培训啦 学习方法


发布时间: 2024-06-30 16:07:14


先通读短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。Many people thought that 23-year-old table tennis player Zhang Yining had no chance at the 2004 Athens

Olympics. But she went on to win the singles (单打) gold,1them all.

Zhang didn't play very well in the early matches in the Athens Olympics. The young woman from Beijing was

lucky because the rivals (对手) in these doubles and singles matches were 2 a big problem.

Wang Nan was Zhang's partner. People said she was playing calmly and skillfully. Zhang,3 ,was suffering

from being nervous and not playing well.

She had been waiting for the Olympic Games all her life. But when she got to Athens she found she wanted to

4 so badly that she was stressed out.

Zhang didn't really improve in the next games. Her coach Li Sun was very5 . He said that if she went on

playing like this she was sure to lose at some point. It was just a matter of6 .

Li's words were a blow to Zhang. She started to think 7 she could play better. She realized that she was

thinking too hard about winning. So she said to herself,"Forget the8 . Just think about playing."

It doesn't get easier. Zhang found herself the only Chinese player in the finals. She was her country's last hope

for gold. Zhang knew it was really important for her to beat her9 .

Zhang won't forget August 22,2004. On that day she took the gold.

"I knew I would win when I touched my rival's sweaty hand 10 the game started," said Zhang. "I could tell

how stressed she was." ( ) 1. A. surprising

() 2. A. rather

( ) 3. A. no matter

( ) 4. A. get

( ) 5. A. interested

( ) 6. A. money

() 7. A. how

( ) 8. A. future

( ) 9. A. worry

( ) 10. A. before

B. teaching

B. not

B. as a result

B. cry

B. disappointed

B. points

B. why

B. match

B. sadness

B. after

C. showing

C. quite

C. at the same time

C. win

C. excited

C. place

C. what

C. result

C. pride

C. during

D. proving

D. much

D. on the other hand

D. beat

D. relaxed

D. when

D. which

D. honor

D. stress

D. since


1-5: ABDCB 6-10: DACDA





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