培训啦 考试题库


发布时间: 2022-06-06 14:12:01



一、 听句子,排序号:

What did you eat for your lunch?

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

二、 选出你所听到的单词:

( ) 1. A. life B library C learnt

( ) 2. A different B delicious C. drank

( ) 3. A. these B timetable C. tonight

( )4. A find B hard C card

( )5. A learnt B ate C gave

三、 选出听到的句子:

( ) 1. A. What did you have for breakfast?

B. What did you have for dinner?

C. What did you have for lunch?

( ) 2. A. She had fish and chips.

B. She had eggs and sausages.

C. Sam ate six hamburgers

( ) 3. A. Where are the book about computer,please?

B. Where can you find out about animals?

C. Where can you find out about food?

( ) 4. A. Mum bought some apples yesterday.

B. I gave one apple to my dog.

C. I ate three apples last night.

( ) 5. A Let’s go to the library.

B. Let’s go to the park.

C. Let’s go to school.

四、 听问句,选答句。

( ) 1.A.Yes,she does. B. Yes,he does. C. Yes,he did.

( ) 2.A. No,you can’t. B. Yes,here you are. C. Yes,she did.

( ) 3.A.No,he didn’t. B. Yes,he didn’t. C. We visited Beijing.

( ) 4.A.Yes,I did. B. She had sandwiches C. She went to school..

( ) 5.A.They’re on shelf C. B. Under the tree.. C. Last Sunday.



1.be good at (翻译) 2.make an e-card(翻译)

3. library card (翻译) 4. sandwich(复数)

5. (过去式)learn eat study dance

give drink


( )1. A. have B. gave C. drank

( )2. A. hamburger B. sandwich C. newspaper

( )3. A. find B. bring C. delicious

( )4. A. lunch B. eggs C. breakfast

( )5. A. email B. e-card C. chips

三、 单项选择:

( )1、Yesterday she _____a cake for lunch .

A. make B. made C. making

( ) 2、What did you ___ for dinner yesterday ?

A. having B. have C. had

( ) 3、I’ve got email from Lingling.

A. an B. a C. the

( ) 4、Sam ________a new book yesterday.

A. buy B. buys C. bought

( ) 5、I want to make an e-card Mum.

A. to B. for C. in

( ) 6、Did Lingling like it? ________________.

A. Yes,she did. B. She liked it. C. No,she doesn’t.

( ) 7、Please bring back the book two weeks’ time.

A. on B. of C. in

( )8、It’s easy a computer.

A. of B. with C .to

( )9、Let’s the library.

A. goes to B. go to C. go

( )10、Mum is going to _______ Chinese food.

A.cooks B. cooking C. cook


( )1、What did she have for breakfast? A. I’m going to drink milk tonight.

( )2、Does Lingling like English food? B. They’re on Shelf C.

( )3、What are you going to drink tonight? C. Yes. Here you are.

( )4、Where are the books about food? D. Yes,she does.

( )5、Can I have your library card,please? E. She had eggs and milk.


1. can,Where,about,find out,you,animals ?

2. and,She,eggs,had,sausages

3. are,books,where,the,about,please,computers

4. bring,in,please,back,weeks’,book,the,two,time



Dear Lingling,

Last Sunday,it was September 9 th. I had a good time. I had a picnic with my father,my mother,Aunt Li and Uncle Wang. We went to Xi Mount by car. There were lots of fruits on the trees. How beautiful they were! They were sweet and fresh. We helped the farmer pick the fruits. We came back at half past five.

Love from,


( ) 1.When did John have a picnic?

A.yesterday B.last Saturday C.last Sunday

( ) 2.Who wrote this letter?

A.Lingling B.John C.John’s father

( ) 3.How did they go to Xi Mount?

A.On foot B.By car C.By bus

( ) 4.When were they back?

A.At 4:30 B.At 6:30 C.At 5:30

( ) 5.Did they help the farmer?

A.Yes,they did. B.No,they didn’t. C.No,he didn’t.


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