发布时间: 2025年03月07日 10:45
Now, the advocates of Pleistocene rewilding cite two main goals. One is to help prevent the extinction of some endangered megafauna by providing new refuges, new habitats for them. The other is to restore some of the evolutionary and ecological potential that has been lost in North America.
According to the professor, what are the two main goals of Pleistocene rewinding?
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A. To restore some evolutionary processes that ended during the Pleistocene epoch
B. To help prevent the extinction of certain species of megafauna
C. To increase populations of native animal species in the western United States
D. To create a living laboratory where animal interactions can be observed
大家应该都能看出来,这道题是比较容易的,最大的一个原因是因为原文里有非常明显且较多的提示词。Two main goals为总起提示,one和the other是并列提示。听到这些提示词后面的信息就可以轻松做对题目了。所以让题目变难的第一招就是减少或者弱化提示词。请看题:
Also, O'Keeffe studied under an artist named Arthur Wesley Dow. That's DOW, D-O-W, who advocated focusing on simple basic forms, like the lines of a flower and its petals and he wanted forms to be isolated from their original settings.
According to the professor, what principles did Arthur Wesley Dow emphasize in his art classes?
Click on 2 answers.
A. Focusing on simple forms
B. Using color to reveal the essence of an object
C. Separating a form from its natural surroundings
D. Exaggerating the size of a form
Generally rains are light and short. So the rain doesn‘t seep too far down into the soil. And there’s a limited window of time for any plant to get the water before it evaporates. But succulent plants have a spread-out and shallow root system that can quickly pull in water from the top inches of soil, though the soil has to be saturated since succulents aren‘t good at absorbing water from soil that’s only a little moist. Succulent plants also are well suited to retaining water, important in an environment where rainy days are rare. Succulent plants can store water in their leaves, in their stems, or in their roots. And to keep that moisture from evaporating in the hot, desert Sun, most succulent plants have a waxy outer layer that makes them almost waterproof when their stomates are closed. They also preserve water by minimizing their surface area. The more of the plant that‘s out in the Sun, the more potential there is to lose stored-up water. And that means that most succulent plants have few, if any, leaves.
What are two features of succulent plants that help them survive in deserts?
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A. Succulent plants store water in their leaves and stems.
B. Succulent plants become dormant until the next rainfall.
C. Succulent plants have short stems.
D. Succulent plants have few leaves.
红色部分是题目中考到的信息点。我们可以看到S plant特征的信息量是很大的,最后考察的只是其中一部分。这种文章大家听的时候负担会比较重,因为你没办法预测会考哪些点,不考哪些点,所以要尽量的记全信息。所以这就是影响难度的第三个因素冗余信息。
What are two features of succulent plants that help them survive in deserts?
Click on 2 answers
A.Succulent plants store water in their leaves and stems.
B.Succulent plants become dormant until the next rainfall.
C.Succulent plants have short stems.
D.Succulent plants have few leaves.
C选项和D选项看起来好像都是能帮助S plant保留水分的特征,很多同学会在这两个选项间来回徘徊(也不乏直接选CD的同学),但是我们刚才看过结构图以后可以清楚的发现,C是个错误选项。所以第四个难度因素就是大家熟悉的干扰选项。(干扰选项分很多种,这里就不展开了。)
1. 提示词
2. 信息密度
3. 冗余信息
4. 干扰选项