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在 2024 QS 世界专排眼里,建筑学专业孟加拉国哪些学校比较好?

发布时间: 2024年12月26日 17:01

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在2024年 QS 建筑学专业排名中,孟加拉国排在前300名的院校有:

在 2024 QS 世界专排眼里,建筑学专业孟加拉国哪些学校比较好?



1. 孟加拉工业和技术大学 专排为201

Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (Bengali: বাংলাদেশ প্রকৌশল ও প্রযুক্তি বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়়, ), commonly known as BUET (pronounced: ; Bengali: বুয়েট), is a public university in Bangladesh, which focuses on the study of engineering and architecture. Founded in 1912, it is the oldest institution for the study of engineering, architecture and urban planning in Bangladesh.It enrolls about 10,000 students.Every year, around 1030 students get accepted to their undergraduate programs to study engineering, architecture, and urban planning. Of the 10,000 candidates selected to write the undergraduate admission test from an initial application pool of over 10,000 applicants, only about the top 10% are admitted. Around 1000 graduate students are accepted into their Masters and PhD programmes on an annual basis. The total number of teachers is around 600. With the construction of new academic buildings, an auditorium complex, and halls of residence, the university has continued to expand over the last three decades. BUET has been ranked 159th among the Asian universities in the 2016 edition of QS World University Rankings.


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