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发布时间: 2025年03月11日 13:07
Mr. Wu
吴先生───Mr. Wu
It would be quite natural for Old Mr. Wu to become over - excited.───吴老太爷受了太强的刺激,那是一定的.
We talked loudly until Mr Wu told us to be quiet.───我们大声地交谈,知道吴老师叫我们安静.
In his small studio on West 37th Street, Mr. Wu, wore a cardigan and a necktie and looked like a truant from a boarding school.───在西第37号街他小小的工作室里,吴先生穿一件羊毛衫、带着一条领带,看上去好像从寄宿学校逃学的学生。
Mr. Wu nods and produced several coins, which he proceeds to shake.───吴先生点了点头,拿出几个硬币,继续摇了摇。
Mr. Wu can play the accordion very much.───吴先生很会拉手风琴.
But it nauseated him, Mr. Wu recalled in later interviews.───但是这让他作呕, 吴先生在后来的会见中回忆到.
I: Are you Mr. Wu? A : Yes, I am.───你是吴先生 吧 ? A: 是的, 我是.
Mr. Wu's been on the phone and he's in a - a terrible rage!───三先生在电话里动火,动火!
Wukong,Mr. Wu, how could you talk with Kwan-yin sister like a brute?
Mr. Wu: Thank you for your information.
Even then Mr Wen ate simply and wore an army greatcoat, which Mr Wu noticed years later on television he was still wearing.
Mr. Wu can play the accordion very much.
Mr wu told us the light and to walk out of the classroom.