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发布时间: 2024-10-18 18:20



当你掌握了英语的答题技巧后,那么,你会在英语考试中如鱼得水。在每一份试题卷中,你是否有着自己独特的解题思路与技巧呢?让我们来做一下这套试题卷吧!现在请欣赏我带来的人教版高三英语选修6 Unit 3测试试卷!
人教版高三英语选修6 Unit 3测试试卷
Part one :单选

1.The Greens have __________ their garage into a guest house.

A. Transformed B. transmitted

C. Transported D. Translated

2. His casual clothes were not ________for such a formal occasion.

ready B. good C. special D. Appropriate

3. He has got _______money from his uncle.

A. a large amount of B. loads of

C. a load of D. All above

4. —It can’t be too worse.

—Just __________,things will turn out to be better so long as you don’t stop trying.

A. be all right B. take your time

C. ignore it D. take it easy

5. Can you spare me some paper? Mine .

A. has run out B. has used up

C. has run out of D. is run out

6. Everyone in our class likes Mary because she is good at telling and jokes.

A. turning up B. putting up

C. making up D. showing up

7. He accidentally he had quarreled with his wife and that he hadn’t been home for a couple of weeks.

A. let out B. took care

C. made sure D. made out

8. It is your own fault that you are so tired. You oughtn’t to have so late.

A. stayed up B. woke up

C. made up D. turned up

9. When help,one often says “Thank you.” or “It’s kind of you.”

Offering B. to offer C. to be offered D. Offered

10. If he ______ my advice,he wouldn't have lost his job.

A. followed B. should follow

C. had followed D. would follow

11. —Mr.Smith is no longer the man who he used to be.

—So he is.Success and wealth have ________ his character.

A.trained B.translated

C.transported D.transformed

12. Mr.Black’s formal style of speaking was appropriate ________the occasion.

A.in B.with

C.at D.to

13. The workers are loading the goods________a car,that is,they’re loading the car________goods.

A.with;with B.into;into

C.into;with D.with;into

14. —I feel nervous before the exam.

—________.It won’t be too difficult for you to pass.

A.Take it easily  B.Take things easy

C.Take your time D.Take things easily

15. —Could you turn the TV down a little bit?

—________.Is it disturbing you?

A.Take it easy B.I’m sorryC.Not a bit D.It depends

16. —I’m sorry to keep you waiting.I’ll make short of this.

—________.I’m not in a hurry.

A.Take it easy B.Take your time C.Not at all D.Do as you like

17. —I’m still working on my project.

—Oh,you’ll miss the deadline.Time is________.

A.running out  B.going out

C.giving out D.losing out

18. —Do you think we should accept that offer?

—Yes,we should,for we________such bad luck up till now,and time________out.

A.have had;is running B.had;is running

C.have;has been run D.have had;has been run

19. American Indians ________ about five percent of the US population.

A.fill up B.bring up

C.make up D.set up

20. It suddenly occurred to Anne that money couldn’t ______ all that Bob had suffered in the past five years.

A.make up for B.look up to

C.put up with D.fit in with

21. John received an invitation to dinner,and with his work________,he gladly accepted it.


C.having finished D.was finished

22. )With the college entrance examination________near,both the parents and the students are more and more anxious.

A.draws B.drawn

C.drawing D.is drawing

23. The living room is clean and tidy,with a dining table already ________for a meal to be cooked.

A.laid B.laying

C.to lay D.being laid

24. Jack had no confidence and courage at that time.That was the reason ________he gave up the plan.


C.what D.how

25. Is this the reason ________at the meeting for his carelessness in his work?

A.he explained B.what he explained

C.how he explained D.why he explained

Part two :完型填空

When I smoked with my family,I would feel so 26 and good that nothing else in the world seemed so 27 . I thought that smoking weed (烟草) was okay since many of my family members and people at my school smoked. 28 ever happened to them. 29 I started smoking weed a lot more during lunch and after school. I never thought 30 of it. At that time I just wanted to smoke. Then I began to 31 in school. I would 32 classes,come home late and spend all my money. I would spend 33 8 to 18 dollars a day. I never thought 34 that marijuana (大麻) had a bad effect on those things. Maybe my coming to class high (神智恍惚) was the reason why I was failing or coming home late. As I continued to smoke marijuana,I began to notice that I would always have the strong desire to smoke and that I would get 35 cigarettes if I smoked those,but I don’t. 36 I have learned more about marijuana,I have 37 the amount of marijuana that I use. I don’t want marijuana to be the most important in my life. I’m not smoking every day,and not spending as much money. Since I have 38 on my habit,I am 39 more money. I’m ready to go back to school and do good,so that I can make myself 40 . Everyone is always saying how weed 41 your mind and how it solves problems. I think it only brings more 42 . Marijuana is not good for your body or your brain. I’m not trying to tell you not to smoke,I’m just letting you know that marijuana can be 43 to your health,and 44 it may cause some long term negative (负面的) effects. Help yourself now,before it is too late. I don’t want to lecture anyone,just 45 my experience with you.

26. A. worried B. relaxed C. disappointed D. moved

27. A. important B. common C. interesting D. funny

28. A. something B. Everything C. Nothing D. Anything

29. A. By the way B. Now and then C. In my opinion D. For a time

30. A. too much B. a little C. too often D. any more

31. A. get ahead B. fall behind C. come across D. make up

32. A. give B. have C. attend D. cut

33. A. at least B. at most C. no more than D. as little as

34. A. once B. twice C. again D. further

35. A. used to B. paid for C. lost in D. ready for

36. A. as if B. Even if C. Now that D. As long as

37. A. reduced B. increased C. bought D. continued

38. A. broken down B. cut down C. turned off D. cut off

39. A. wasting B. spending C. making D. saving

40. A. less B. more C. better D. worse

41. A. excites B. fills C. repairs D. destroys

42. A. problems B. pleasure C. convenience D. excitements

43. A. helpful B. useful C. dangerous D. strange

44. A. in the beginning B. in the distance C. in the long run D. in the past

45. A. tell B. explain C. regret D. share

Part three :阅读理解

A 篇

There are hundreds of expressions of words using “hand” in the English language. Let us examine some of the expressions that use “hand”.

We will get a hand in this way. “To get a hand in” is to begin a job,to begin to know something about it. When we learn completely,we will be able to do it hands down. If we do the job well,we may end up with the upper hand. On the other hand,if the situation gets out of hand,it is out of control.

We must consider another way of expressing phrase---- to hand it to someone. For example,I must hand it to you for understanding what we have discussed this far. You can also lend a hand to someone but without really giving up your hand. You lend a hand when you help someone. If someone is kind enough to lend us a hand then we surely do not want to bite the hand that feeds us. We do not want to repay his kindness by treating him badly.

Now,we have a free hand to continue examining other “hand” expressions. It means you are free to act without getting permission from someone else.

Maybe you can find a friend who wants to take a hand in our project. It would have to be someone who was interested in these expressions. Your friend may want to work hand in glove with us. That is good because that means he wants to work as closely with us as a glove covers the hand. Of course,there is a danger that he may look at our project and decide to take it in hand. That means he wants to tale it over. If that happens,we may throw up our hands because the situation seams hopeless. In fact,we may decide that it is time for us to end this project to wash our hands of “ hand” expressions.

46.We are ready to do a certain job,we may say; Let’s ______________.

A. get out of hand B. get a hand in

C. lend a hand D. take a hand in

47.Which of the following has an unpleasant meaning?

A. Hands down B. bite the hand that feeds us

C. take a hand in D. hand in glove

48.Something is so easy to do. So you can do it____________.

A. hands down B. on the other hand

C. the upper hand D. hand in glove

49.What is the writer’s purpose in writing the passage?

A. To tell us the fact that there are many phrases with “hands”.

B. To prove the importance of the word “ hand ”.

C. To tell us some phrases with “ hand ”.

D. To make us laugh.


If there is one thing I’m quite sure about,it is that in a hundred years from now we still be reading newspapers. Not those newspapers are a necessity. Even now some people get most of the news from the television or have the radio switched on in the background or in the car. Many buy a paper only on Saturday or Sunday. But for most people a newspaper has become a habit passed down from generation to generation.

The basic British character won’t change,and one of the characteristics of the British is that we don’t much like talking to each other when we get up. So what better way is there to keep yourself thinking in the morning than to wrap yourself in a newspaper?

Over the past couple of centuries,human beings have developed a close relationship with the newspaper. It has become as natural as breathing or enjoying the sun. And it is not just the British who love newspapers. On suburban trains in Calcutta,for instance,just one person in the whole car will buy a newspaper and read aloud the best bits to his fellow passengers,much to everybody’s enjoyment.

The nature of what is news may change. What essentially (本质上) makes news is what affects our lives and the big political stories,the coverage of the wars,earthquakes and other disasters,will continue much the same. I think there will be more coverage of scientific research,though. It’s already happening in areas that may directly affect our lives,like genetic engineering. In the future I think there will be more coverage of scientific explanations of why we feel as we do,whether it’s love or depression. We develop a better understanding of how the brain operates and what our feelings really are.

It’s quite possible that in the next century newspaper will be transmitted electronically from the national equivalents of Fleet Street (伦敦的舰队街,以报馆集中而著称) and printed out in our own homes. In fact,I’m pretty sure that that is how it will happen in future. You’ll be probably selecting from a menu,making up your own bespoke newspaper by picking out the things you want to read and say. You might even have an intelligent screening device (装置) to do the job for you.

I think people have got it wrong when they talk about the competition between the different media. They actually have a relationship,feeding off each other. It was once predicted that television would kill off newspapers,which hasn’t happened. What is read on the printed page is more enduring (持久的) than pictures on a flickering screen or sound lost in the sky. And as for the Internet,it’s never really satisfying to read something just on a screen.

50. The author of the passage is most probably from _______________.

A. Russia B. India C. Britain D. America

51. According to the passage,the future of newspapers ____________.

A. will be mainly connected with scientific research

B. will report more important political activities

C. will directly cover more on scientific research

D. will build a bridge between different people

52. The underlined part “bespoke newspaper” of the passage probably refers to _____________.

A. a newspaper which dares to report the truth

B. a newspaper edited to one’s own interest

C. a newspaper edited and published for the public

D. a newspaper which only covers the life of family members

53. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. It was centuries ago that newspapers came into being .

B. Televisions have taken the place of newspapers .

C. The Internet will gradually take the place of newspapers.

D. The nature of news may remain the same over generations.
人教版高三英语选修6 Unit 3测试试卷答案
1-5 ADDDA 6-10.CAADC11-15.DDCBB16-20BAACA 21-25 ACAAA

看了人教版高三英语选修6Unit 3测试试卷及答案的人还看:

1. 高中英语完形填空试题及答案

2. 高中英语阅读专项试题

3. 2016年高考英语全国Ⅰ卷试题及答案

4. 高中英语完形阅读练习题及答案


第I卷 选择题 (共95分)







1.——I hear that John's license has been cancelled for drunken driving.


A.That’s something B.He deserves it.C.That’s all right.D.He likes it.

2.Jim’s close to his brother often makes people mistake one for the other.

A.approach B.confusion C.resemblance D.appeal

3.The housing price keeps rising,many people to give up the intention of buying houses.

A.forcing B.to force C.forced D.having forced

4.It is publicly known and accepted that people from cultures behave differently from each other.

A.diverse B.traditional C. similar D.local

5. While working on the farm,the students a good knowledge of plant life.

A.held up B.picked up C.turned away D.put down

6.Whenever we go for a walk along the street. We will take some money with us we come across something that we like.

A.so that B.in case C.as if D.even though

7.Home schooling is legally accepted in all fifty states of the US.and American colleges do a home school diploma.

A.realize B.admit C.recognize D.receive

8.Our goal is to make higher education available to everyone who is willing and capable his financial situation.

A.in view of B.owing to C.in terms of D.regardless of

9.The earthquake victims will stay in tents before things get better.

A.temporarily B.permanently C.occasionally D.frequently

10.Equipped with modern facilities,today's hospitals are quite different

from of the past.

A.that B.those C.one D.ones

11.If it had not been for the fact that l busy yesterday,I you.

A.had been;would have helped B.was;would have helped

C.was,helped D.were;would help

12.It was his strong communication skills which in the interview that finally won his position as the sales manager in this area.

A.had shown B.has shown C.has been shown D.had been shown

13.Wang Meng,who got three gold medals in the 2010 winter Olympic Games,is known as a skater.

A.generous B.considerate C.fantastic D.humorous

14.The time isn't far away you’11 have to take the college entrance examination.

A.when B.as C.until D.since

15.Susan’s way of life is different from her brother's in she has never prepared for her old age.

A.it B.that C which D.what



It was a rainy day and l was riding on a bus downtown to go to work.The windows on the bus were 16 and you couldn’t see outside.Everyone was in low spirits.I was sitting next to a man in a business suit and didn't pay much attention 17 we both got off at the same stop and walked to the same newsstand to get

a(an) 18 paper.

The man 19 the stand was obviously having a bad day.He was rude. 20 and unsmiling as we purchased our papers,which only added more gloom (郁闷)to my day.The buslnessman 21 my eyes and I saw him smiling brightly,22 the newsstand owner for the paper and for being open on such a morning to 23 we were able to get our papers.

As we 24 away.1 asked this man why he had continued to be 25 to the newsman when he obviously didn’t respond to his expression of 26 and friendliness.The businessman grinned at me and said,“Why would I let someone

else 27 what I say and what I feel or what kind of day I’m going to have?”

We then 28 to go to our respective work places.To this day,I don't know who that businessman was,29 he worked,or anything else about him.He appeared

30 in my life and disappeared just as quickly.But I've never forgotten the words he said or the way his 31 seemed like a ray of light on a gloomy day.

We cannot control people and 32 that come to us.but we can always control our response to them. And in such 33 decisions lie our control and personal

34 to make a positive difierence.And it's something 35 can do.

16.A.closed B.covered C.broken D.cleaned

17.A.since B.when C.unless D.until

18.A.morning B.evening C.exress D.fashion

19.A.holding B.arranging C.running D.watching

20.A.embarrassed B.abrupt C.crazy D.excited

21.A.caught B.noticed C.understood D.sensed

22 A.reminding B.praising C.thanking D.scolding

23.A.make out B.make up C.make clear D.make sure

24.A.turned B.ran C.drove D.looked

25.A.emotional B.helpful C.pleasant D.sensitive

26.A.sincerity B.excitement C.disappointed D.appreciation

27.A.spoil B.overlook C.influence D.manage

28 A.traveled B.decided C.agreed D.separated

29.A.where B.why C.when D.how

30.A.finally B.briefly C.regularly D.eventually

31.A.humor B.smile C.regularly D.eventually

32.A.situations B.difficulties C.possibilities D.positions

33.A.negative B.instant C.quick D.positive

34.A.hobby B.power C.energy D.secret

35.A.no one B.nobody C.someone D.everyone

高三英语Book5 Module 6检测试题及答案(2)



It was very cold and I had been watching a homeless man make himself comfortable in a “shelter”(住所) next to the river bank. He had been living there for over a month. During the period,I passed by and I never saw him with warm clothing or food. But that day,I knew what I wanted to do.

I was young,living at home,and when I told my parents what I wanted to do they were alarmed. I could be putting myself at risk,taking a box to a homeless person in the night! But I knew that I would be safe.

I went to the store,got an apple box and filled the box with some things he needed. Then I put a Christmas card on the top of the things. It said,“Even though we hardly know each other,I wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas!” I put ten one-dollar bills inside as well.

My father insisted he accompany (陪伴) me to the area as it was 10:00 pm on Christmas Eve. I said he could drive me but he had to stay in the car. He agreed.

I took the box,which by now was heavy with all those gifts and walked towards his “shelter”. I called out to him,“Sir,I have a Christmas box for you!”

He walked towards me and I was surprised by two of the most beautiful,gentle,and blue eyes.

“Why are you doing this,boy?” he asked.

“Because I want you to be happy,” I said. Tears came to his eyes and he thanked me. I watched him carry the box like it was filled with gold. It was the biggest act of kindness I had done and it forever made me want to do more!

36. What does the writer mean by saying “I knew what I wanted to do”?

A. Taking a risk to give an apple to the homeless person.

B. Giving some warm clothing and food to the person.

C. Sending a Christmas card to the homeless person.

D. Telling what had happened to his parents.

37. The underlined word “alarmed” in Paragraph 2 means “ ”.

A. pleased B. moved C. sad D. worried

38. The father asked to accompany the writer to .

A. help him with the heavy box B. learn what had happened

C. make sure the writer was safe D. say “Merry Christmas” to the person

39. According to the text,we know the homeless man .

A. enjoyed himself though he was poor

B. felt thankful to the writer

C. would help other people like him

D. thought there was gold in the box

40. Why did the writer write the story?

A. To share his experience of kindness with readers.

B. To advise more people to act like him.

C. To tell us a homeless man’s miserable life.

D. To get praises from others.


New Zealand is one of the most famous tourism destinations in the world. Travelers traveling to New Zealand need to consider the following things:


Since most of the activities are done in a group like arranging hotels and meals,it is important that people travel as a group. They can enjoy special offers and discounts from the travel agencies,which will save them a lot of money. But individual travelers can’t enjoy those things. Travelers should also select their dates of starting and book their travels ahead of time.


Travelers should also find out the season that New Zealand is now experiencing. This will help them carry the right clothing for the given season during their travels. Travelers traveling during summer should carry light clothes and their swimming suits if they are to enjoy the sunny beaches in New Zealand. But those traveling in winter should carry heavy clothing including hats and boots.

The rental (租赁)

Travel agencies have rental houses,bikes and motorcycles for tourists wishing to enjoy these services. For travelers wishing to get car rental,they must have driving licenses and must be allowed by the New Zealand government.

The culture

People traveling to the country are also encouraged to learn the culture of the people of New Zealand. This will enable them to be freely accepted into the country by the locals since they will be doing many things that they will consider acceptable. Learning the local language and the culture will help the tourist enjoy his New Zealand visit.

People wishing to travel during holiday seasons will spend more money,so it is important to look at the holiday packages (包价游) and make the best decision.

41. From the text we can learn that .

A. the culture of New Zealand is difficult to learn

B. learning the local language will do you good

C. you can book your travel at any time you like

D. you should travel as an individual traveler

42. What does the underlined word “discounts” in Paragraph 2 mean?

A. Good food and hotels. B. Reductions in the usual prices.

C. Very beautiful scenery. D. Very interesting activities.

43. If you find out the season you will take with you .

A. light clothes B. swimming suits

C. suitable clothing D. heavy clothing

44. Which of the following will take you a lot of time to get?

A. Bike rental. B. Motorcycle rental.

C. House rental. D. Car rental.

45. This text is written mainly to tell readers .

A. the people of New Zealand

B. holiday packages are good for tourists

C. something that tourists should notice

D. New Zealand is the best destination


about six years ago my husband and a co-worker drove to see the sister company to the business my husband was running in Edmonton and then decided to drive to see the co-worker’s family.

This co-worker is one of 17 children. These people live in an average house without TV. I admire anyone who has taken the time to raise their children in the old-fashioned way where the children entertain themselves and each other. This really touched my husband. Not only did these people still have the majority of their family at home but they had taken on two foster children (收养的孩子).

Over the two days my husband felt worried about these two little girls. When my husband returned home,he said,“Andrea,I have something I need to talk to you about.” He told me about these little girls and how he really wanted to adopt them.

At that time I had a 4-year-old,a 2-year-old and a 1-year-old child. I understood what he wanted to do but I had to take our children into consideration. His biggest concern was that these two little girls would be split up (分开).

Time moved on and the years passed. These two little girls came into our thoughts often. Did we do the right thing or not? This question was asked too frequently.

As the years passed this co-worker left the company and eventually,so did my husband. Just over a year ago my husband had a meeting with one of the sales managers for the sister company. My husband met with this gentleman over dinner one night. I am not sure how these little girls came into the conversation,but my husband must have been telling this gentleman about his trip. During that dinner I received a phone call from my husband. He wanted to introduce this gentleman to me over the phone. I talked for a few minutes. I was really puzzled.

This gentleman and his wife had adopted the two girls we were looking to adopt years before. They were not able to have children and had so much love to give. The girls are where they belong. We get information frequently and have been sent pictures of what the girls look like now. There is a higher being who looks after us,you know!

46. Why do you think the author admires anyone who brings up kids in the old-fashioned way?

A. Because she had three kids.

B. Because she is warm-hearted.

C. Because she wanted to help the family.

D. Because kids in a large family can play happily together.

47. We can learn from Paragraph 2 that the author’s husband felt .

A. sympathetic to the family B. confident about the family

C. uncomfortable with the family D. disappointed with the family

48. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. The author seemed a bit cruel. B. The big family lived a hard life.

C. The author’s husband always obeyed her.

D. The author’s husband was a wealthy man.

49. What can we learn from the passage?

A. The two girls joined in the conversation.

B. The gentleman had met the author before.

C. The co-worker worked for the sister company.

D. The author’s husband had planed to adopt the two girls.

50. After learning that the girls were where they belong,.

A. the author wanted to see the two girls

B. the author felt happy for the two girls

C. the author began to believe in God since

D. the author felt sorry for not adopting the two girls


DOHA (AFP) – The destruction of natural habitats in Europe is wiping out butterfly,beetle and dragonfly species across the region,the updated European “Red List” of endangered species showed Tuesday.

Scientists examining Europe’s 435 butterfly species found that the populations of one in three species are falling and nine percent are already threatened with extinction.

“Most butterflies at risk are in southern Europe,” said Annabelle Cuttelod,coordinator of the European Red List at the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

“Their main threat is habitat loss,most often caused by changes in agricultural practices,either through intensification (强化)or abandonment,or to climate change,forest fires and the expansion of tourism.”

Logging has led to a decline in the population of some beetle species that depend on decaying wood. Known as saproxylic(食腐) beetles,they play an important role in ecosystems (生态) by recycling nutrients.

Some 11 percent or 46 species of them are at risk of being lost from the region,while seven percent are threatened with extinction worldwide.

“The main long-term threats to saproxylic beetles are habitat loss due to logging and the decline in the number of mature trees,” said the IUCN.

For dragonflies,it is the overuse of freshwater resources that is causing these species to drop in numbers.

Five percent of dragonfly species are threatened with global extinction,while some 11 percent are considered to be threatened within Europe.

“Increasingly hot and dry summers combined with overuse of water for drinking and irrigation are causing the dragonflies’ wetland habitats to dry up,” said the IUCN.

51. What is the main cause of habitat loss of butterflies in Europe?

A. Changes in agricultural practices. B. Climate change.

C. Environmental pollution. D. The expansion of tourism.

52. The main threat facing the dragonflies is _______.

A. cutting down trees

B. the decreased number of mature trees

C. the lack of fresh water resources D. the hot and dry weather

53. Saproxylic beetles can _______.

A. improve ecosystems B. do harm to ecosystems

C. be the food of other insects D. get nutrients from soil

54. How many species of beetles feeding on decaying wood are threatened with extinction worldwide?

A. about 11. B. about 15. C. about 25. D. about 29.

55. We may learn from the passage that _______.

A. 11 percent of the dragonflies in Europe won’t be found outside Europe

B. dragonfly species are well protected in other parts of the world

C. wildlife is generally well protected in Europe

D. the disappearance of natural habitats is largely due to human activities


第一节 阅读表达 (共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)

[1] Looking to improve your language skills,but you don’t have the time to go overseas to attend school? More and more universities around the world are offering opportunities for students to get degrees online (distance education) from the comfort of their own homes,and many of these institutions are accredited,meaning that they have met certain standards of excellence.

[2] If you decide to take language courses online,be sure to compare the benefits of studying online with those of going abroad. The advantages of studying online are that the costs are usually lower,you can study at your own pace,and you have access to the materials 24-hours-a-day from almost any computer in the world. However,you won’t get the human interaction(相互作用) of meeting people face to face like you would if you were physically attending a school overseas.

[3] On the other hand,_______________________ may include day-to-day opportunities to learn a new culture,meet new friends with whom you can use and practice the language,and chances to see different parts of the world. However,there may be a number of disadvantages for some including expense,time away from one’s school,family,or work life,and the challenge of adapting to a new culture and way of life.

[4] Whatever you do,consider a distance education program that meets your educational needs and is within your budget(预算). And equally important,it provides you with opportunities to grow beyond the classroom through cultural and educational activities.

56. List three disadvantages of attending a school by going overseas. (no more than 20 words)

① _________________ ② _________________ ③ _________________

57. What does Paragraph 2 mainly talk about? (no more than 8 words)


58. Fill in the blank in Paragraph 3 with proper words. (no more than 6 words)


59. Which sentence in the text is the closest in meaning to the following one?

It is necessary to make a comparison between studying online and going abroad for those who want to learn language through the distance education program.


60. Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 4 into Chinese.


第二节 写作(满分30分)


优点 缺点

方便快捷 信息量少

环保省材 翻页频繁


1. 词数100左右;

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
高三英语Book5 Module 6检测试题参考答案



56. ① higher expense②time away from one’s home ③the challenge of adapting to a new culture and way of life.

57. The advantages and disadvantages of studying languages online.

58. the advantages of going overseas

59. If you decide to take language courses online,be sure to compare the benefits of studying online with those of going abroad.

60. 不管你做什么,都应该考虑参加一项满足你教育需求且在你的预算范围之内的远程教育课程。

One possible version:

The mobile phone newspaper,a source to help people keep up with the world,has become more and more popular.

The mobile phone newspaper offers fast access to the news. And it only takes up space on the cell phone which is easy to carry. Better still,it is environment-friendly. No trees are required to make paper for the pages of the newspaper. However,some people dislike it because it offers less information than the traditional newspaper. Sometimes it bothers readers too much by having to turn pages quite often.

Everything has both sides. And you can choose what you like.

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1. 高中英语完形填空试题及答案

2. 高二英语阅读理解练习题及参考答案

3. 高一英语阅读理解练习题及参考答案

4. 2016年高考英语全国Ⅰ卷试题及答案







高三英语Book1 Module 2检测试题及答案(2)

三、阅读理解 (共20小题; 每小题2分,满分40分)


A butcher(屠夫) was really surprised when he saw a dog coming inside his shop and noticed he had a note in his mouth. He took the note and it read “Can I have a leg of lamb,please? The dog has money in his mouth as


The butcher took the money and put the lamb in a bag,placing it in the dog’s mouth. The butcher was so impressed,and he decided to shut up the shop and follow the dog. The dog walked down the street then came to a bus stop,and started looking at the timetable,checked out the times,and then sat on one of the seats provided. Along came a bus. The dog looked at the number,noticed it was the right bus,and climbed on. The butcher,by now,open-mouthed,followed him onto the bus. After some time he stood on its back paws(爪) and pushed the button to stop the bus. Then he got off,his goods still in his mouth. The dog turned into a house. He walked up the path,and began to bark(犬叫).

A big guy opened the door,and started beating the dog. The butcher ran up,and stopped the guy. “What in heaven’s name are you doing? The dog is a genius(天才). He could be on TV!” The guy responded,“You call this clever? This is the second time this week that this stupid dog’s forgotten his


36. The dog went to the butcher’s shop in order to .

A. get some lamb to eat B. do the shopping for its owner

C. send a note to the butcher D. take the butcher to its home

37. Why did the butcher follow the dog?

A. He was afraid that it might get lost.

B. He had to send the dog to its home.

C. He was too curious(好奇的) about the dog.

D. He was eager to meet the dog’s owner.

38. How did the dog stop the bus?

A. He barked loudly at the driver.

B. He did just as the other passengers did.

C. The butcher asked the driver to stop.

D. The butcher pushed the button for him.

39. The guy beat the dog because it .

A. came back home too late B. stopped him watching TV

C. took a stranger back home D. didn’t open the door by itself


It is important to learn business English if you are going to be successful in another country where English is the primary language. It will also be a great idea to practice speaking and writing in business English. If a university offers a course on business English,it will be a good idea to take the class. Reading,writing and speaking English is necessary to start a business.

Business English is different from asking where to find the nearest hotel. There are classes you can take to help you but there are things that you can learn on your own. Vocabulary and grammar are a good place to start with. You

need to know what words mean. Later,try to pronounce the words and then look them up in the dictionary. Try using them in a sentence and ask someone who is good at English to help you. once you have an understanding of English,you can use it in business English.

In business you will have to learn such things as taking messages,answering the phones with proper words and communicating with your co-workers. You may have to learn how to make travel plans. Business English is very different than spoken English. Grammar is the same but you have to learn things like expressing yourself in a proper manner or maybe making a report in your office.

If you are working in the customer service sector (客户服务部门),you really have to learn business English. Dealing with the public is sometimes more important than asking your boss for a raise (加薪). Most businesses offer training classes and some companies offer classes on how to do the job with proper business English.

40. Why do people learn business English?

A. They want successful communication.

B. They want to ask the boss for a raise.

C. They want to have their own company.

D. They will have a chance to get a better job.

41. We can learn from the text that business English ______.

A. is much more difficult than daily English

B. pays more attention to the forms of expressions

C. is required by most international companies

D. can give you a hand when dealing with people

42. What’s the text mainly about?

A. The development of business English.

B. The tips on learning business English.

C. The introduction to business English.

D. The comparison between business English and daily English.

43. The following language skills are mentioned of business English EXCEPT ______.

A. listening B. reading C. speaking D. writing


London Park is a good choice for family walks,picnics and different concerts in London. It also offers a large grass area for sports.

Beautiful London Park for children is a good place for their outdoor activities with a safe playground.

offers many choices for children. They can visit the children’s zoo,the playground or the art museum while their parents can do some sports.

Battersea Park also has rich wildlife (野生动植物). The park has over 4,000 trees,some of which are record breakers. Should you decide to try something special? Bungee jump tower is just in the park. The tower is 300ft over the River Thames and if you don’t want to jump,you can still ride on the platform for some great views.

Greenwich Park is a home to red deer. In the centre of the park is the Royal Observatory,which contains gardens,open areas,a popular boating lake and a children’s playground. A restaurant is nearby.

The park is also a popular film-making and theatre performance place in London.

London Victoria Tower Gardens is near to the Victoria Tower and is situated along the north bank of the River Thames in London. It is a small public park and offers a quiet escape from the busy life. The London Victoria Tower Gardens also forms part of the Thames Embankment. Situated at the southern end of the Gardens is a special stone wall with two modern style goats with kids.

44. Which of the following is TRUE about the first three parks?

A. They all have rich wildlife.

B. They all have restaurants nearby.

C. They all provide a place for children.

D. They all provide a quiet place for relaxing.

45. What is special about Battersea Park?

A. You can enjoy boating there.

B. You can listen to different concerts.

C. You can visit the special stone wall.

D. You can have a bungee jump there.

46. In what way is London Park different from the other ones?

A. It offers theatre performances.

B. It provides a grass area for sports.

C. It provides an art museum visit.

D. It offers all kinds of outdoor activities.

47. If you want to meet film stars,you will probably choose ______.

A. London Park B. Battersea Park

C. Greenwich Park D. London Victoria Tower Gardens


Mr. Patrick was new to the school and to us. Even though he was a great teacher,he seemed rather like a character out of a horror movie. He didn’t look that bad,but somehow,he looked extremely scary (害怕的) to me.

Some kids began to believe that he was a murderer or a ghost; some believed he was mad and a few believed that he might have suffered a lot in his life. I was one of those ’few’.

One day I gathered up my courage and headed towards the school garden. He was,as usual,sitting on a bench alone. I breathed heavily a few times and then walked towards him.

“How are you?” I asked with my voice crackling.

He managed to say,“Fine.”

“Well,good to know,” I tried to be happy.

“Hmmm…” was all I heard.

“What’s up with you?” then seeing a puzzled look on his face,I tried to be more formal and respectful. “I mean,why aren’t you like all other people in the school? Why are you always so quiet and sad? Why…”

“No dear,some things are better left unsaid,” he said gloomily (忧郁地).

“Oh no sir,nothing is better left unsaid. If you want to share your feelings with me and reduce the pain of your heart,you are free to do so. I promise I will never ever tell anyone.”

“With you? You are just a little girl; what will you understand?”

I was somehow offended but still I managed to persuade him,“So what,Sir? You see,if you tell me your problem,you will have a light heart and you will have the feeling that someone somewhere cares about you.”

“Oh okay,that was a very nice belief indeed; let’s take a walk and I will let you know everything.”

Soon after our little talk,there was a visible change on his face. Later that day in the class,there was a smile on his face.

48. From the text,we can know about Mr. Patrick that he .

A. once acted a character in a horror movie

B. scared his students with his looks

C. often punished the students for bad marks

D. did better in teaching than others in the school

49. Mr. Patrick was thought by the author to .

A. be a murderer or a ghost B. be mad

C. have suffered a lot D. have a special personality

50. While walking towards Mr. Patrick in the school garden,the author felt .

A. excited B. nervous C. worried D. happy

51. We can learn from the conversation between Mr. Patrick and the author that .

A. the author should have behaved more respectfully

B. Mr. Patrick willingly shared his story with the author

C. the author promised to help Mr. Patrick solve his problem

D. Mr. Patrick thought the author was too young to understand him


Train services are usually reliable (可靠的) and run regularly every day. If you want to visit the scenic English countryside,it is by far the best way to travel,though it can be very expensive. However,rail companies offer the best discounts (折扣) if you book in advance (提前) — by at least a week. For example,a journey that may cost £70 on the day can be bought for around £20 a week in advance.

For inner city travelling,the bus is often the most cost-effective means though single journeys can be expensive. If you will travel on a number of buses on any given day,it is wise to buy a day saver for £3.50 ($6) which is often the cost of two or three single journeys depending on the distance you are travelling. Tickets are bought on the bus and most places throughout Britain offer the day saver.

Most places in Britain do not have a tram service but they have a similar pricing plan as the buses. The advantage that trams have over the buses is that they are more comfortable and do not have so many traffic jams.

Every big city in England has a taxi station where you will see black cabs queuing alongside the road. Black cabs can be flagged down in the street if the orange light is lit. Although they are more freely available,they are a little more expensive than private (私人的) firms because of the charging between £2 and £2.80 before you even get in. Private firms are often reliable and usually have easy-to-remember numbers which can be found on a calling card in a phone box,pub,restaurant or the phone book. Or ask the locals —everyone knows a reliable taxi firm.

52. The best title for the text would be “ ”.

A. Traffic jams in Britain B. Train services in Britain

C. Travelling in Britain on public transport

D. How to make your trip to Britain easy

53. If you want to travel around London,the best means for you is to take a .

A. train B. bus C. tram D.taxi

54. Compared to the bus,the advantage of travelling by tram is .

A. travelling faster B. having less traffic jams

C. saving a lot of money D. having a lower price

55. Which of the following is NOT true according to the text?

A. The best way to save money travelling by train is to book in advance.

B. Not all places throughout Britain offer the day saver.

C. only some places in Britain have a tram service.

D. If you go to the English countryside,you’d better take a taxi.

四. 单词拼写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


1.She said she wanted to leave,and her father _____________ (尊重)her wishes.

2.The group produces a monthly____________(总结)of their research.

3.I’d ____________(感激)it if you let me get on with my job.

4.The starter____________(挥动)a green flag to indicate that the race would begin.

5.You may not like her,but you have to ____________(承认)that she’s good at her job.

6.Road safety is taught to young children to ____________(避开)road accidents.

7.When it comes to job interviews,first____________(印象)are important.

8.Paul always gets____________ (紧张)whenever he has to give a presentation.

9.He’s a good doctor .He always has ____________with his ____________.He treats them____________. (patient)

10.To our ____________,he told us an ____________story and all of us were____________ at it. (amuse)




1. 工作努力,常利用业余时间帮助我们;2. 讲课很有趣;3. 和学生相处融洽。

Dear Tom,

I’m very glad to have received your letter.

______________________________________________________________________________________ Could you tell me something about your most impressive teacher? I am looking forward to your reply.

Best wishes!


Li Hua



once a group of 17-year-old schoolboys decided to break the world basketball marathon record (马拉松纪录). They wanted to play for ninety hours and that would add six hours to the record. Each team had nine players. The boys decided each person would play 21.5 hours and then rest for 2 hours. Then they started at 6 o'clock in the evening.

The first night was very hard for the players. When it was their turn to rest,they were too excited (兴奋的) to fall asleep at once.

After sleeping for a short time,they had to play again. On the second night,they fell asleep as soon as they stopped. Some of them had trouble with their feet and hands,but the other serious problem was a psychological (心理上的) one. Each boy was thinking: Why am I doing this? How can I play any longer? After the third night,the players knew they could finish the ninety hours. The basketball players on the fourth night were very slow. But in the final hours,the players got better. For the last few minutes,the players looked as fresh as if they started. How happy everyone was!

1. How old were the schoolboys?


2. What was the world record before the basketball marathon?


3. Why was the first night hard for the players to fall asleep?


4. What was the result?

高三英语Book1 Module 2检测试题答案



1.respected 2.summary 3.appreciate 4.waved 5.admit 6.avoid 7.impressions 8.nervous 9.patience;patients;patiently 10.amusement;amusing; amused

Dear Tom,

I’m very glad to have received your letter.

I’ve been thinking about the question you asked me. I am very lucky to have many good teachers,and among them,I like Lucy most.

I regard Lucy as a good teacher for three reasons. First,Lucy works hard,and she always encourages us to go ahead and keep trying. She spends a lot of her spare time in talking with us and helping us with problems in our school life.

Second,the lessons she gives us make English learning no longer a hard job but full of fun. I enjoy every minute of her lessons.

Third,Lucy is so kind that every one of us likes making friends with her. We often have a good time in her company. Could you tell me something about your most impressive teacher? I am looking forward to your reply.

Best wishes!


Li Hua



2. 84 hours.

3. Because they were too excited.

4. They were successful.

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4. 2016年高考英语全国Ⅰ卷试题及答案


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