发布时间: 2024年11月27日 01:37
It's no use crying
落泪───shed tears;徒劳───In vain
Chanting good poems, he shed tearson the front of his clothes.───好风长吟, 他泪洒衣襟.
Love's paying the price of is sad and shed tears.───爱情付出的代价是伤心、流泪.
Our girls were happy to shed tearsinsteading of smiling.───Our女孩高兴地流下了眼泪幸福的微笑.
We often shed tearswhich deceive ourselves after deceiving others.───我们常常流泪,这会在欺人之后又复自欺.
Frequency of crying varies widely: some shed tearsat any novel or movie, others only a handful of times in their lives.───哭泣的频率差别很大:有些人在看小说或电影时都会流泪,有些人一生中只会流几次泪。
It is not for nothing he has chosen to shed tears.───他之所以要流泪,是有原因是的.
Men do not shed tearsunless they are deeply grieved.───男儿有泪不轻弹,只因未到伤心处.
The clouds ramble in the sky everyday, shed tearsever and again.───云彩每天都在天空中游走, 有时落泪.
Rescuers also hugged themselves and shed tearsof joy.
She wouldn't shed tearsover that ... that brute.
Almost could not help but shed tearsseveral times, but do not know what to feel.
Likewise, when she shed tearsfor her son, she did it when she was alone.
I had persevered, and I shed tearsmore in relief than in pain.