发布时间: 2024年11月27日 06:33
Very good
The mother is very much afraid for her sonwho is seriously ill.───母亲很担心自己的儿子,他病得很重.
They have lost their only sonthrough scarlet fever.───他们失去了独生子,他是患猩红热死的.
My car's at the shop—the sonof a gun broke down again.───我的车在修理厂呢—这破玩意儿又坏了。
How could the old man turn his own sonout of the house?───那个老人怎么会把亲生儿子逐出家门 呢 ?
His sonjoined the army last year.───他儿子去年入伍.
I was so sorry to hear that your sonhad been traveling with those criminal types.───听说你的儿子一直与那些罪犯同流合污,为此我感到很难过.
He telegraphed money to his son.───他将钱电汇给他儿子.
I hear that the old man has broken with that treacherous sonof his.───听说老汉已跟他那个逆子断绝了关系.