发布时间: 2024年11月26日 18:34
America's national emblem, the baldeagle───美国的国徽—白头鹫
He has a theory that wearing hats makes man bald.───他有一种意见,认为戴帽子会使人秃顶.
Male caribou start to grow antlers every spring; a transformation from baldto bedecked.───雄驯鹿每年春天开始长角, 从秃顶到过分装饰的转换.
He's baldas an eagle.───他的脑袋光秃秃的.
The actor shaved his head off in order to portray a baldman.───为扮演一个秃头男人,演员把他自己的头发剃光了.
The baldeagle is a symbol of the United States.───秃鹰是美国的象征.
When he grew baldhe bought a toupee.───头发掉了后,他买了一顶假发.
The sun beat down on his baldpate.───灼热的阳光直射到他那光光的秃顶上。
He's one of these men who went baldvery young and has a terrible hang-up about it.
A band of gray hair encircled his balddome.
At twenty he was already going bald.
Why did you buy him a hairbrush? He's as baldas a coot!
Dad started going baldwhen he was in his thirties.