how long,how often,how soon,how many用法有什么不同

作者:培训啦网      2024-06-30 23:26:01     30

how long,how often,how soon,how many用法有什么不同

一、How long:

提问物体的长度、时间的长短。A地 离 B地有多远。

It is + 距离 + from A地 to B地= A地 is + 距离 + from B地。


It’s 10 kilometers _______my home______ school.

= My home is 10 kilometers _______ school.

2.It’s 10 kilometers from the bus station to school.

= The bus station ______ 10 kilometers _________ school.

3.The hospital is 5 kilometers from school.

= It’s 5 kilometers _______ the hospital ________ school.

二、How often:

对表示频率的副词或短语提问,意为多久……次、是否经常”,用来提问在某一特定的时间进行某个动作的次数,答语通常是always,usually,often,sometimes,once/twice a day/month等。

Eg:—How often do you get to school very early?

你多久早到校一次?—Usually. 通常。

—How often do you see a film? 你多久看一次电影?

—once a month. 每月一次。

三、How soon:

对 in+一段时间 ”提问, 表示多久之后”,对(从即时起)到将来某个时刻间的时间长短提问,回答通常为 in+一段时间。2.How often 对某个时段内谓语动词发生的频率提问,答语为 次数+一段时间(once a day, three times a week等),也可用never、seldom等回答。

Eg:How soon will you arrive here?-I will arrive here in 3 hours.

换一个说法.如果答句中用的介词是for前面就要用how long;如果是in,前面要用how soon.

how far:问距离用How far,问花多长时间用 How long ,问怎样去某地用How。

1.He takes the train to school._________ ___________ he go to school?

2.It takes me 10 minutes ._______ _______ ________ it take you?

3.She walks to school?___________ ______________ she go to school?

4.It takes him an hour to get home by bike.

______ ________ __________ it _______ him to get ________ ______ bike?

5.It is 8 miles from his home to school.

___________ __________ ____________ it from his home _______ school?

四、How many:

提问可数名词数量。常将可数名词复数紧随其后。How many+复数名词,对there be句型中主语的数量如:some, five, only one等提问时,如果主语是可数名词,不管主语是单数还是复数一般都用复数形式提问。因为问话人不知道具体的数量是多少,而且many只能接可数名词复数形式,所以be一定要用are.即用How many+可数名词复数+are there+地点/时间状语 的句型结构。

Eg:1、There is a book on the desk. (用how many改为特殊疑句)

How many books are there on the desk 翻译:有多少本书在桌子上?

2、There are seven days in a week. (对划线部分进行提问)

How many days are there in a week 翻译:一周有多少天?

How many apples do you have? 翻译:你有多少苹果?

五、How much:


Eg:How much is this dress? 这个连衣裙多少钱?


Eg:How much milk is there in the glass



Eg:How much does the pig weigh 翻译:这头猪多重?

-Eighty kilos.翻译:八十公斤。

3、how much 意为多少钱”时,可单独使用,也可构成词组how much money,但英语中常省略money,用来询问某物的价钱、价格。

(注意:how much询问价格时,回答若是中国的货币单位应采用汉语拼音yuan,fen来表示,几角常采用几十分来表示,字母用小写,且不用复数。

Eg:-How much is the eraser ?这块橡皮擦多少钱?

Ninety two fen.翻译:九角二分。)


Eg:Eg:How much is three and one?三加一等于多少?

It ’s four.翻译:等于四。

六、How old:


1、Could you tell me your age?你能告诉我你的年龄吗?

2、What is your age?你的年龄是多少?

3、what is your age group?你的年龄段是多少?

4、Would you mind if I knew your age?请问您介意告诉我,您多大了吗?

七、How 其他短句:

1、and how![用于表达强烈同 意]当然啦!那还用说!可不是!

‘Did you miss me?,And how。想我吗?”当然啦!”。

2、here's how!祝酒用语,祝您身体健康!

3、how about:用于提出建议或提供某物,如何,怎么样

Eg:how about a drink?.喝一杯怎么样?。

4、the how and why做某事的办法和原因,如何和为何

5、how come?为什么? (怎么会这样?)”

How come 的用法大部分就等于 why ,但是它的用法没有像 why 那么广, 它通常是用在你觉得奇怪, 而问为什么的时候。

6、how do you do?陌生人打招呼。


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