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完形填空。 Qu Yuan was a great poet in ancient

发布时间: 2024-06-30 16:11:13


完形填空。Qu Yuan was a great poet in ancient China. He lived in the state of Chu during the Warring States Period.

Early in his life,Qu Yuan won the confidence (信任) of the king of Chu and worked1him. When Chu

was in danger of being invaded (被侵略) by the state of Qin,the2among the seven states at that time,he

advised that Chu and the neighboring state of Qi should unite to fight against Qin.3,the king didn't listen

to him and even sent him into exile (流放).

In his exiled days,he still4his country and the people. He wrote5poems like Lisao to express his

love for them. When Qu Yuan6that the capital of Chu had been in hands of Qin,he became7sad that

he jumped into the Miluo River. People rushed over to save him,but it was too8 .

In memory of (为了纪念) this great poet,a festival9the Dragon Boat Festival is held on the day of his

death every year. It is on the fifth day of the10lunar (阴历的) month. On that day,a dragon boat race is

held and people eat Zongzi.

( )1. A. for

()2. A. weak

()3. A. Because

()4. A. lived with

()5. A. a pair of

( )6. A. felt

( )7. A. very

()8. A. quick

()9. A. call

()10. A. third


1-5 ACCBB 6-10 DCDCB





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