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根据2024年 QS 的排名,厄瓜多尔有哪些比较好的农业工程类学校?

发布时间: 2024-10-17 22:55:09

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在2024年 QS 农业工程专业排名中,厄瓜多尔排在前500名的院校有:

根据2024年 QS 的排名,厄瓜多尔有哪些比较好的农业工程类学校?


1. 埃斯库埃拉滨海高级理工学院,QS 专排为351

埃斯库埃拉滨海高级理工学院是一所公立大学,位于厄瓜多尔瓜亚斯省的瓜亚基尔。SPOL拥有五个大学院系或学校十五个研究中心和几个相关中心,提供二十六个本科学位和十个硕士学位和多个知识领域的研究。  1995年,ESPOL开始从历史悠久的校园迁移到正在城市郊区建造的新校区。古斯塔沃加林多校区扩建724公顷,是ESPOL最大和最主要的校园。它位于Via Perimetral(高速公路),方便学生上下班。该大学的中央管理部门学校行政和研究中心都位于这个校园内,其基础设施是发展计划(Plan de Desarrollo 1983-1992)以及新PARCON的创建的结果。


2. 基多圣弗朗西斯科大学,QS 专排为401

Universidad San Francisco de Quito USFQ (informally Universidad San Francisco, or simply USFQ) is a liberal-arts, non-profit, private university located in Quito, Ecuador. It was the first totally private self-financed university in Ecuador and the first liberal-arts institution in the Andean region.  Academically, USFQ ranks as one of the three-top universities (category A) in the ranking of Ecuadorian universities (being the only totally private university to qualify for the highest category), issued by the Ecuadorian Council of evaluation and Accreditation of High Education (Consejo Nacional de evaluación y Acreditación de la Educación Superior CONEA).In 2009, it was ranked first in Ecuador in relation to the number of peer-reviewed scientific publications.  The university now enrolls 5,500 students, 4,500 of whom are undergraduates. The university each year has about 100 indigenous students and 1000 international students participate in USFQ academic programs. USFQ has developed a scholarship program for indigenous students, offering full scholarships to the best students of public high schools throughout Ecuador.Although USFQ receives no funding from the government of Ecuador, its faculty comprises one-half of all the people in that nation who hold a doctorate.  USFQ main campus is located in Cumbayá, outside of Quito (capital city of Ecuador), where students use a library, education and research laboratories, classrooms, and seven restaurants. USFQ is the only university in the world that owns a campus in the Galapagos Islands, and a campus in the Yasuni Biosphere Reserve (Tiputini Biodiversity Station), one of Earth's most biodiverse areas.。


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