发布时间: 2024年11月26日 17:33
That candidate is an ass in a lion's skin, he would never have the courageto stand up for any cause.───那个候选人是一个说大话的懦夫, 他决不会有胆量为任何事业挺身而出.
painfully shy, he finally summoned up courageto ask her to a game.───他太过腼腆,不过最后终于鼓起勇气邀请她一起去看比赛。
General Lewis Mackenzie has impressed everyone with his authority and personal courage.───刘易斯·麦肯奇将军的威信和勇气给所有人留下了深刻的印象。
He has enough courageto overcome the difficulty.───他有足够的勇气来克服这个困难.
He wanted to say no, but lacked the courage.───他想不同意, 但又没有勇气这样说.
The Chinese nation is distinguished for its diligence and courage.───中华民族以勤劳勇敢著称.
He abounds in courage.───他很有胆量.
He exhibited great courage.───他表现出极大的勇气.
Men of courage, men of sense, and menof letters are frequent: but a true gentleman is what one seldom seen.
He was honored for his courage.
Let difficulties occur but not the loss of courage.
Happiness is form courage.
The American president praised Turkey for its courage.