发布时间: 2024年11月27日 06:29
常见的会议英语口语句型Since everyone s here,shall we get started?大伙儿到齐了,大家现在开始。I d like to call the meeting to order.我公布会议刚开始。Today,we are going to discuss ..今日我们要探讨Shall we move on to the next item on the agenda?大家然后开展议程安排的下一项。Let s turn to the second issue.大家然后探讨第二个难题。I m afraid you are getting side track.也许你有点儿跑题了。Shall we get back to the main point?大家大破冲霄楼吧。I m sorry to cut you off.抱歉切断一下。May I come in here?我能插句话吗?Have you got anything to say?你想说什么说起吗?Are you with me on this?大家搞清楚我这话的含意吗?What do you mean by saying that?你那么说啥意思?Could we have your comment?你要谈一谈好么?Could we have your report now?你要如今报告好么?Whose turn is it to take the floor?到谁讲话了?Mr chairman,may I have the floor?现任主席老先生,我能讲话吗?Could you elaborate on that?你可以详尽谈一谈那一点吗?I d like to make a point.想对你说一点。Are you for or against this proposal?你是赞同還是抵制此项建议?Has anyone got any objection to this regulation?有谁对此项要求持异议吗?Those against raise your hands.抵制的请举手。Is there any other business?也有其他事吗?Are we all agreed?大家都愿意吗?邀约他人报名参加会议的英语口语表述1.E-mail邀约的创作常见问题在主题风格行写清会议名字、地址和時间,比如:Subject:Sales Meeting Beijing 11 July 2007;在叫法后立即主旨举办会议的缘由,比如:We need to finalize the next product launch.明确提出会议举办時间的提议,比如:We should have a meeting before the Shanghai fair in July. How about June 21?给另一方一个挑选時间的机遇,比如:If the date mentioned isn t possible for you,please Suggest an alternative in that week.2.电話邀约的常见问题在通电话以前要准备工作,不但要交待清晰会议的時间、地址和目地,也要考虑到好礼貌性问好和一些客套,最好用英文写出手记。了解另一方是不是有心汇报工作,比如:Could we schedule a time to meet next week?提议会议時间,比如:How about sometime after lunch?确定汇报工作日期和时间,比如:See you on Monday at 7:00.普遍的会议英语口语一、公布会议刚开始1. Let s call the meeting to order.2. Let s get things under way.3. Let s get things started.4. Shall we begin?Order 在这里就是指 会议的程序流程与标准 call 有 公布 的寓意,call (a meeting) to order 是汇报工作时的惯用语,是 会议刚开始 的含意。此句型适用现任主席公布探讨要刚开始时,提示与会者清静,遵循主会场的纪律。这儿 call 亦能够 bring 替代。这一句型适用宣布的场所中。假如与会者中有企业之外的人,能够 那样说:Well,ladies and gentlemen,I think we should begin.还可以选用半宣布的叫法:Perhaps we d better get started / down to business.All right,I think it s about time we get started / going.Right then,I think we should begin.较英语口语的叫法有:Let s begin /get going,shall we?Shall we start?二、表明探讨关键点1. Let me bring your attention to (what I see as) the main issues.2. Let s focus on the main issues.3. Let me tell you what I believe to be the main issues.4. Allow me to set out the main issues for you.bring one s attention to... 的意思是 让别人留意(听、看)。此句中的bring 能用 call替代;main 为 关键的 issue是 争论点;重要;讨论。这话是表明自身要公布好多个关键事宜,请与会者留意所要表明及提醒的关键点;它是宣布的表述术语,语调中含有感。三、请专职人员讲话1. To address this issue,I d like to call on...2. To discuss this matter,I d like to call on...3. To shed some light on this,I d like to call on...4. To provide us with more detail,I d like to call on...Address 为 谈及;阐述 call on someone 这一短语的意思是 规定别人(做某件事),on以后的宾语为被规定的人。此句型是在宣布的场所中用于详细介绍下一位新闻发言人。因为句首应用 To address this issue 说起这个问题,显示信息着重强调这名演讲者的建议非常值得听取意见、重视或征求;有时候亦暗示着现任主席或高级人员也一样适用这人的建议。