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阅读理解。Chinese team first lands on Antarctic icecap peak (南极冰盖最高点).  A 1

发布时间: 2024-07-20 19:27:20


阅读理解。                               Chinese team first lands on Antarctic icecap peak (南极冰盖最高点).
    A 12-man Chinese team landed on the Antarctic icecap peak on January 18. They are the first people to
reach the peak of Dome A (海穹A). It is 4,039 meters above sea level (海拔).
    The team built a station there to study the changes of the weather, get ice samples from 150 meters to 200
meters below, and do other studies. So far, the team has got nearly 100-meter long ice samples from a place
about 300 meters under the icecap peak.
    It is the first time that people have been able to get samples from the icecap peak in Antarctica and it is very
important for people to study the weather changes and environmental changes in this area (地区).
    The Chinese scientists have also built a weather study system (系统) at the peak. The system can send out
information about temperature, how strong the wind is, and many other things about the weather.
     The Antarctic icecap makes up (组成) 70% of the earth's freshwater (淡水). By studying Dome A,
scientists can get the lowest temperature of the earth and other information about the world's weather changes.
We can't get this information from other places on the earth because Dome A is the best place for this kind of
studies. So it is very important to land on the peak of Dome A. 1. How many Chinese first landed on the Antarctic icecap peak?

[     ]

A. 18.
B. 12.
D.200. 2. The team has got about 100-meter long ice samples _____.

[     ]

A. from 150 meters to 200 meters below
B. from a place about 300 meters below
C. from 200 meters to 250 meters below
D. from a place about 150 meters below 3. They built a weather study system to get _____.

[     ]

A. the earth's freshwater
B. ice samples from the peak
C. information about the weather
D. the news about other countries 4. What does the underlined word "sample" mean?

[     ]

A. 样本
B. 窟窿
C. 容量
D. 板块 5. From this passage, we can infer (推断): After the Chinese team landed on the Antarctic icecap peak, _____.

[     ]

A. we can go there for holidays.
B. the world's weather must be better and better.
C. the peak will be the best place for people to live in.
D. our country will do better in the world's weather research.

题型:未知 难度:其他题型


1-5: BBCAD





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