
作者:培训啦网      2024-06-30 23:34:26     66


雅思9月换题季如约而至!从昨天(9月1日)开始就已经有同学考到部分新题啦! 小编为大家收集到了第一波本季(2022年9-12月)雅思口语新题,并挑选了部分题目给大家提供参考答案!


Part 1雅思口语部分新题


1 What snacks did you eat when you were young?

2 Do you often eat snacks now?

3 Do you think eating snacks is healthy?


1 What do you usually do on your birthday?

2 What did you do on your birthday when you were young?

3 Do you it is important for you to celebrate your birthday?

Social media

1 Do you like social media?

2 Do you think your friends spend too much time on social media?

3 Do you want to work in a social media company?


1 Does your name have a special meaning?

2 How do people choose names for their children?

3 Does anyone in your family have the same name with you?

4 Are there any differences between how Chinese name their children now and in the past?

Part 2部分新题

Describe a popular place for doing sports(e.g.stadium)

You should say:

Where it is

When you went there

What you did there

And explain how you feel about this place

Describe an experience of online shopping.

You should say:

When it happened

What you bought

What problems you had while shopping online

And explain how you felt about it

Describe a person you know who is from a different culture.

You should say:

Who he/she is

Where he/she is from

How you knew him/her

And explain how you feel about this person

1 How can we get to know people from different cultures better?

2 What are the advantages and disadvantages of cultural diversity?

3 How can traditional culture and other cultures coexist?

Describe a time when you received money on your birthday.

You should say:

When it happened

Who gave you money

Why he/she gave you money

And explain how you felt about it

1 Why do people rarely use cash now?

2 Do you think it is useful to give money as gifts?