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学术论文辅导Research Question类型有哪些

发布时间: 2024-06-30 23:54:53

Research Question可以说是学术论文的灵魂,对整个研究也是起到了至关重要的作用,接下来培训啦就为大家介绍一下Research Question都有哪些类型?

Research Question类型

A research question is 'a question that a research project sets out to answer'.


1.Descriptive 描述型

What are the main charateristics of __?

2.Comparative 比较型

What are the differences and similarities between __ and __?

3.Correlational 相关型

What is the relationship between variable __ and __?

4.Exploratory 探究型

What are the main role of __ in __?

5.Explanatory 解释型

What are the fundamental causes of __?

6.evaluation 评估型

What are the merits and drawbacks of __?

7.Action 行动型

What are the most effective marketing strategies to improve ___ engagements?

以上就是关于Research Question类型介绍,如果还有其他关于学术论文辅导方面的疑问,可以随时与培训啦的老师进行在线沟通哦。

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