If there are fewer people in the world, of course there will be fewer cars. If we are sensitive to global trends, we can see that a lot of countries in the world are facing a decrease in population. The biggest contributors to population growth, China and India, are also experiencing a decrease in the rate of population increase. In 20 years, I am confident that there will be, without a doubt, fewer people in the world. In this case, there will be a decrease in the needs of transportation. So, it is logical to assume that there will be fewer cars in the world twenty years from now.

A final argument I want to make is based on the ever developing technology. In the past twenty years, we have seen tremendous innovations taken place in the field of transportation. From high-speed trains to cars that run on electric, there is simply no telling what might happen twenty years from now. Considering how much we have achieved in the past twenty years, it is not so improbable for me to say that we might not even need cars in the near future. Who's to say that we won't be traveling on more efficient vehicles? Or maybe public transportation may become so convenient that we won't even consider using private transportation ever again? The fact is, we cannot deny these possibilities for they are very likely to happen. In this light, I am definitely supportive of the view that there will be fewer cars in the future.

From my arguments above, I think I am very optimistic about the future. I believe that, in twenty years, we will be living in a society with much fewer cars. And I am looking forward to that future.


这是传统的独立写作题型,由三句话组成:第一句 “Do you agree or disagree with the following statement”是考生要完成的task,第二句 “In twenty years there will be fewer cars in use than there are today”是写作话题topic,第三句 “Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer” 是题目给你的requirement。所有考生都知道一篇作文必须“扣题”,在托福作文里就是去扣这三句话。这样一说,你是不是立马理解了5分标准里的前两条了?

第一条“Effectively addresses the topic and task”,就是指扣题目里的前两句话。第二条“Is well organized and well developed, using clearly appropriate explanations, exemplifications and/or details” 就是扣题目里的第三句话。读到这里,请各位宝宝们 反思 一句:扣题,你真的做到了吗?


再看看姚神的,啊呀,与我的分段方式不谋而合呢!开头段立论,3个正文段发展,结尾段收束——完美!有没有发现很好地符合了5分标准第二条里面的“is well organized”?童鞋们现在还敢不敢乱分段了?哼(傲娇脸)。哈哈,接下来再细看每一段吧~



The Earth today faces many problems. Among these problems, the top three, in some people's perspective, are probably global warming, pollution and energy crisis. All three, if we really look into them, can be connected with the pervasive use of private cars. It is because of this, I agree with the statement that there will be fewer cars in twenty years comparing with today.



First of all, people will definitely use fewer cars. If we look at the global media, we are seeing an increasing consciousness on environmental problems. Be it the famous documentay by Al Gore, An Inconvenient Truth, or the "Earth One Hour" movement. They all indicate a global consensus: "We need to help the environment". So what's the easiest way to help? Using fewer cars. According to a survey conducted by the Ministry of Environmental Conservation in China, more than 40 percent of carbon dioxide produced by individuals are from private cars. If the trend of eco-friendly consciousness continues to grow in the next 20 years, people will, without a doubt, use fewer and fewer cars. So, in a nutshell, the first reason why people will drive less in twenty years is because they will be more environmentally-concerned.

正文段的作用是啥?论证你的观点。换句话说,论证你的第一段立论。你第一段立的啥论,后面就要一门心思去证明它。如果正文段与第一段没有完美印证,而是走歪了,那就违反了5分标准里第三条的第一个词 “unity”(统一、一致)。此外,用啥论证?题目要求里不说了么,reasons and examples. 看看姚神这段,以段落中部的according to a survey为分界点,前面是reason,后面是example,是不是正中5分标准的下怀呢?曾经有同学问我:“老师,一定要写example吗?我觉得老写my cousin Tom好low啊……”答案请见姚神作文,example不一定非要写cousin Tom或者隔壁老王嘛,你也可以写一个survey啊。当然,前提是,你真真切切地了解一个真实的survey,你可别到考场上自己胡编乱造啊。胡编乱造的最大特别就是细节缺失,而考场临时凑出来的survey绝对会细节缺失,一看就是假的,想给你分都难啊!

最后,嘿嘿,不得不请大家注意一下,有木有发现姚神第3句的documentary打错了,少了个字母 “r”?哈哈,其实呢,这种不影响读者理解的小笔误,就是5分标准里第四条的minor lexical errors(微小的单词错误),是不会影响你拿满分哒!


Another key aspect is that, in twenty years, there will be fewer people in the world. If there are fewer people in the world, of course there will be fewer cars. If we are sensitive to global trends, we can see that a lot of countries in the world are facing a decrease in population. The biggest contributors to population growth, China and India, are also experiencing a decrease in the rate of population increase. In 20 years, I am confident that there will be, without a doubt, fewer people in the world. In this case, there will be a decrease in the needs of transportation. So, it is logical to assume that there will be fewer cars in the world twenty years from now.

再看姚神的第二个正文段。大家细看一下我挑出来的这些词:another key aspect, if, in 20 years, in this case, so. 有没有发现有啥共同点?没错,它们都有连接作用,凸显前后文逻辑。很多同学在表达观点时,不擅长使用连接词,导致观点之间逻辑不紧密,让人感觉不到在一步步论证自己的观点。这就与5分标准第三条里的两个词 “progression(进展)”和 “coherence(连贯)”相悖。当然,如果你写了一堆连接词,但其实句意根本不是那层逻辑,那也是完全没用的。比如:“我喜欢吃苹果,所以我妈种了很多桔子。”这个 句子 里确实有连接词“所以”,然而这逻辑——这位同学是在逗我吗?你好歹也要加个背景“我是捡来的”吧!


A final argument I want to make is based on the ever developing technology. In the past twenty years, we have seen tremendous innovations taken place in the field of transportation. From high-speed trains to cars that run on electric, there is simply no telling what might happen twenty years from now. Considering how much we have achieved in the past twenty years, it is not so improbable for me to say that we might not even need cars in the near future. Who's to say that we won't be traveling on more efficient vehicles? Or maybe public transportation may become so convenient that we won't even consider using private transportation ever again? The fact is, we cannot deny these possibilities for they are very likely to happen. In this light, I am definitely supportive of the view that there will be fewer cars in the future.

第三个正文段——说到这会有同学打断我:“老师,我能不能只写两个正文段?”可以呀,大家看姚神这篇作文511个字,是大家在考场上能望其项背的么?能打400字就是考神附体了好么!所以,只写两个正文段,只要扣题了,发展清楚了,没有问题哒~~另外说下姚神这段的语言,用了两个rhetorical questions修辞性疑问句,在汉语里我们称之为“反问句”或“设问句”。这非常好地满足了5分标准里第四条的syntactic variety句法多样性。说到这里,有没有发现姚神这篇作文真的是360度全景符合5分标准呢!


From my arguments above, I think I am very optimistic about the future. I believe that, in twenty years, we will be living in a society with much fewer cars. And I am looking forward to that future.

再看最后一段,最后一段其实在托福写作中的作用不大,收束全文再次点题即可。姚神的这段结尾除了中规中矩地收束以外,还加了句对未来的展望 “I am looking forward to that future”。但是还是提醒大家别在展望上写太多哈,为师担心你把展望写成了一个新观点,但却没有展开它,那可就违背了well developed这一点啦。还是那句老话,高端写法别硬拽,乖乖把时间留下来去发展正文段吧~



Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? In twenty years, people will have more leisure time.





答案: In my point of view, people will definitely have more leisure time in the future, because technology has been developing at so fast a rate that it will be more efficient and, hence, time-saving for people to deal with most of their work.









In twenty years from now, students will not use printed books any more. 20年以后,学生们将不再使用纸媒书籍,是否认同? (2009年3月29 日)

【题目解析】20年以后,学生们不再使用纸媒书籍 = 电子书籍可以完全取得纸媒阅读,是否同意?





1. 无论电子阅读多么便利和有趣,很多学生改变不了用纸媒书籍学习的习惯。例如,我的同龄人,他们不习惯也不喜欢电子书,尤其是以电子书作为教科书,因为电子阅读极其不便,无法随时地做标记和笔记。

2. 对比其他的电子读物,传统的纸媒有其优势。具体而言,很多电子小说可随意发表,质量难保证,但是,纸媒书籍,比较而言,内容优质。例如,作为文学 爱好 者,我喜欢阅读文学作品,网络小说很少吸引我,因为其内容比较庸俗,文笔很差,极少带来阅读快感。相反,我自己喜欢阅读一本名为《作家》的杂志,我不读网络杂志,因为拿到一本新书的感觉很踏实,淡淡的墨香激发我立刻阅读的兴趣。



【尾段 总结 】电子阅读仅仅是传统阅读的一种有效的补充,而非替代品。



1. printed books n印刷书籍

2. e-reading n电子阅读

3. deeply rooted reading habit n 根深蒂固的阅读习惯

4. can never replace traditional way of reading v永远无法代替传统的阅读方式

5. A and B are not mutually exclusive …… 和 …… 不是互相排斥的


1. The past century has witnessed tremendous technological progress and these changes re-shaped some people’s reading choices. 一百年来,科技在进步,这种进步也改变了很多人的阅读选择。

解析:tremendous = great 巨大的

2. People still read, however,some people might have different preferences such as on-line reading or appreciating their favorite books via the cell phone 人们依然在阅读,但是,人们的喜好也许在变化,例如很多人喜欢网络阅读和手机阅读。

解析:via prep通过

3. Some people argue that if the popularity of e-reading keeps expanding at current rate, our reading will be dominated by on-line or cell phone reading two decades later 有人认为如果电子阅读以这样的速度上升,20年后,手机阅读和网络阅读最终将会占据主导地位。

4. It is true that the number of reading printed books is,to some extent,declining, but, this trend does not necessarily indicate conventional way of reading will give way to e-reading. 的确,那些阅读印刷书籍的人数在一定程度上减少,但是,这不一定意味着电子阅读会取代传统阅读。

5. The quality of many e-books cannot be ensured because almost every individual can publish articles on line,conversely,reading printed books with excellent contents can stir readers’ imagination, tap their creativity and deepen their insights into their lives. 因为几乎人人可以发表网络文章,所以,很多电子读物的质量难以保障,相反,阅读内容优质的纸媒书籍可以激发人的 想象力,开发人的创造性,加深人对于生活的洞察。

6. Indeed,I have to concede that many readers,especially teenagers, seem to be drawn to the popular e-reading.我承认,很多人,尤其是青少年读者,似乎被被流行的电子阅读所吸引。

7. Nonetheless,I want to rebut that on no account can we neglect the downsides triggered by e-reading. 但是,我想反驳的是任何情况下我们不能忽视电子阅读带来的弊端。

8. First,as for some of my peers,it is hard for them to change deeply rooted habit of reading printed books or newspapers. 对于我的很多同龄人而言,他们很难改变根深蒂固的阅读纸媒的习惯。

9. No matter how convenient or amusing e-reading is,I still have a preference for reading printed newspapers and magazines.无论电子阅读多么便利和有趣,我依然喜欢阅读印刷版的报纸杂志。

10. For example,as a literature fancier,I take keen interest in reading a magazine entitled Writer,I can either read printed book or and enjoy on-line magazine,however,I still have a sentimental attachment to the traditional way of reading 例如,我是文学发烧友,很喜欢阅读一本名为《作家》的杂志,我可以选择购买书籍,也可以选择网络阅读,但是,我始终对于传统的阅读方式更加依赖.

解析:have a sentimental attachment to 对于……有情感的依恋

11. The ink fragrance of the book never fails to make me feel at ease, when holding a newly published magazine, I usually have an impulse of browsing the book and make some personal notes immediately .一本新书散发着墨香,拿在手里,比较踏实,我可以随时笔记。

解析:make me feel at ease v使我感到心安

12. E-books enjoy their unique merits. To name just a few, e-books have large storage room, are easy to carry, have rich on-line resources and so on 电子阅读有其独有的利好, 例如,电子书存储量大,携带便利,资源丰富等等。

13. Seen from the perspective of health, chronic exposure to the screen might impair one’s eyesight 从健康的角度而言,长期接触电子辐射有害视力。

解析:chronic adj 长期的

解析:impair one’s eyesight v 有害视力

14. With the availability of an ocean of e-books,sometimes,it is hard for readers to select their favorite books. 电子书库信息量很大,有时候,读者反而无从选择他们的喜欢的书籍。

15. The ideal learning effect created by printed books can never be matched by e-reading. 使用纸媒书籍,效果更佳,电子阅读,难以实现。



1.Traveling is more important than reading books in order to understand the people and the world. Do you agree or disagree with the statement Use specific reasons to support your answer.

2.Some people like different friends. Others like similar friends. Compare the advantages of these two? kinds of friends. Which kind of friend do you prefer. Explain why?

3.After they complete their university studies, some students live in their hometowns, others live in? different towns or cities. Which do you think is better ... living in your hometown or living in different towns or cities. Give specific reasons for your answer.

4.Some people believe that newspaper are the best source of news. Others think that the news is presented? better on radio or television. Which of these sources of news do you prefer? Use specific examples to? support your choice.

5.Some people learn best when a classroom lesson is presented in an entertaining , enjoyable way. Other? people learn best when a lesson is presented in a serious, formal way. Which of these two ways of? learning do you prefer? Give reasons to support your answer.

6.Some people say that the best preparation for life is learning to be cooperative. Others take the opposite? view and say that learning to be competitive is the best preparation. Tell which one you agree with and explain why.

7.Some people pay money for the things they want or need. Other people trade products or goods for? what they need. Compare the advantages of these two ways of obtaining things. Which way do you? prefer? Explain why.

8.Some people believe that growing up in a large family, with several sisters and brothers, offers? more advantages than disadvantages. Other people think that being the only child is more? advantageous. Write a short essay in which you discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each position. Explain which position you support.

9.Some people think studying in a university is worthwhile only because you can get a degree. Do you? agree or disagree with the statement? Give specific reasons to support your answer.

10.Inventions such as eyeglasses and the sewing machine have had an important effect on our lives.? Choose another invention that you think is important. Give specific reasons for your choice.

11.Someone think that playing a game is fun only when you win. Do you agree or disagree with the? statement. Use specific reasons to support your answer.

12.A research center is going to be established in a university. There is an argument whether to establish an agricultural center or a business one. Which do your think is better. Use specific reasons to support your answer.

13.Neighbors are the people who live near us. In your opinion, what are the qualities of a good neighbor? Use specific details and examples in your answer?

14.Some people like to eat at home and prepare food for themselves, others like to eat outside in restaurants or foodstands. Which way of eating do you prefer.? give specific reasons and examples to illustrate your answer.

15.Some say that the world would be a better place now if the automobile had never been invented. Decide if you agree or disagree with this statement and give specific reasons for your decision.

16.Some people say that the best way to raise children is to encourage them to be independent thinkers. Others disagree and say that children need to be taught discipline in order to become successful. Using specific examples, discuss these two opinions. State which one you agree with and why?

17.Some people like to work or study at night, others like to work or study during the day. Which do you prefer-work or study at night or during the day? Give specific reasons and examples to illustrate your answer.

18.Some people like to study alone, others like to study with several people together. Which do you prefer-study alone or study with other people? Give specific reasons and examples to illustrate your answer.

19.Some people like to use computers to type letter, others like to write letters with a pen. Which do you prefer and why?

20.Some companies like to employ younger and enthusiastic people, other companies like to employ older and experienced people. If you were a boss, which kind of people do you like to employ. Give reasons and specific examples to illustrate your answer.

21.“It”s better to make wrong decision dm make no decision at all.“ Do you agree or disagree with the statement. Give reasons or specific examples to illustrate your answer.

22.Some people tend to work only for money, while others believe that people should enjoy what opinion do. Which opinion do you prefer? Explain why?

23.Some people tend to study a subject in a very intensive way over a short period of time, while others tend to study a subject constantly over a long period of time. What do you think is a better way of learning? Explain why.

24.Should the money invested into a university be used to improve the library or to improve the physical training facilities? What do you think? Why?

25.Should the money invested into a university library be used to buy books or to buy computer? What do you think? Why?



托福独立写作素材——话题:校园 教育

1. have a grasp of 领会,掌握

You will have an accurate grasp of your strengths and weaknesses after you take the test.


If you find it hard to keep up in class, hiring a tutor can help you out to gain a better grasp.


2. draw on 吸取,借鉴,利用

In every discipline, creativity also draws on skill, knowledge and control.


The benefit of learning history is that people can draw on experience from the past.

学历史的好处是人们可以吸取过去的 经验 教训。

3. open up job prospects 打开职业前景

Work preparation can offer students a competitive edge and open up job prospects.

职业规划 可以为学生们提供竞争优势并且打开职业前景。

In a less-than-ideal economy, job hunter may have a hard time opening up job prospects.


4. rise above + n. 克服

Successful man have the capacity to rise above challenges and obstacles in life.


Community service provides students with opportunities to push some boundaries and rise above obstacles.


5. lag behind 落后

If you find it hard to keep it up in class, sign up for a course or hire a tutor. Don't lag behind.


Underachievers who have short attention spans are quite likely to lag behind in school.


6. work toward a goal 向着某一目标去努力

Active employee involvement enables the team to work toward a common goal.


Sure, a practical plan allow individuals to work steadily toward their personal and career goals.


7. instill…in sb. 向某人灌输……

Many students all try to instill perseverance in the face of adversity in their students.


Through helping children with schoolwork, parents can instill children with values that allow them to successfully purse their ambition.


8. miss out on sth. 错失,失去

Many children have some exposure to TV, but if they become reliant on screen time to relax, chances are that they will miss out on other meaningful experiences.


Employees should be brought into the decision-making process, otherwise the company will miss out on new thoughts and novel ideas.


9. take initiative to do(= show proactivity in doing)积极主动做某事

As creative employees do not believe in simply doing what they are asked to do, they show more commitment and proactivity in exploring other opportunities.


College students should take initiative to experiment with new working experience and social practice.

大学生应主动尝试新的工作经历和 社会实践 。

10. come in handy 派的上用场,有用

Skills offered in job preparation programs will come in handy when student set out for job markets.


Many college students attend social activities to network with like-minded peers because they believe that such connections will come in handy later in life.


11. stem from 来源于

A great deal of the pressure and anxiety about school stems from the college admission race.


A person's commitment to learning something hard usually stems from interest and passion.


12. budget one's time 计划,安排时间

Kids should be taught to budget their time wisely with homework.


High schoolers who are over-scheduled should learn to budget their time more effectively.


13. over-scheduled 事件被安排的满满的

If you are seen over-scheduled, hyper and always on the go, your boss will fell that this is a good way to be.


This week-to-week grind leaves us feeling over-tired, over-scheduled and not able to enjoy life.


14. sleep deprivation 睡眠不足,缺觉

There has been a serious problem with sleep deprivation, because it makes you unable to concentrate even when you are awake.


Students who suffer from sleep deprivation will end up with falling grades and poor performance at school.


15. a means of self-expression 一种自我表达的形式

Music provides a medium through which students may learn to express themselves.


Art and music can be seen as a means of self-expression, offering a multitude of benefits to students.


a multitude of + countable noun

托福写作 范文 之校园 生活类


People attend college or university for many different reasons (for example, new experiences, career preparation, increased knowledge). Why do you think people attend college or university? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


eople attend colleges or universities for a lot of different reasons. I believe that the three most common reasons are to prepare for a career, to have new experiences, and to increase their knowledge of themselves and the world around them.

Career preparation is becoming more and more important to young people. For many, this is the primary reason to go to college, They know that the job market is competitive. At college, they can learn new skill for careers with a lot of opportunities. This means careers, such as information technology, that are expected to need a large workforce in the coming years.

Also, students go to colleges and universities to have new experiences. This often means having the opportunity to meet people different from those in their hometowns. For most students, going to college is the first time they’ve been away from home by themselves. In additions, this is the first time they’ve had to make decisions on their own. Making these decisions increases their knowledge of themselves.

Besides looking for self-knowledge, people also attend a university or college to expand their knowledge in subjects they find interesting. For many, this will be their last chance for a long time to learn about something that doesn’t relate to their career.

I would recommend that people not be so focused on a career. They should go to college to have new experiences and learn about themselves and the world they live in.



The university will spend money on the dormitory to improve the life quality of students. Which of the following do you think is the best way?

1) Providing a room for quiet study

2) Building an exercise room

3) Providing entertainment place (watch film)

范文1:For Choice 2

If a university wants to improve the quality of life for the students, it should install an exercise room in each dormitory. Exercise balances out a quiet lifestyle based on studying(运动万能句). An exercise room could contain equipment that is impossible to keep in a dorm room, give students as safe place to work out, and provide an opportunity to meet people with the same interests.

分论点1:运动对学生很重要Exercise is essential for students, but often they neglect working out and focus only on studies. An exercise room in the dormitory would be easily accessible, so would encourage students to take a short break to keep their bodies fit. An exercise room could contain equipment such as weight benches and stationary bicycles(器械名称积累) that are too big to keep in the individual dorm room or too expensive to buy or transport from home. An exercise room, therefore, would be a great investment for the university because it would provide the students with training facilities that they would not otherwise have access to without leaving the campus.

分论点2:保障学生安全A dormitory exercise room is also a wise idea because students would have a safe place to work out. The university could ensure that the equipment is clean and operating properly. On top of that, students would not have to leave the building to work out. Staying inside benefits the students in two ways. 原因1:避免路途中发生危险First, they do not have to worry about walking alone, possibly late at night when classes are over. That way they do not have to risk trouble with strangers or people following them. 原因2:避免温度变化引起生病Second, they are not exposed to a severe change in temperature. For example, working out in a warm place and stepping outside in the winter, a person can become sick. Such problems are prevented by staying in the same building.

分论点3:有助于社交Another reason to have an exercise room is to encourage students tointeract with each other(社交万能句). Students may find it fun to exercise together, urging each other on. Students who enjoy exercising can meet each other and become friends. If the students only exercise on their own, they may not realize that someone else has the same interests. Even if they live in the same dorm, they might not have the same classes, and therefore, not have any reason to speak to each other. A common bond of working out together could be formed if the university installed exercise rooms.

An exercise room allows students to work out on equipment they can’t bring from home in asafe environment with other students who enjoy the same activities. Therefore, adding an exercise room is a great investment for a university.

balance out


work out


on top of that


to risk trouble with _ X

冒着与 _ X 产生麻烦的风险

a severe change in temperature


urge each other on


范文2:For Choice 3

To improve the quality of life of its students, our university should create an entertainment room in each dormitory building. An entertainment room would give students a chance to watch movies or attend activities that they otherwise could not, would allow students to make friends with the same interests, and would ensure a safe environment to relax.

分论点1:帮助学生省钱The stereotype of the “starving college student” may seem trite, but many students are on a tight budget and do not have excess cash for fun, extravagant activities(省钱万能句). Such students would greatly benefit from an entertainment room because they could, for example, watch movies without paying premium prices to go to a theater. They could enjoy a game of Ping-Pong without needing a car to drive to a community center with a Ping-Pong table. In other words, if each dormitory had its own activity room, students could enjoy a wide range of activities that they otherwise could not afford to do.

分论点2:有助于社交Furthermore, an entertainment room would encourage students to leave their dorm rooms and interact with a larger range of students. Instead of closeting themselves in a single room with an internet connection to the outside world, they can laugh and talk with others about the activities(社交万能句). Students with different majors or from different grade levels may not have classes in common, but in the activity room, they can find others with the same interests and eventually become friends(社交万能句). Therefore, an entertainment room would provide opportunities to increase social networks(社交万能句).

分论点3:保障学生安全Finally, college students often try risky or outright dangerous stuntsbecause they are living away from home for the first time. For example, they may drink a lot of alcohol and drive a car. In contrast, a dormitory entertainment room could provide safe activities. The room can be monitored so that there are no abuses of drugs or inappropriate behavior, allowing students to relax and enjoy themselves. In addition, if students get together regularly, they can easily observe negative changes in behavior such as a decline into depression(社交的好处、保护学生安全的万能句). Therefore, an entertainment room would give the students a chance to avoid dangerous activities and notice problems before they become serious.

In conclusion, our university should consider adding entertainment rooms in each dormitory. Such rooms can allow students to participate in fun activities and meet others in a safe and supportive environment.

the stereotype of _ X

_ X 的刻板印象

a tight budget


have excess cash for fun, extravagant activities有多余的钱用于有趣的、奢侈的活动

closet themselves in a single room把他们自己关在房间里

outright dangerous stunts完全危险的特技

a decline into depression衰退为抑郁症

in a safe and supportive environment在一个安全的、支持性的环境中

托福写作话题之校园类相关 文章 :

1. 又难又常考的托福写作范文:环境保护话题

2. 托福写作模板:选择哪一类人合作更有效

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4. 托福写作模板:培养成年人最新技术

5. 托福写作模板:老师很难既受欢迎又有效教学

6. 如何才能让托福写作不跑题?写好提纲是重点

7. 托福写作模板:如何提升演讲能力

8. 托福独立写作常见经典收尾范例

9. 如何避开托福写作中的陷阱?

10. 新托福有什么不一样及其考试内容


第二点从学习上说,这时候就能乱扯啦~反正改卷老师不知道你是谁。你就说你是学画画的~然后牡丹能很好的帮你练习画画。举例:自己原来画画不像啊什么的,自从花很大功夫练习牡丹老师都夸你进步大。因为呢,牡丹花瓣多、种类多、形态各异不好画啊 什么的。说牡丹对你学习上帮助很大就好啦。
第三点从工作上说,说很多人从牡丹上获得启发。这时候又可以扯了。我叔是从事设计行业的。某次设计个什么东西,他把牡丹的形态或者寓意融入进去结果老板说他弄的very very good~说明工作上牡丹也很有帮助哟~
以上只是举个例子。独立作文一般都是5段的样子,中间三段是分论点,能用例子扩充是最好的。从 不同的方面 说明问题是很简单的一种思路。还有就是遇见agree or disagree的时候,用2+1(1、就是详细两点好处+略写一点好处;2、agree事物的两点好处+disagree事物的一点坏处)或2-1(agree事物的两点好处+一点委婉的坏处)来构建整篇作文。


先让步尽管很重要,但是不是最重要的因为还有更重要的,比如 学好SUBJECT的方法,有了好方法,学生就愿意学习了。还有,PROFESSOR是谁也很重要,NB的叫兽会stimulat interest。最后提及一下如果你MENTion SIGNIFICANCE outside,学生学者都去挣钱了,不踏实!








1.attending a one-week orientation orintroduction program when you are in the university campus, and it will beginbefore you have the classes;
2.meeting regularly in your first yearwith a student in your major field who has entered the university for severalyears.
in order to make freshmen adapt to college life, which one is more helpful?
1.take part in the orientation program for a week;
2.meet regularly with seniors in the same major
选择二:1. 学长学姐们对环境更熟悉,可以有针对性地给新生提出生活方面的指导和建议2.定期见面可以及时了解问题,解决问题
Key sentences:
1. Seniors are more familiar with the surroundings and thus more likely to provide useful advice for them.
2. The problems freshmen are faced with can be tackled effectively and timely through regular meeting.
Certainly, the orientation program can promote the establishment of close relationship among freshmen.
key words & phrase
be beneficial / conducive to, Exploit to the full one’s favorable conditions
and avoid unfavorable ones, Take the essence and discard the dregs.
现在的很多大学为了让学生尽早适应校园生活采取了 很多种方法如果你是即将入学的一名大学生你认为下列的哪种方式最为合适。
1. attending a one-week orientation or introduction program when you are in the university campus, and it will begin before you have the classes.
2. Meeting regularly at your first year with a student in your major field who has entered the university for several years.

托福独立写作 三种选择的题目写作大致的思路有哪些

托福独立写作的主体段(main body)部分无疑是全文的重心所在,其思路是否科学合理对写作成败至关重要。在教学实践中笔者发现,许多学员对于相关学术写作技巧并不熟悉。因此,本文尝试提出主体段结构的三种思路。
1. 一边倒型
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is better for children to grow up in a big city than in the countryside.
First and foremost, children grow up in a big city enjoy better learning condition.
Another contributing factor is that a big city offers favorable medical service.
What is also worth mentioning, a big city serves as an ideal platform for children to enlarge their social circles.
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2. 让步型
Admittedly, countryside also benefits the growth of children by offering a less polluted environment.
3. 正反结合型
In addition, countryside may hamper the long-term development of children since it offers relatively less job opportunity.


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The opinions or celebrities, such as entertainers and athletes, are more important to young people than they are to old people.
This depends on what angle you are looking at, and surely it wouldn't be an easy question to answer. Particularly for entertainers, who are one of the most important things in old people's life because most of the old people don't work anymore and they need entertainments. So, entertainers entertain them, without entertainers, old people's life would be really boring. But athletes are less important to them, only for those old male population who are still mad about sports. May be they are needed to keep this lot happy.
As for young people, both of the above are equally important to them, because young people have ambitions. Some want to be a star either film star or a singer or any sort of entertainer. And some want to be a famous athlete. So they all need influence. Watching their idols perform could inspire them, helping them to achieve better. Therefore, entertainers and athletes are important to both young and the old, only just a matter of degrees that's all.


开头先写主题句,就是段落中心,比如说问你学校旁边修电影院的利弊,你 开头第一段写完了,第二段第一句就是主题句,比如:电影院能丰富学生的精神生活。然后,道理论证,
比如:众所周知,电影院是文化生活的象征。BLABLABLA 。。然后
第三段,写反面,HOWEVER,SINCE EVERY COIN HAS TWO SIDES。。然后再+主题句+道理论证+举例子。。
现在托福很少考这种题啊,我考了两次都是:DO YOU THINK 。。
不过多写多改总有好处,注意句子与句子的联系,就是多用连接词,转折阿 HOWEVER,让步阿GRANTED ADMITTEDLY,顺承啊 THEREFORE HENCE。THE SAME GOES FOR 啊。。
不过我作文跟口语都不好23 的27,只有阅读跟听力不错哈,满分。不过都是看肥皂剧看出来的,天才理论传真是 大爱啊。。。扯远了

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