在2024年 QS 管理科学与工程专业排名中,印度尼西亚排在前600名的院校有:
院校名称 | 排名 | 所在城市 |
印度尼西亚大学 | 151 | 印尼 |
加查马达大学 | 201 | 印尼 |
艾尔朗卡大学 | 251 | 印尼 |
印度尼西亚建国大学 | 351 | 印度尼西亚 |
迪波内戈罗大学 | 451 | 印尼 |
宝拉维加亚大学 | 451 | 印尼 |
茂物农场研究所 | 501 | 印尼 |
万隆技术学院 | 501 | 万隆 |
帕达达兰大学 | 551 | 西爪哇 |
1. 印度尼西亚大学 专排为151
印度尼西亚大学 (印尼语: Universitas Indonesia,简称UI)是印度尼西亚最古老的第三级教育机构(当时的荷属东印度),主校园位于西爪哇省德波和雅加达中央雅加达。
2. 加查马达大学 专排为201
加查马达大学 (印尼语:Universitas Gadjah Mada;简称UGM)是位于印度尼西亚日惹的一所公立研究型大学,正式创立于1949年12月9日,但大学的第一堂课其实早于1946年便开始了。故该大学实为印尼最古老的高等教育机构,也是颇富盛名的大学之一。该校的名称是以印尼古代政治军事人物加查·马达命名。
3. 艾尔朗卡大学 专排为251
Airlangga University (UNAIR or UA; Indonesian: Universitas Airlangga) is the second-oldest university in Indonesia and also a public university located in Surabaya, East Java. Despite being officially established by Indonesian Government Regulation in 1954, Universitas Airlangga was first founded in 1948 as a distant branch of the University of Indonesia, with roots dating back to 1913. It started with a medical school and school of dentistry. Now Universitas Airlangga hosts 15 faculties with more than 35,000 students (during the 2015-2016 academic year) and 1,570 faculty members. Universitas Airlangga has university hospitals for the faculties of Medicine, Veterinary Medicine, Nursing, and Dentistry, as well as a tropical infection hospital for its Institute of Tropical Disease. The university is also equipped with biosafety level three facilities.
4. 印度尼西亚建国大学 专排为351
BINUS University是一所私立大学,坐落在印度尼西亚首都雅加达,所有校区都在雅加达大区内。目前,Bina Nusantara大学的教育课程包括:信息系统学院,信息工程学院,工程学院,商业与管理,经济与传播学院,设计学院,人文学院,信息工程硕士,信息系统管理硕士,管理业务硕士和管理研究博士学位。Bina Nusantara大学有3类课程:常规,国际和在线课程,提供3种学位:本科,硕士和博士学位,与来自各地的外国大学合作以达成普遍协议,在教师流动、联合学位或双学位、联合研究、短期或暑期课程、学生交流、出国学习和其他活动等方面展开合作。
5. 迪波内戈罗大学 专排为451
迪波内戈罗大学(印尼语:Universitas Diponegoro),是印尼中爪哇的一所大学,1956年作为私立高等教育机构成立,1961年取得国立大学的地位。该大学的名字取自一位18世纪反抗荷兰人统治的印尼王子迪波内戈罗。迪波内戈罗大学分布的校址分布在三宝垄等地的多个位置,占地面积为2009862平方米,包括7个校区和1个服务区。
6. 宝拉维加亚大学 专排为451
University of Brawijaya (UB) (Indonesian: Universitas Brawijaya), established in 1963 and located in Malang, is a state university in Indonesia. UB is a leading university in Indonesia with more than 30,000 students in degrees ranging from the diploma programs (one- and two-year), Bachelor’s degree program, Master’s degree program, Doctoral degree program, and Medical Specialist program in 16 faculties.
7. 茂物农场研究所 专排为501
8. 万隆技术学院 专排为501
Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) or Bandung Insitute of Technology or Institute of technology Bandung, was founded on March 2, 1959. The present ITB main campus is the site of earlier engineering schools in Indonesia. Although these institutions of higher learning had their own individual characteristics and missions, they left influence on developments leading to the establishment of ITB. In 1920, Technische Hogeschool (TH) was established in Bandung, which for a short time, in the middle forties, became Kogyo Daigaku. Not long after the birth of the Republic of Indonesia in 1945, the campus housed the Technical Faculty (including a Fine Arts Department) of Universitas Indonesia, with the head office in Jakarta. In the early fifties, a. Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, also part of Universitas Indonesia, was established on the campus. In 1959, the present lnstitut Teknologi Bandung was founded by the Indonesian government as an institution of higher learning of science, technology, and fine arts, with a mission of education, research, and service to the community. Government Decree No. 155/2000 pertaining to The Decision on ITB as Legal Enterprise (Badan Hukum) has opened a new path for ITB to become autonomous. The status of autonomy implies a freedom for the institution to manage its own bussiness in an effective and efficient way, and to be fully responsible for the planning and implementation of all program and activity, and the quality control for the attainment of its institutional objective. The institution has also freedom in deciding their measures and taking calculated risks in facing tight competition and intense pressures.
9. 帕达达兰大学 专排为551
帕达达兰大学(UNPAD)是位于印度尼西亚西爪哇省省会万隆的高等学府,成立于1957年9月11日,它有两个主要校区,一个是位于Jatinangor的主校区,另一个是位于万隆的Dipati Ukur校区,目前主要用于研究生课程。除了这两个地点外,还有几个校区遍布万隆,包括Sekeloa,Singaperbangsa,Dago 4,Simpang Dago ,Dago Atas,Dago Pojok,Banda,Cimadiri,Cisangkuy,Eikman,Pasirkaliki,Teuku Umar以及其他一些地点。 自2013年以来,UNPAD在国家大学入学选拔(SNMPTN)中获得了最多的申请者和最高及格分数。2014年,UNPAD正式成为州法律实体大学,并被BAN-PT认可为“A”。它还在2016年被研究,技术和高等教育部评为印度尼西亚十大大学。在2019年QS世界大学排名中,UNPAD在印度尼西亚排名第四,在世界排名第651-700之间。