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发布时间: 2023-02-19 19:47:16




Some people prefer to spend most of their time alone. Others like to be with friends of the time. Do you prefer to spend your time alone or with friends? Use specific reasons to support your answer.



If I had to choose between spending time alone or spending time with my friends, I’d rather be alone. I need this time alone to “recharge my batteries,” to re-energize my mind and spirit. Being with friends can be fun and can help you get through the rough spots in life, but it’s the time alone, I think, that forms you as a person.

When I’m alone, I have time to think about my goals and to develop a strategy to reach them. Of course, I can think about these things when I’m with others, but it’s harder to concentrate in a crowd. Being alone gives me the quiet time to really think about my life and what I want to do with it.

Being by myself is also a good way to listen to the silence and relax completely. When I’m alone I can practice meditation and lower my stress level. That’s a very good way to sharpen my powers of concentration. Too much time with friends means filling my mind with a lot of chitchats. That’s enjoyable for a moment, but can dull my concentration.

Being with other people can also distort my view of things. It’s easy sometimes to become too worried about what other people think of me, or what other people have that I don’t. When I’m alone I have time to step back. I can see the real value of things, without being influenced by the opinions of my friends.

It’s natural to want to be with other people, but I find the time I spend alone is more valuable to me in the long run.






托福优秀作文范例:Never, never give up

托福写作范文:托福写作时间长,题量大,考察方面广泛,很多中国考生都因为没有更好的训练方法而发愁。其实,考生在托福写作的练习过程中,应该多找几篇托福写作范文,熟悉托福写作的出题模式,了解托福作文的构架方式和逻辑方向。下面,我们来欣赏一篇题目为“Never, never give up”的托福写作范文。
这篇托福独立写作范文主要内容是,“Never, never give up”所表达的含义是“永远,永远都不要放弃”意思是说一定要一直一直努力,不要放弃向你的目标冲刺。你同意这个观点吗?为什么,解释详细的原因,并用恰当的例子来支持你的论点。
The expression “Never, never give up” means to keep trying and never stop working for your goals. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
“If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.” These are wise words. One should never give up. There is always another opportunity, another goal, or another option.
once I ran for president of my class. Unfortunately, I lost. I lost because I did not promote myself enough. I looked at my mistakes and decided how to correct them. The following year, I ran for president again. This time I gave speeches, called voters on the phone, and banded out brochures. This time I won. Never give up. There is always another opportunity.
once I wanted to study medicine. Unfortunately, I didn’t like science. I failed all my science courses at school. Then I realized that what I liked about medicine was helping people. I changed my goal from healing people to helping people. Now, I’m studying psychology. There is always another goal.
once I wanted to talk with my friend. Unfortunately, his computer was down and I couldn’t e-mail him. His phone line was busy so I couldn’t call him. Mail would take too long so I couldn’t write him. Since I really wanted to talk with him. I got on the bus and went across town to visit him. There is always another option.
If you give up, you might as well die. My advice is to always look for another opportunity, another goal, or another option. There is always something else. Don’t give up.




Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: People who cannot accept criticism will not succeed working in teams. 重复2011.12.2NA


People who are successful at working in groups are hardworking, good at communicating, and good at sharing and accepting ideas. Listening to what others have to say, including their criticisms of your work, is an important part of being a successful team member.

Group work is an important part of studying and working. By working in teams, more ideas can be shared and combined to enable more creative and successful outcomes. In my business class for example, my teacher often puts us into groups. As a group we have to create business models and advertising plans. Exchanging ideas is an important part of this assignment. Everybody contributes an idea, and we decide on the best idea for each project. If there is a team member that does not take criticism well, then it makes it harder for my group to finish its project. One time a team member, Joe, was so offended we did not take his idea that he refused to help us finish the assignment. The teacher then failed Joe for not participating.

What is even worse, if you cannot take criticism well, then nobody will want to work with you. For one project, our teacher let us pick our own teams. Nobody wanted to work with Joe. Imagine if that was the real world? Many jobs require that you work and collaborate with other people. If nobody in your office wants to work with you, you are not likely to get assigned the most important projects by your boss.

In addition, if you cannot take criticism well, then you will not improve. I used to play soccer when I was younger. In soccer, it is important to play as a team. When I first started playing, my coach used to yell at me all the time, because I kept on stealing the ball from my teammates. I got upset at first because I thought the coach was just being mean. My dad then talked to me after the game, and showed me how to pass and receive the ball. If I had just quit after the coach yelled at me, I would have never improved my playing or helped my team win the school championship.

If you are able to listen to criticisms and negative comments, you are more likely to improve yourself. By improving yourself, you are more likely to find success. This is especially true if you are working with a team. Nobody wants to work with somebody who cannot exchange ideas or hear comments without getting upset. Without the support of team members, it is harder to succeed. (434 words)


为了帮助大家写好托福 作文 的结尾段,不断提高自己的托福分数,下面我给大家带来托福写作结尾模板,来参考学习一下!


在之前的 文章 中我们探讨过如何快速准确地开头,如何避免一些常见的错误,包括语法错误和标点错误,那一篇好的作文肯定也离开一个漂亮的结尾,那么这里我们再来探讨一下如何做好托福独立写作的收尾工作。不



2 以不同的措辞复述文章的主题

3 总结 本文的主要论点

4 还可以包含轶事,引语,统计数字或者建议


After pondering this question on many occasions, I have finally reached the conclusion that…

Given the factors I have just outlined, I believe that

All the reasons above have led to the conclusion that …

Finally, I want to reinforce my standpoint that….

In a word/in summary/to conclude, it is more valuable to…

In light/view of the above arguments, I would like to restate my point that

From what I mentioned above, we can draw a conclusion that

based on that, we can safely assume that

With all factors being considered, it’s reasonable to believe that

In a word/in summary/to conclude, it is more valuable that




简而言之,此 方法 就是再陈述一下对于文章的看法,然后分别列出支持你的观点理由,这些理由全完可以是主体段落的主题句的改写

题目:More and more people are spending money on their pets, even though there can be other good ways to spend money.

From what I mentioned above, we can draw a conclusion that even though the sharp expense on pets may seem puzzling, when all things are considered, it is worth spending money on their pets. Since the emotional gratification people receive from their pets immensely far outweighs what they can get by spending in other aspects.



题目:Good communication skill is the most important characters for a person who wants to become successful.

Admittedly, a silver tongue makes it easier to feed ourselves. (让步)However, we should also take into consideration the importance of our aspiration, practical capabilities, as well as commitment due to diverse requirements of different jobs.



题目:We should never be impolite in the modern society.

Being polite to others is a virtue, but sometimes being polite is only a twisted virtue. We should be gentle and polite to others in most cases, but if we still remain polite when treated intolerantly or even threatened rudely by bad people, it maybe brings about some bad consequences.



题目:. In order for a business to succeed, it must put more money in advertising.

In view of the above arguments, there are other aspects like investment, management, and services, that are of equal or more significance in a business’s success under different circumstances. That’s what enables me to come to the conclusion that putting more money in advertising isn’t always the ultimate solution to a business’s success. Given the fact that business thrives on high-quality products and services, it’s highly suggested a business maintain the quality of it’s products and services while focusing on the primary issues.



题目:In order for a business to succeed, it must put more money in advertising.

To sum up, I agree that it is necessary for businessman to invest money and energy in advertising. From the perspective of business, how can one possibly deny that the advertisement make the products recognizable and trustworthy to buyers?

托福写作 范文 :现在比以前更容易接受 教育


Nowadays it is easier to be an educated person than it was in the past.


It is easier to become a educated person today than it was in the past.




As is known to all, receiving education has always been the main way for us to acquire knowledge throughout the human civilization history. Recently there has been a hot debate whether education today is more accessible to the public than in the past. As far as I am concerned, there is no doubt that people nowadays have much easier access to education with the following reasons.

To begin with, the advent of various high-tech products has enriched the ways and approaches to receive education. Obviously, with the introduction of advanced means of education, educational resources take on multiple forms such as distant education and online study, which make knowledge more accessible to us. However, in the past, the only way to get educated was to attend classess in traditional schools, which definitely increases the difficulty of gaining education. For example, in the process of making preparations for TOEFL test, I want to take class in Beijing New Oriental School. But I am an undergraduate student of a university far away from Beijing. Meanwhile, due to the academic pressure from my college study, it is impossible for me to take a month off and to have an intensive course in Beijing. Thanks to the online courses, I can take these classes in my college while handling the tasks and assignment from my field of study. The online courses make possible the in-time response to my questions and online submission of assignments.

Secondly, since more and more importance is being attached to education, it is much easier and essential to get educated than in the past. Under the society full of intense competition, acquiring formal education has become the essenital precondition for anyone to make a living. As a result, the public awareness of receiving education is much stronger than before, leading to a common phenomenon that an increasing number of parents send their kids to study abroad. However, in the bygone days/in the old days, the requirement for a person was not as strict as it is today, with the result that less attention was paid to education. According to a survey conducted by the National Educational Department in China, the number of students who take the national college entrance examination has risen from 88.3% in 2008 to 92.5% in 2013. Meanwhile, another research shows that the literacy rate in China has increased by 23.6% in 2013 compared with 61.50% in 1993. The above data has shown that the number of educated people has gone through a dramatic rise, which indirectly indicates that education now is more available to the public.

Admittedly, some areas in the world may be cited as an exception. For instance, people in the war-stricken areas including Iraq and Syria do not have easier access to education and some of them are even on the verge of starvation. In these areas, the current educational situation is not better than that in the past. However, such cases only occupy such a tiny percentage of the global population that they can be neglected.

In conclusion, I believe that it is much easier for the public to receive education than in the past with the aid of technology and the awakening sense of education.(By Zhaobo, 534 words)(新东方 赵波)


Access to education is an indispensable part of one’s privilege regardless of one’s gender, culture, and family background. When it comes to the availability of educational resources, some believe that it is more difficult for kids from common household to get decent education due to the wide gap between rich and poor and the ever-increasing tuitions, while others claim that it is much easier for people to have access to different educational resources than ever before. I, personally, tend to argue that multiple educational resources are more accessible to modern people based on the following reasons.

First off, the advent of technological gadgets makes it possible for people from common family backgrounds to gain access to education. To be more specific, with the appearance of smart phones, tablets and computer laptops, it is easier for people of all age groups, including adolescents and teenagers, to get access to all kinds of education resources. For example, with internet access and a laptop, which is basically a necessity for everyone, people of all age groups can get proper education especially with the establishment of massive on-line open course like courser, Edx, etc. These massive on-line courses covers a wide range of topics ranging from computer science, coding, to language learning and soft skill development. In sharp contrast, a few decades ago, people from poverty-stricken areas had never dreamed of attending the lectures offered by world-renowned professors, however, with the above-mentioned resources, it is absolutely possible for those people to realize their dreams. Thus, state-of-the-art technology makes if possible for people to have full access to high quality educational resources.

Additionally, governments have put so much financial and human resources to provide education at different levels so that people enjoy a better chance to be educated. For instance, Chinese government spared no effort in this regard since education from kindergarten to twelfth grade is fully subsidized and such educational experience is accessible to children from both rural and urban areas. Besides, institutions of higher learning and various research centers receive state fund, and the figure is so phenomenal that it is not exaggerated to claim that it is in billions of U.S. dollars. Such foundations can be for multiple purpose, like purchasing advanced science equipment, attracting bring young researchers and scientists, funding cutting-edge research to improve people’s livelihood, directly and indirectly. All of these institutions and universities are in a better position to provide education resources to people.

In conclusion, it is much easier for people to get education of all level ranging from kindergarten to tertiary education since education comes in handy with advanced technological tools like these massive on-line courses and governments’ effort to improve people’s educational experience. (By Meng, Yan ;565 words)(新东方 孟炎)


托福独立写作题目:Out of the following three things, which would you say contributes the most to an enjoyable vacation? 1.good food 2.good friends 3.good locations
Having to make choices has always been a hard nut to crack among people. Many times when faced with a dilemma of making a choice, it is probable that people will make the wrong choices. Today, having a holiday is tantamount to having an enjoyable vacation. However, how can a vacation be blissful without good friends?
本段必背短语:a hard nut to crack:难对付的人或者事:The question of world hunger is a hard nut to crack. 世界范围的饥荒是一个很难解决的问题。He is a hard nut to crack. 他是块难啃的硬骨头。
It is important to have good friends during a vacation because with them, you can chat, cook and discuss so many things. At the end of the day, even if the food was not too good, or the scenery dull, the games you have with your friends make up for the rest. A vacation can never be enjoyable to a solitary soul. Even when the scenery is good or the food is mouth watering, having to keep mum all the times gets everything dull, and thus the vacation becoming boring. Friends keep you company and accord you security in a new place you might go to as a stitch in time saves nine. Not only that, they help you prepare for the vacation.
本段必背短语:keep mum: 保持沉默:He kept mum about what he'd seen. 他对他所看到的只字不说。keep company:陪伴:She stayed at home to keep her mother company.她留在家陪她母亲。
Suffice to note, with friends, the rest comes secondary because you can brainstorm on which places to go and what to eat. Food can always be bought on the way or anywhere. Even the dullest of scenes can become very interesting if the friends one has are jovial. Whatever is found at any location, so long as it is not familiar with the group can turn out to be enjoyable. Fun with a group of friends can even kill the hunger one might have got during such a vacation. This is because by nature, a busy soul seldom frets with hunger. Your friends will make the soul busy with fun and at the end of the day, food might not be needed at all but just snacks to get along.
本段必背单词:brainstorm:集思广益:brainstorm about a question with one's friends.和朋友们对某个问题进行自由讨论。jovial:愉快的:Uncle Duff was quite jovial at tea that evening.达夫叔叔那晚喝茶时心情十分愉快。
On the whole, different people prefer different ways of making their vacations enjoyable. Food and a good scenery can be a darling to some when it comes to going for a vacation. However, with just you by yourself, such a vacation would be boring and at the end of the day, one would end up seeking for friendship from strangers on his or her way. Thus, having good humorous and jovial friends for a vacation holds more water.
本段必背短语:hold water:行得通:The theory may hold water. 这理论可能行得通。

托福作文每日精选范文:Live and learn

托福考试栏目为您带来“托福作文每日精选范文:Live and learn”,希望本文能够帮助到各位备考中的朋友,我预祝大家考试顺利!

托福独立写作题目 Independent Writing:

It is as important for older people to study or learn new things as it is for younger people.


As people age, they tend to become more and more set in their ways. When we are young it is easy to revise our beliefs and adopt new perspectives, but over time, our thinking slowly becomes rigid. But just because this phenomenon is the norm doesn't mean that it's ideal. There are some advantages to more rigid thinking, but I think it's a good idea for old people to continue acquiring new knowledge.

For one thing, an increasing number of medical studies show that staying mentally active can help prevent dementia and Alzheimer's disease. When you keep your brain engaged, you can build reinforce the connections between brain cells or perhaps even create new ones. This is possibly why Alzheimer's occurs less in populations with higher levels of education. Thus, in order to live a longer and healthier life, it is recommended that elderly individuals continue to pursue cerebral activities like learning new things. Learning has tangible health rewards.

For another thing, continuing to acquire new knowledge will keep elderly individuals emotionally present and connected to the world. When people enter the later stages of their lives, they tend to stop adapting to societal development. Changes in society can seem to come swiftly and without warning, and upon feeling overwhelmed by the sudden alienness of the world around them, many will choose to retreat into their minds to live in simpler, more familiar times. These individuals stop trying to learn to use new technologies or grasp new ways of interacting, and so they become out of touch with those around them. A grandfather unwilling to use Skype to communicate with his grandchildren on the other side of the world, for example, will live a more emotionally impoverished life. So by continuing to acquire new knowledge, elderly individuals can better maintain their connections to others.

Granted, non-stop learning can be tiring and time consuming. There is a prevailing belief that old age is the time to relax and let go of such potentially stressful endeavors, and that the consequences of putting learning on hold are acceptable and even inevitable for old people. I can sympathize with this view—after a lifetime of exertion, people deserve to finally kick back—but in the end, I think that continued learning will lead to an overall increase in the quality of life for elderly individuals. Learning will require some exertion, but how enjoyable will life be if you're too senile or out-of-touch with loved ones to appreciate it? In the end, keeping your brain active will ensure that you can enjoy the time you have left to the fullest.

People generally accept that the older we get, the less new knowledge we acquire. People also generally accept that older people inevitably mentally degenerate and lose touch with society. If we do not relinquish the pursuit of knowledge in old age, however, then we do not have to resign ourselves to senility and alienation.

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